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In the past, Galileo observed what appeared to be man-made channels on Mars through his telescope, leading to the speculation that there might be life on Mars. However, with the advancement of modern technology, researchers found that these channels were naturally formed. Consequently, some concluded that there is no life on Mars. What is the problem with this conclusion?
A) Refuting an evidence does not equate to refuting a conclusion.
B) Modern scientific technology might not yet fully explain all phenomena on Mars.
C) There might be other signs of life on Mars.
D) Naturally formed channels cannot prove the existence of life on Mars.
E) Early telescope technology might have led to incorrect observations.
The government proposes a plan to subsidize residents for purchasing rechargeable appliances that can be charged at night and used during the day. The intention is to shift the peak electricity demand from daytime to nighttime, which, according to the government, would help in reducing the risk of power cuts during emergencies. The question seeks to identify the information that would most strengthen the government's plan.
A) The rechargeable appliances, once fully charged, can last slightly more than 12 hours.
B) Emergencies and natural disasters tend to occur more frequently during the daytime.
C) The electricity grid has a higher capacity to handle demand during nighttime than during daytime.
D) The rechargeable appliances are equipped with technology that allows for rapid charging.
E) Most of the residents have expressed a willingness to charge their appliances at night.
In a psychological experiment, participants were shown emotionally charged words such as 'beautiful' and 'terrible' and their reaction times were measured. It was found that if the participants were shown words with opposite emotional tones for a very brief duration before the emotionally charged words were displayed, their reaction times increased. The conclusion drawn was that the subconscious mind, referred to by a term starting with "L", could affect cognitive processing.
The question: Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion depends?
A) Other experiments have shown that if people are shown words with the same emotional tone quickly, their reaction times decrease.
B) The words shown for a very brief duration were perceived by the participants on a subconscious level.
C) The cards shown to the participants had at least an in part emotional effect on the participants.
D) The increase in reaction time is a direct result of the conflicting emotional tones of the words shown.
E) The participants had no prior knowledge of the objective of the experiment.