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发表于 2005-2-17 10:57:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-2-17 11:56:00 | 只看该作者

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

发表于 2005-2-17 14:05:00 | 只看该作者

CKGSB is a start up so it needs time to be recognized as an important player. Mr. Li Ka-shing is giving back to help the community and we should applaude his long-term vision. What makes a great business school?

1. top notch faculty

2. top notch students and a successful and influential alumni network

3. top notch administration, facility including admissions, placement and corporate center.

With Li's money and influence, it will be easier for him to get the first two quickly. however, the last one is harder as no one in China had the experience of building a top business school so everything has to start from scratch. I guess that is what a start-up is supposed to be.

发表于 2005-2-17 15:44:00 | 只看该作者
本来还想给长江说说好话,现在却被它又抢劫了好几万。 去不去读呢?该不会逼我申请中欧吧?
发表于 2005-2-17 15:54:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-2-17 18:10:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-17 14:05:00的发言:

CKGSB is a start up so it needs time to be recognized as an important player. Mr. Li Ka-shing is giving back to help the community and we should applaude his long-term vision. What makes a great business school?

1. top notch faculty

2. top notch students and a successful and influential alumni network

3. top notch administration, facility including admissions, placement and corporate center.

With Li's money and influence, it will be easier for him to get the first two quickly. however, the last one is harder as no one in China had the experience of building a top business school so everything has to start from scratch. I guess that is what a start-up is supposed to be.

这位长江的托,到目前为止你一直在吹嘘长江如何如何的好,但都没有令人信服的根据。你一会儿吹嘘长江,一会儿又用什么 just start up 来为长江开脱,叫人如何相信你。到目前为止长江的两界学生中,就有不少人对你所谓的 top notch 的东东颇有微词。长江能找到你这样的托也说明它的 stupid

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-17 18:11:59编辑过]
发表于 2005-2-17 20:55:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用CKGSB_MBA2005在2005-2-17 15:44:00的发言:
本来还想给长江说说好话,现在却被它又抢劫了好几万。 去不去读呢?该不会逼我申请中欧吧?




发表于 2005-2-17 20:56:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用cat87101在2005-2-17 11:56:00的发言:

For a good B-school, we do not care how high the tuition is.

For a stupid B-school, we do not care how high the scholarship is.

 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-17 21:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用grossman在2005-2-17 0:33:00的发言:

With the exception of London Business School and Insead, Europe does not have any good business schools. Insead has been around for only 40 years.

CK cannot compete with the US top 25 business schools now. However, in the near future, with the commitment of Li Ka-Shin foundation, CKGSB should be comparable with reasonable US public schools such as Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan State.

If you can get in LBS, Insead or top 25 US schools, then you should go there. If you get admitted in schools such as OSU, PSU, MSU, then CK could be a better choice for some people.

Again, I do not think we should feel so inferior relative to US or Europe. Yes, we are not as good now in terms of our economy. However, we need to put things in perspective and do not be short-sighted. China had enoyed a superior economy in most of the last two thousand years with the exception of the last three hundred. If China keeps developing at the current speed, we should be an equal player with US and Europe in about fifty years. Remember, it took Han Dynasty 70 years to develop and eventually beat the Huns out of Northern China. Europeans and Americans will be humming to come over to China to study then.

What I like about CK is its ambition, self-respect and self-confidence. CK's root is in china and it demands all the permanent faculties to spend 100% of their time in China. We Chinese are as good as Europeans or Americans. With a good system, we can perform as well. We can. We must. We will. Of course, Rome is not built overnight and only time will tell if CK is successful.

For people who think 220,000 RMB is too high, you probably should contact the admissions office to see if there could be help with scholarships or zero-interest loans. US schools oftern provide student loans or scholarships for qualified individuals.

honestly and personally, i do think these words make some senses to some extends, at least for the good English expression and logic reasoning...haha...

the problem is that he/she stands for a completely wrong position, which is so called dear, share with you the following words,


发表于 2005-2-17 22:16:00 | 只看该作者









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