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楼主: 一粒黄豆。
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[备考日记] 【老帖新开】奋斗的道路没有尽头之*写作练习*

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-19 22:36:24 | 只看该作者



离考试还有不到30天,剔除期中考试,大概还有20天这样。足够了! 加油吧,向110分进军!

但是着眼于眼前这个110,梦想还是触手可及的~ 脚踏实地走下去吧!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-19 22:41:28 | 只看该作者
Question 4
Your answer can go like this:
“In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that ... . To
reinforce the theory, the professor gave two reasons in his speech. The
first one is that … . The other one is that … . And that’s the two reasons
the speaker presented to explain his idea.(The conclusion is optional)”
Useful tips:
☛Find the KEY words as soon as possible and then write them down.
This is to make sure that you will know what the professor is gonna
talk about.
☛Pay attention to the JARGONS in order to get familiar with the words
that you don’t know before.
☛Do not panic if you don’t know anything about the subject, because
your opinion is NOT included.

Question 6
In question 6, the speaker usually gives two examples to explain a
theory or a phenomenon. So your main job is to find what the theory or
the phenomenon is, and jot down the examples that the professor
presents in the lecture.
“In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the
phenomenon/theory that … . The first one is that … . Another example Is
that … . And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain
the theory/phenomenon.(Still, the conclusion is optional)”. (You can
make adjustments on this style according to different lectures)
Useful tips:
☛The OPTIMAL time allotment is: 15 seconds for the theory/
phenomenon, 20 seconds for each example, and about 5 seconds
pausing throughout you answer.
☛Question 6, to a certain extent, is quite similar to question 4. However,
Q6 is even HARDER because you don’t have the chance to read
anything about the lecture. So, stay ALERT while you are listening.
☛Take as many details as you can, it HASN’T to be written in English,
CHINESE is fine! Choose whatever the EASIEST way for you.
☛You should catch the TRANSITIONAL WORDS, such as “what’s more”
and “moreover”, which indicate that the professor is gonna talk about
another point.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-23 15:53:31 | 只看该作者
Comply with/abide by-----the law/the rules/the guidelines
It’s essential that kids adapt to their school life early on.
While the print appeals only to the sense of sight, television appeals to both sight and hearing simultaneously.
They attributed their success to having a competent team working for them.
The curriculum of this course is geared toward students who lack motivation in their studies.
Many students were stressed out after the serious cramming for the finals.
Together these brought out the recent financial crisis.带来
If I keep working like this, I’ll burn out.
The latest statement from the Pentagon clashed with prior statements from the White House.与…冲突
That was how the internet came into being.逐渐形成
Regulations first came about in the U.S. to deal with services of transportation companies.逐渐形成
Some students came up with truly original ideas while many others just followed suit. 提出/跟着别人模仿
Some students have a hard time coping with the daily stress.
In America, kids between the ages of 10 and 16 spend an average of six hours a day in front of a screen. They really should cut down on the screen time.
Draw on-----others’ experience 借鉴
Face up to---a difficult situation勇于面对
No matter how short an advertisement is , there’s always a lot you can get across, which is really amazing. 传达,表达清楚
Give rise to—unemployment/inflation/debate/alienation from one another
Teachers should give priority to the cultivation of students’ critical thinking ability.
The pamphlet tells you how to go about the application.从事
The future of the economy hinges on whether the recession can be curbed.
Parents shouldn’t impose their own values on their kids.
Infringe on----other individuals’ rights侵犯
They played black eyed peas’ songs to liven up the party. 让…更活跃=brighten up/spice up (oral)
No matter how busy you are, make sure you don’t lose track of things.对…失去了解或者掌控
It’s easy for people to lose track of time when they use the Internet.
She’s been talking to Chris all evening-she really should be mingling with other guests.进行社交活动
Sometimes it’s hard to nail down exactly what the weaknesses of a system are.把…弄清楚,确定
We wander through libraries, page through thick texts, spend hours at the computer, conduct painstaking research, and consult with experts. 一页页翻
The couple tried to patch up their marriage.
Jesse Jackson passes up a pro baseball contract and became a preacher instead.错过,放弃
If all of us pitch in together, it won’t take too long to finish the project.一起努力
Our inner strength will enable us to prevail over life’s obstacles.战胜,克服
Every night, the writer spends some time reflecting on the things that have happened during the day.认真思考,反思
They just scraped through their tests even though they never did much work.勉强混过
Sign up for/register for----courses/classes/certain service
It was the worst movie we had to sit through.坐等…结束
Speed up----pace of life/economic growth
Stations sprang up all over the country almost overnight.
This success will spur students on to greater achievements.激励某人继续前进(to 是介词)
Life is hectic. We can barely squeeze in the time to exercise. And when we do, we feel guilty that we’re not doing the hundred other things on our to-do list.
Succumb to----temptation/peer pressure
People often fail to take their own limits into account when setting goals for themselves.
I’ve recently taken up jogging.开始某种爱好
I really need to wind down after such a hectic day. =relax
Work out a plan to do sth. 规划出
Things will work out in the end.得到解决
It’s important to work out regularly.锻炼
Fulfill---one’s potential/tasks/promise
Freedom of speech/thought/belief/religion
Secure one’s freedom
Xxx is a modern, enlightened and progressive university开明的,进步的
Rhetorical skills用语言去说服和大东别人的技巧
Not only will kids improve their cardiovascular and muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and hand-eye coordination, but they will also learn perseverance, goal-setting and coping skills to deal with success and failure.
Fossil fuel is of great importance to the development of industry, transportation and tourism.
Be of use/importance/help/value/interest/significance/necessity/quality
Some people argue that the new instruction methodology can help students develop intellectually and emotionally.
All this material is now quickly, inexpensively and readily available from the comfort of our desks and workstations.
In his biography, the message of perseverance and holding fast to one’s dreams in the face of adversity is very strong.坚守,牢牢把握
It’s important to bear in mind that an assessment based on the data is only a prediction. The results are not carved in stone. 牢记/基于=on the basis of/不是一成不变的

小姨书里的内容实在太多了。。只能打这些= = 所以我还是继续每天背着他的书吧
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-28 21:06:29 | 只看该作者
speaking sample
1 学会叙述事件,用例子来support
2 同上
4 p61,63
5 p70,71
6 p77,79

3456学会高度概括! 在口语中也多用不同的句型,尝试说长一点的句子! 总是简单的主谓宾感觉很低级啊摔!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-28 21:09:04 | 只看该作者
May day is coming. Most of classmates go back to home But I can't.... I have to sit in the library and study toefl...

But at least I should relax

I made plan for tomorrow and now I'm going back to dorm and watching running man
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-29 22:01:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-5-1 09:10:29 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2013-4-28 21:09
May day is coming. Most of classmates go back to home But I can't.... I have to sit in the librar ...

发表于 2013-5-1 09:11:37 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2013-4-29 22:01

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-1 20:16:37 | 只看该作者
童颜公主 发表于 2013-5-1 09:11

哎 关于找实习的,现实太残酷啊   不过我已经振作啦! 小事而已~~
发表于 2013-5-3 23:15:01 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2013-5-1 20:16
哎 关于找实习的,现实太残酷啊   不过我已经振作啦! 小事而已~~

好啊!解决就好,坚持到底!经常回来写写复习内容噢~ 这里考的人好少
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