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发表于 2012-3-4 21:27:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Line    Frazier and Mosteller assert that medical
research could be improved by a move toward
larger, simpler clinical trials of medical treatments.
Currently, researchers collect far more background
(5)information on patients than is strictly required for
their trials—substantially more than hospitals
collect—thereby escalating costs of data
collection, storage, and analysis. Although limiting
information collection could increase the risk that
(10)researchers will overlook facts relevant to a study,
Frazier and Mosteller contend that such risk, never
entirely eliminable from research, would still be
small in most studies. Only in research on entirely
new treatments are new and unexpected variables
(15)likely to arise.
       Frazier and Mosteller propose not only that
researchers limit data collection on individual
patients but also that researchers enroll more
patients in clinical trials, thereby obtaining a more
(20)representative sample of the total population with
the disease under study. Often researchers restrict
study participation to patients who have no
ailments besides those being studied. A treatment
judged successful under these ideal conditions can
(25)then be evaluated under normal conditions.
Broadening the range of trial participants, Frazier
and Mosteller suggest, would enable researchers to
evaluate a treatment's efficacy for diverse patients
under various conditions and to evaluate its
(30)effectiveness for different patient subgroups. For
example, the value of a treatment for a progressive
disease may vary according to a patient's stage of
disease. Patients' ages may also affect a
treatment's efficacy.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 21:27:25 | 只看该作者
Questions 103-107 refer to the passage on page 396.

103. The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) identifying two practices in medical research
that may affect the accuracy of clinical trials
(B) describing aspects of medical research that
tend to drive up costs
(C) evaluating an analysis of certain shortcomings
of current medical research practices
(D) describing proposed changes to the ways in
which clinical trials are conducted
(E) explaining how medical researchers have
traditionally conducted clinical trials and how
such trials are likely to change
Main idea
This question requires an understanding of what
the passage as a whole is doing. The passage
introduces Frazier and Mosteller as proposing
changes to the ways clinical trials in medical
research are currently conducted. The rest of the
passage then describes these proposed changes
together with the support Frazier and Mosteller
provide for adopting these changes.
A    The passage identifies practices in medical
research to help illustrate the basis for
Frazier and Mosteller's proposed changes.
B The passage mentions medical research costs
as one example within the larger description
of Frazier and Mosteller's proposed changes.
C    The passage is not concerned with
evaluating Frazier and Mosteller's proposed
D    Correct. The passage describes the changes
proposed by Frazier and Mosteller to the
way clinical trials are conducted.
E    The passage is not concerned with
establishing the likelihood of any changes to
the way medical research is conducted.
The correct answer is D.

104. Which of the following can be inferred from the
passage about a study of the category of patients
referred to in lines 21-23?
(A) Its findings might have limited applicability.
(B) It would be prohibitively expensive in its attempt
to create ideal conditions.
(C) It would be the best way to sample the total
population of potential patients.
(D) It would allow researchers to limit information
collection without increasing the risk that
important variables could be overlooked.
(E) Its findings would be more accurate if it
concerned treatments for a progressive disease
than if it concerned treatments for a
nonprogressive disease.
This question requires drawing an inference from
information given in the passage. In describing
the proposals put forth by Frazier and Mosteller,
the passage states in lines 16-21 that they propose
using more patients in clinical trials than are
currently being used, and that the trials would
thereby obtain a more representative sample of the
total population with the disease under study. The
passage then states that researchers often restrict
(lines 21-23) their trials to certain types of
patients, therefore limiting the applicability of
their findings.
A    Correct. The passage states that the
researchers preferred to restrict the types of
patients used in their studies, thereby using
a less representative sample than if they used
a more inclusive group of patients.
B     The passage mentions the added expense of
clinical trials only in relation to data storage,
collection, and analysis.
C    The passage describes the category of
patients referred to as restricted and
therefore unrepresentative of the total
D While the passage does mention the amount
of data collected about an individual patient,
that topic is not connected to the category of
patients referred to in lines 21-23.
E    The passage does not suggest that a study
using the category of patients referred to
would be more effective in investigating
progressive diseases.
The correct answer is A.

