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[备考日记] 【老帖新开】奋斗的道路没有尽头之*写作练习*

发表于 2018-7-25 20:57:28 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2018-7-25 11:27
今日份阅读 7/24/2018
今天采取 ‘截取我认为精彩句子’的方法,然后在最 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-27 09:49:31 | 只看该作者
今日份阅读来自WSJ--------------------------------- Inc.'s profit topped $2 billion for the first time, powered by the company's newer services businesses that are ushering the online retail giant into an era of swelling profitability.

No longer is Amazon known for suffering losses or producing razor-thin income by plowing every dollar it makes back into investments. [razor-thin=extremely thin] [plow back=To reinvest a company's earnings into its operations.]
Amazon's blockbuster quarter contrasted with that of Facebook Inc., which late Wednesday signaled that its growth was slowing, sending its stock plunging 19% on Thursday.  [blockbuster=[size=1.1em]an unusually successful hit with widespread popularity and huge sales (especially a movie or play or recording or novel)] [plunging=falling steeply]
None of that is slowing Amazon, though its quarterly revenue of $52.89 billion did underwhelm Wall Street, coming in a bit below estimates even if up 39%. [underwhelm=fail to impress]
Amazon reported $4.31 billion in revenue from brick-and-mortar stores. [brick-and-mortar=physical store]

Today is probably the darkest day ever since I joined the company. People around me got tickets for Red Sox, all of them pretending that I wasn't there while I sit right in the middle of them yet nobody said anything. Maybe the senior manager doesn't know me, maybe one of then wanted to speak up for me but don't want to be against the senior manager, or maybe they just assumed that I don't watch red sox since I'm an Asian lady, or they just ignore me like I was invisible. I was so upset, angry and sad, yet nobody said anything to me. I had to tell myself that after all, they are just my colleague. Maybe they are racist, maybe they are mean, maybe they are cold-blood and careless. But after all, those are just people who work with me, they don't live with me, and they don't hang out with me. Instead of asking myself what did I do wrong, or focusing on what did they do or not do to hurt me, I should get closer to people who respect, care, value and support minorities. There are good people and bad people, I can't change bad ones, but I can choose to get closer to good ones. Focus on good people, focus on good things, focus my strengths and build my future upon that.

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-27 09:57:34 | 只看该作者
mmimiyami 发表于 2018-7-25 20:57

发表于 2018-7-28 16:47:01 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2018-7-27 09:49
今日份阅读来自WSJ--------------------------------- Inc. ...

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-29 10:01:39 | 只看该作者
今天了解到一个微信号叫‘乱码与英文’,是一个英文老师出于自己爱读‘the economist’的习惯做的一个公众号,里面有很多关于‘如何阅读经济学人’的干货。今天读了几篇文章,感觉如果能像这个英文老师一样有一个跟自己主业相关,但又不仅限于主业范围的爱好是多么的幸福啊。很想引用几段但是不想侵犯版权,有兴趣的自己去关注吧哈哈。读了一周wsj,感觉事实居多,作为英语阅读练习的话是不错的,但是想要提取信息的话,基本上浏览就够了,没有精读的价值。打算接下来读经济学人,里面有很多带有个人观点的文章,更有趣一点。
By the way, I talked to my manager yesterday about what happened the day before about the 'red sox tickets'. He was really apologetic about it and explained that it was by no means to exclude me. The senior manager who distributed tickets just wanted to give out extra tickets and he chose people he knew because people actually prefer not to go, so it's kinda a pressure to give tickets to people he doesn't know. And other colleagues were terrified because they had to go, and didn't think it as an event that they should be inviting others. [Well, but I do know that NP wanted to go according to his conversation with DK, and by the fact that he told HO about the game] He said that's still not an excuse to make me feel so upset and he's glad that I told him. I also told him that minorities did not get as many opportunities as Americans did in JH team. I gave him a lot of examples, among which are something that happened to me. He was kinda shocked that I, as a high performer, didn't get those opportunities as he thought I would. He told me that Partners and Senior managers had been discussing with him about this but he had no idea how bad this is until I told him. After the talk, he invited me and another colleague to get drinks at a bar. We had a great afternoon, knowing each other better. I'm glad that I spoke up for myself and even I failed to not cry - I would cry every time when I had a difficult conversation with people, which is really awkward, however, I still have to do it even if I would cry in front of people; some conversation just need to take place no matter how. I'm proud of myself for speaking up for minorities, and I hope what I did will somewhat help people in the future and make our firm a better place to work. I know this is not gonna change thing overnight. There will still be intentional or unintentional discrimination over minorities - I guess that just runs in people's blood unless be corrected by education. But at least now I know that I need to speak up when I am not happy about things. Remeber: Crying baby gets the milk!
发表于 2018-7-30 22:42:21 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2018-7-29 10:01
今天了解到一个微信号叫‘乱码与英文’,是一个英文老师出于自己爱读‘the economist’的习惯做的一个公众 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-9 09:24:31 | 只看该作者
Today's big news: Elon Musk announced on Twitter that Tesla would like to go Private, which drove the stock price up crazy, and later got probed by SEC.

