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发表于 2006-8-15 05:15:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2006-8-15 14:14:00 | 只看该作者
Frankly speaking, I disagree with many points above:
1. Top business schools: there are only two top schools in Europe using 'US top 10' standard - LBS/Insead.
  - LBS: there are less Chinese in MBA program mainly because it's too expensive. Total cost exceed CNY1 million, which is much higher than any US business schools. However, there are quite a lot Chinese students in it's 10-month Master in Finance program.
  - Insead: don't have detailed statistics, but there should be a number of Chinese students.
Inclusion, average Chinese students per EU top business schools may not be lower than top US schools.

2. Pay in EU is lower than US. I disagree. Most LBS students work in London after graduation, and London is also the number 1 city for Insead students (found in Insead campus during a trip last year). Pay in London is at least as high as pay in NY. Some US students even say sometimes London pay is higher as most firm pay GBP60K (or USD110K) as starting salary in  LBS. Of course London is more expensive than NY.
Inclusion, London is the main city for LBS/Insead graduate. Therefore, please don't compare low pay in other EU cities with US.

3. 对外国人的接纳程度也没有美国开放. In LBS, British students are 'minority' and almost do not have any comparative advantage in job hunting. Most people who join top IB or strategic consulting firm are foreigners. It's funny that sometimes in Metro or bus, you can find most people speak languages other than English. While I heard in US, foreign students are minorities and are not so lucky.

发表于 2006-8-15 18:03:00 | 只看该作者

唉。。。。刚开始还真有点想去法国的EM Lyon的。。。。


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-15 18:41:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用kevinao在2006-8-15 14:14:00的发言:
Frankly speaking, I disagree with many points above:
1. Top business schools: there are only two top schools in Europe using 'US top 10' standard - LBS/Insead.
  - LBS: there are less Chinese in MBA program mainly because it's too expensive. Total cost exceed CNY1 million, which is much higher than any US business schools. However, there are quite a lot Chinese students in it's 10-month Master in Finance program.
  - Insead: don't have detailed statistics, but there should be a number of Chinese students.
Inclusion, average Chinese students per EU top business schools may not be lower than top US schools.
同意. 但必须说的是, IMD绝对不比LBS/Insead差. 只不过它比较特殊: 小班, 面向中高层管理者, 平均年龄31/32岁, 10个月,并且是宇宙中最最Intensive的课程. 实际上, 非常多的IMD学生在去之前就已经是其它Top 10毕业生的Level了. 它的毕业生平均年薪跟LBS/Insead持平的原因是因为很多人毕业都不会去IB/MC, 此外从比例上来说, 去亚非拉的毕业生非常的多, 因为学生们的素求跟其它Top10是不同的.
真是无奈啊, LBS的学费............................................................
此外, 多数US B-school是有Guaranteed Loan的, 欧洲还没听说哪所学校提供的.

2. Pay in EU is lower than US. I disagree. Most LBS students work in London after graduation, and London is also the number 1 city for Insead students (found in Insead campus during a trip last year). Pay in London is at least as high as pay in NY. Some US students even say sometimes London pay is higher as most firm pay GBP60K (or USD110K) as starting salary in  LBS. Of course London is more expensive than NY.
Inclusion, London is the main city for LBS/Insead graduate. Therefore, please don't compare low pay in other EU cities with US.
伦敦的话, 薪水确实很高. 不过就像你说的, 1-生活费比NY还要高, 2- 税高, 3- NI也很高

3. 对外国人的接纳程度也没有美国开放. In LBS, British students are 'minority' and almost do not have any comparative advantage in job hunting. Most people who join top IB or strategic consulting firm are foreigners. It's funny that sometimes in Metro or bus, you can find most people speak languages other than English. While I heard in US, foreign students are minorities and are not so lucky.


发表于 2006-8-26 16:12:00 | 只看该作者

我在学校里学外语,但我认为我从外国人那里学到最重要的东西不是语言,而是要尊重他人的意见,要有独立的思考与见解,其实欧洲是作学问的好地方,象Youger Marxists学派的人都在欧洲,毕竟【国富论】和【资本论】的两位作者也在欧洲。有很多好的学校我们确实不是很了解,举个例子,荷兰的莱顿大学,有几个听说过,它是欧洲最古老的大学之一,有四百多年的历史,连我的一个导师(一个英国人,剑桥三一学院的博士)都非常推崇,认为其与剑桥不相上下,不是他说,可能我这一辈子都不会知道。兼听则名嘛,真不搞不清楚,为什么总是会看到很多过于激烈的争吵!

发表于 2006-11-13 13:51:00 | 只看该作者


请问可以留个 msn吗?

发表于 2006-11-13 14:17:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-11-14 03:00:00 | 只看该作者




发表于 2006-11-14 03:18:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-11-14 08:03:00 | 只看该作者
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