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SC-Drill beta 1.0 by bofeng
[ Background of the work ] During reviewing SC questions for my GMAT test, I realized there were many difficulties in the process. First, I do not want to review all SC questions on hand. While latest OG, GWL and PREP have provided enough questions to study in depth, additional practices are also required. But there are simply so many SC questions that I do not have enough energy to study, nor do I need to. The best way is to randomly select questions and test my ability. Second, I need a way to test my pace and to see the growth. Though I can use excel file to check my pace for GWD, there was no similar way to see the pace while taking test on those SC questions. Third, I need to review previous questions in the last phase of preparing GMAT. I need a tool to record the test performance and to present those interesting questions. My idea of designing software is DFT (design for test), and my idea of preparing a test is SFR (study for review). Last, I need a tool to review the questions when studying with a book is not desired. As an effort to overcome these difficulties, I made this tool to help myself better prepare for the test. Hope it will benefit more people.
[ Features ] - In random test mode, difficult questions (based on your test records) are presented with higher possibility. - Previously mis-answered questions can be selected and re-tested with keyboard shortcut 'w'. - Pace is shown for all questions and for a specific question. - The question bank and index files are all editable. The bank file 'scb.tad' contains question id, questions, and answers in text format. The index file '*.idx' contains question id belonging to a specific question category. Users may also add more index files. - Test record is editable.
[ Comment and bug report ] Comments are welcome at: scdrill@jiakunliu.com Note that no further build or bug fix is guaranteed. The software is presented as it is. Please use it on your own risk. Source code is available upon request. Further improvement or porting is encouraged and greatly appreciated.