China is putting Tariffs on $16 billion worth of US good. (I have to say, good job!)

Beijing warned it would match the Trump administration step for step should it move ahead with new tariffs on Chinese imports, as trade data showed the country is shoring up its economy for a long trade conflict with the U.S. [shore up=support]

Its comments came as government data showed imports of resources including coal, crude oil, and iron ore surged in July, driven by infrastructure projects such as rail construction that Beijing is encouraging to wall off the economy from the trade fight. [wall sth off=to separate something with a wall]

Officials at the SEC want to know whether Mr. Musk had a factual basis for tweeting Tuesday that the going-private transaction was all but certain, with only a shareholder vote needed to pull it off, the people said. [all but certain=almost certain]

 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-19 10:47:22 | 只看该作者
Today's The Economist reading----------------------------------
But the pathologies of the Bay Area may not be far behind. [pathology=the science of the causes and effects of diseases,]
The boom shows little sign of abating, meaning that Seattle has only a few years before it contracts a case of full-blown San Francisco. [abate=decrease]
Long a placid, drizzly company town, the place is booming. [what does 'long' mean here?]
Entrepreneurs are flocking there, repelled by the obscene costs of San Francisco. [flock=come together as a cluster; repel=cause something to leave]
Rents have shot up and homelessness is common. [shot up=increase quickly]
The Emerald City would be turned into a gilded fortress. [gilded=something gilded looks like gold; fortress=fort]
The overall costs to society are staggering. [stagger=[size=1.1em]astound or overwhelm, as with shoc]
Its members are keen on public housing but suspicious of unfettered private building, which they see as a handout to developers.[keen=intense or sharp; unfettered=unbound]
They can lead to more mixed districts and placate left-wing critics. [placate=gain the goodwill of]
Developers complain that these fees suffocate all but the most lucrative projects. [suffocate=[size=1.1em]deprive of oxygen]
[size=1.1em]halt construction=stop construction
[size=1.1em]displacement of poorer residens= to move something from its natural environment
tuck tail=夹起尾巴
repeal the tax= take tax law back
suburbia=watertown is suburbia of boston
Upsetting the entrenched power structure of cities is an exasperating, thankless task. [entrenched=established firmly; exasperate=annoy]
发表于 2018-8-28 16:30:53 | 只看该作者
哇!!好棒的帖子 楼主一定要坚持下去~能在美国找到四大的工作真的超级棒 羡慕楼主!
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-9 09:59:03 | 只看该作者
boycott: 抵制
e.g. Didi suspended its carpooling service, for which the driver in question worked, but that did not stop the calls on Chinese social media for a boycott of the firm.

setback: 倒退
e.g. Its investment is a boost to Uber's self-driving project, which suffered a setback after a fatal collision involving a pedestrian and one of its cars in March.

outlaw: make something illegal
e.g. Missouri became the first state in America to outlaw the description of food products as "meat" unless they are made from animal flesh.

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