105. It can be inferred from the passage that a study
limited to patients like those mentioned in lines 21-23
would have which of the following advantages over the
kind of study proposed by Frazier and Mosteller?
(A) It would yield more data and its findings would
be more accurate.
(B) It would cost less in the long term, though it
would be more expensive in its initial stages.
(C) It would limit the number of variables
researchers would need to consider when
evaluating the treatment under study.
(E) It would help researchers to identify subgroups
of patients with secondary conditions that might
also be treatable.
(F) It would enable researchers to assess the value
of an experimental treatment for the average
This question requires understanding what the
information in the passage implies. The passage
explains that Frazier and Mosteller's proposal
involves enrolling more patients in clinical trials
(lines 18-19) than is the case with the category of
patients referred to. The passage then explains
that broadening the range of trial participants
would allow an evaluation of particular
treatments under various conditions and for different
patient subgroups (lines 29-30). This strongly
suggests that limiting the patients used to those
described in the referred text would limit the
number of variables researchers would need to
A    The passage suggests that not limiting the
patients used in clinical trials will yield more
data than restricting them will.
B    The passage refers to the costs of clinical
trials only as it concerns the collection,
storage, and analysis of data collected from
C    Correct. By limiting the patients used to
those having the ailment under study, the
passage suggests that researchers need to
consider fewer variables in their assessment
of a treatment.
D    The passage suggests that not limiting the
types of patients used in clinical trials will
better allow researchers to evaluate
E    The passage suggests that limiting the types
of patients available for clinical trials results
in data for specific, rather than average,
The correct answer is C.

106. The author mentions patients' ages (line 33) primarily
in order to
(A) identify the most critical variable differentiating
subgroups of patients
(B) cast doubt on the advisability of implementing
Frazier and Mosteller's proposals about medical
(C) indicate why progressive diseases may require
different treatments at different stages
(D) illustrate a point about the value of enrolling a
wide range of patients in clinical trials
(E) substantiate an argument about the problems
inherent in enrolling large numbers of patients in
clinical trials
Answering this question requires understanding
how a particular piece of information functions in
the passage as a whole. The passage is concerned
with describing the proposals of Frazier and
Mosteller. One of these proposals, described in
the second paragraph, involves broadening the
range of participants used in clinical trials. The
passage states that in following this proposal,
Frazier and Mosteller suggest that the
effectiveness of treatments can be assessed for
different patient subgroups. To affirm the value of
broadening the range of participants, the passage
then cites two examples of criteria by which
relevant subgroups might be identified: disease
stages and patients' ages.
A    The passage makes no judgment as to the
value of the subgroups it refers to in relation
to broadened participation in clinical trials.
B    The passage does not call into question the
potential effectiveness of Frazier and
Mosteller's proposals.
C    The passage's example of patients' ages is not
intended to be causally connected to its
previous example regarding progressive
D    Correct. Patients' ages are referred to in the
passage to identify subgroups that could be
evaluated if the range of participants in
clinical trials were broadened.
E    The passage refers to patients' ages in
support of Frazier and Mosteller's proposal
that more patients be used in clinical trials.

107. According to the passage, which of the following
describes a result of the way in which researchers
generally conduct clinical trials?
(A) They expend resources on the storage of
information likely to be irrelevant to the study
they are conducting.
(B) They sometimes compromise the accuracy of
their findings by collecting and analyzing more
information than is strictly required for their
(0 They avoid the risk of overlooking variables that
might affect their findings, even though doing so
raises their research costs.
(D) Because they attempt to analyze too much
information, they overlook facts that could
emerge as relevant to their studies.
(E) In order to approximate the conditions typical of
medical treatment, they base their methods of
information collection on those used by hospitals.
Supporting ideas
This question asks for an identification of specific
information given in the passage. The passage
describes the proposals of Frazier and Mosteller
as attempting to improve the way clinical trials
have generally been conducted. In describing how
current trials are generally conducted, the passage
states that researchers collect far more background
information on patients than is strictly required for
their trials (lines 4-6) and that they therefore
escalate the costs of the trials.
A    Correct. The passage states that researchers
generally collect more information than they
need to perform their clinical trials, which
drives up the costs of the trials.
B    The passage makes no judgment about the
accuracy of the information collected by
researchers who currently hold clinical trials.
C    The passage states that the risk of
overlooking relevant information in clinical
trials is never entirely eliminable (lines 11-12).
D    The passage states that researchers generally
collect more information than is relevant,
not that they overlook relevant information.
E    The passage states that, in general,
researchers currently collect more
information than hospitals do (line 6).
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 21:27:38 | 只看该作者

Line     According to a recent theory, Archean-age
gold-quartz vein systems were formed more than
two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that
originated from molten granite-like bodies deep
(5)beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is
contrary to the widely held view that the systems
were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is,
from fluids that formed during the dehydration of
wet sedimentary rocks.
(10)     The recently developed theory has considerable
practical importance. Most of the gold deposits
discovered during the original gold rushes were
exposed at the Earth's surface and were found
because they had shed trails of alluvial gold
(15)that were easily traced by simple prospecting
methods. Although these same methods still lead
to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet
discovered have gone undetected because they are
buried and have no surface expression.
(20)     The challenge in exploration is therefore to
unravel the subsurface geology of an area and
pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods
widely used today include analysis of aerial images
that yield a broad geological overview; geophysical
(25)techniques that provide data on the magnetic,
electrical, and mineralogical properties of the
rocks being investigated; and sensitive chemical
tests that are able to detect the subtle chemical
halos that often envelop mineralization. However,
(30)none of these high-technology methods are of any
value if the sites to which they are applied have
never mineralized, and to maximize the chances of
discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular
attention to selecting the ground formations most
(35)likely to be mineralized. Such ground selection relies
to varying degrees on conceptual models, which
take into account theoretical studies of relevant
         These models are constructed primarily from
(40)empirical observations of known mineral deposits
and from theories of ore-forming processes.
The explorer uses the models to identify those
geological features that are critical to the formation
of the mineralization being modeled, and then tries
(45)to select areas for exploration that exhibit as many
of the critical features as possible.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 21:27:51 | 只看该作者
108. The author is primarily concerned with
(A) advocating a return to an older methodology
(B) explaining the importance of a recent theory
(C) enumerating differences between two widely
used methods
(D) describing events leading to a discovery
(E) challenging the assumptions on which a theory
is based
Main idea
Examine the entire passage to find the author's
primary concern. An analysis of this passage
shows that the author introduces a recent theory
in the first paragraph, explains the practical
importance of the theory in the second, and
discusses the methods of exploration the theory
makes possible in the third and fourth
paragraphs. The author is primarily concerned
with presenting a new theory and showing why it
is important.
A    The only older methodology cited in the
passage, simple prospecting methods, leads to
only an occasional discovery (lines 15—17);
there is no indication that the author favors
B    Correct. The author describes a recent
theory of ore formation and discusses its
C    Three methods of exploration are described
in the third paragraph, but differences
among them are not discussed.
D s The passage describes a theory and the
practice derived from it; it does not describe
a series of events leading to a discovery.
E     The author describes two theories of ore
formation in the first paragraph but does not
challenge the assumptions on which either
one is based.
The correct answer is B.

109. According to the passage, the widely held view of
Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems is that such
(A) were formed from metamorphic fluids
(B) originated in molten granite-like bodies
(0   were formed from alluvial deposits
(D) generally have surface expression
(E) are not discoverable through chemical tests
Supporting ideas
This question asks for information explicitly
stated in the first paragraph where Archean-age
gold-quartz vein systems are discussed. The recent
theory is contrary to the widely held theory that
Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were
depositedfrom metamorphicfluids (lines 6—7).
A    Correct. The widely held theory explains
that the systems were deposited from
metamorphicfluids (line 7).
B    It is the recent theory that holds that the
systems were formed from magmaticfluids
that originated from molten granite-like bodies
(lines 3-4); the recent theory is not the
widely held view.
C    Alluvial deposits are mentioned only in the
context of simple prospecting methods (lines
14-16); there is nothing in the passage
explicitly linking alluvial deposits to
metamorphic fluids.
D    Lines 17—19 explain that most deposits not
yet discovered... have no surface expression,
but there is no mention in the passage of
widely held beliefs concerning surface
expressions of the metamorphic fluids.
E    Sensitive chemical tests are able to detect
deposits where mineralization has occurred
(lines 27-29).
The correct answer is A.

110. The passage implies that which of the following steps
would be the first performed by explorers who wish to
maximize their chances of discovering gold?
(A) Surveying several sites known to have been
formed more than two billion years ago
(B) Limiting exploration to sites known to have been
formed from metamorphic fluid
(0   Using an appropriate conceptual model to select
a site for further exploration
(D) Using geophysical methods to analyze rocks
over a broad area
(E) Limiting exploration to sites where alluvial gold
has previously been found
Since the question uses the word implies, the
answer will be an inference based on what the
passage says about exploration. The third and
fourth paragraphs describe the process of
exploration. The high-technology methods are of
no use to the explorer if the sites have not
mineralized, and to maximize the chances of
discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular
attention to selecting the ground formations most
likely to be mineralized (lines 30-35). Conceptual
models based on observation and ore-formation
theories allow the explorer to identify the areas
most likely to be mineralized (lines 39-46).
A    Nothing in the passage indicates that a large
portion of two-billion-year-old sites will
have gold in them; it only indicates that if
they are gold-quartz vein systems, they will
be over two billion years old.
B    The widely held view, rather than the recent
theory that is the focus of the passage,
argued that gold-quartz vein systems were
formed from metamorphic fluids. The
passage says the recent theory has
considerable practical importance, suggesting
the benefits of applying the recent theory
rather than this widely held view.
C    Correct. Conceptual models lead the
explorer to the sites most likely to have
D    Geophysical techniques are of no use unless
ground formations in an area have been
mineralized (lines 24-32).
E     The simple prospecting methods that find
alluvial gold lead to only an occasional
discovery; most deposits not yet discovered...
are buried (lines 15-19).
The correct answer is C.

111. Which of the following statements about discoveries
of gold deposits is supported by information in the
(A) The number of gold discoveries made annually
has increased between the time of the original
gold rushes and the present.
(B) New discoveries of gold deposits are likely to be
the result of exploration techniques designed to
locate buried mineralization.
(0   It is unlikely that newly discovered gold deposits
will ever yield as much as did those deposits
discovered during the original gold rushes.
(D) Modern explorers are divided on the question of
the utility of simple prospecting methods as a
source of new discoveries of gold deposits.
(E) Models based on the theory that gold originated
from magmatic fluids have already led to new
discoveries of gold deposits.
Supporting ideas
This question requires consideration of explicit
information throughout the passage. The second
paragraph explains that most deposits not yet
discovered... are buried (lines 17-19), so the
explorer's best means of discovering them is the
use of conceptual models to identify the sites most
likely to have buried minerals (lines 35-38). At
that point, the explorer may use the high-
technology methods possible when buried
mineralization is present (lines 22-29).
A    The passage does not discuss the number of
gold discoveries.
B    Correct. Since most gold deposits are
buried, explorers must find the sites most
likely to contain buried minerals.
C    The passage does not discuss the yield of
gold discoveries.
D    While simple prospecting methods lead only to
an occasional discovery, modern explorers are
not said to dispute their utility (lines 15-17).
E    The passage does not say that gold deposits
have already been found by using the models
based on this recent theory.
The correct answer is B.

112. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the
following is easiest to detect?
(A) A gold-quartz vein system originating in
magmatic fluids
(B) A gold-quartz vein system originating in
metamorphic fluids
(C) A gold deposit that is mixed with granite
(D) A gold deposit that has shed alluvial gold
(E) A gold deposit that exhibits chemical halos
To answer this question, apply what the passage
says about gold deposits to the examples in the
answer choices. The second paragraph states that
the gold deposits discovered during the gold
rushes were exposed at the Earths surface; they were
found because they had shed trails of alluvial gold
that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods
(lines 11-16). Most deposits have not been detected
because they are buried and have no surface
expression. Thus the simplest gold to find would be
that in a deposit that had shed alluvial gold.
A    The recent theory holds that gold-quartz
vein systems are formed from magmatic
fluids, but does not say that these systems
have easily detectable surface expressions;
the passage states that they form deep
beneath the surface of Earth, which makes
it unlikely that they will be easy to find.
B    The widely held view contends that gold-
quartz vein systems are formed from
metamorphic fluids, but does not say if these
have easily detectable surface expressions.
C    The passage does not comment on gold
deposits mixed with granite, although the
recent theory does mention molten granite-
like bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth
(lines 4-5).
D Correct. Finding gold deposits that have
shed alluvial gold at the Earth s surface is
far easier than finding buried gold deposits.
E    One complex, difficult subsurface
exploration method involves chemical tests
detecting the subtle chemical halos that
surround mineralized areas; clearly this is
not the easiest means of detecting gold

113. The theory mentioned in lines 1-5 relates to the
conceptual models discussed in the passage in which
of the following ways?
(A) It may furnish a valid account of ore-forming
processes, and, hence, can support conceptual
models that have great practical significance.
(B) It suggests that certain geological formations,
long believed to be mineralized, are in fact
mineralized, thus confirming current conceptual
(0   It suggests that there may not be enough
similarity across Archean-age gold-quartz vein
systems to warrant the formulation of
conceptual models.
(D) It corrects existing theories about the chemical
halos of gold deposits, and thus provides a basis
for correcting current conceptual models.
(E) It suggests that simple prospecting methods
still have a higher success rate in the discovery
of gold deposits than do more modern methods.
Logical structure
This question requires considering the conceptual
models described in lines 35-41 in light of the
recent theory (lines 1—5), which the author assures
the reader has considerable practical importance
(lines 10-11). The conceptual models are derived
from observation and from theories of ore-forming
processes. Therefore, the recent theory may explain
ore formation in a way that leads to the
development of an updated model, and that model
may then aid in the discovery of gold deposits.
A    Correct. The theory provides an explanation
of ore formation, which aids in creating a
conceptual model that may help explorers
find gold deposits.
B    The theory does not confirm models, but
contributes to forming them.
C    The practical value of the theory is that it
can help to formulate models.
D    The theory does not challenge theories
about chemical halos but rather contributes
to the development of conceptual models
that might allow for the broader application
of chemical halos.
E    The theory does not compare methods of
discovering gold deposits.

114. According to the passage, methods of exploring for
gold that are widely used today are based on which of
the following facts?
(A) Most of the Earth's remaining gold deposits are
still molten.
(B) Most of the Earth's remaining gold deposits are
exposed at the surface.
(0   Most of the Earth's remaining gold deposits are
buried and have no surface expression.
(D) Only one type of gold deposit warrants
exploration, since the other types of gold
deposits are found in regions difficult to reach.
(E) Only one type of gold deposit warrants
exploration, since the other types of gold
deposits are unlikely to yield concentrated
quantities of gold.
Supporting ideas
This question concerns factual information stated
in the passage. In contrast to the gold deposits
discovered at the Earth's surface, most deposits not
yet discovered have gone undetected because they are
buried and have no surface expression (lines 17-19).
The methods widely used today must search for
buried minerals rather than minerals on the
surface (lines 22-29).
A    The passage mentions neither molten gold
nor the method to detect it.
B    The passage explicidy says that most
deposits are buried.
C    Correct. The passage explicitly states that
most gold deposits are buried, leaving no
traces at the Earth's surface.
D    The passage neither distinguishes between
types of gold nor describes inaccessible
E    The passage does not relate types of gold to
yields of gold deposits.
The correct answer is C.
发表于 2012-3-4 21:28:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 21:45:41 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 pigman007 (2012/3/4 21:28:28)


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 23:05:42 | 只看该作者

。。。。~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 做了两次都被自动关闭页面。。。。

     放一个帐篷:stage of disease;age。


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-4 23:05:56 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-3-5 15:00:47 | 只看该作者
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