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发表于 2006-11-25 12:20:00 | 只看该作者

almost forgot the funding issue.

the admission officers would tell a billions times that prepare your application when you feel it's at the strongest. i think part of this meant that you need to settle your financing for your study before you take any further steps. and scholarship, sponsorship or other funding that you don't have to pay back are the best choices. to choose a fund that you would have to pay back is also a choice since the money has its time value, just think of it as a credit card.

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-25 13:09:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 12:07:00的发言:

alrite, if you are this slow, then i will tell you, go back to what i wrote, i said as long as you are in a top bschool, you will be ok. and this is what i meant by the 30 percent. in other words, by attending a top bschool, you only had a platform where you could build yourself, but not gurantee for a job offer post-graduation. there are graduates from top bschools who couldn't find an ideal or desired job. so as long as you can get an offer from top bschool, doesn't matter if it's from the states or EU, it does not differ that much, what differenciate people is how they build up themslves prior to attending bschools, during their study and after their  graduation. so this is what i meant by who-you-are counts for 70 percent.

for the cost of the top US schools, the costs of Wharton, HBS, MIT and Stanford are indeed expensive than LBS. just ask someone from those schools for go to their website. note that most of the US bschools display the tuition and cost for the first year, and most of them need two years of study.

Ok, if it's my "slowness" or "lack of ability to understand" that lead to a clearer conclusion, I am happy. But if it's your vague words that drove me to some other direction, u can't just blame on me.

But I still can't agree with u on the costs.

Someone did a excel-sheet of budgets, in which LBS is the outstanding one, followed by Columbia. It may not accurate but does show a bit.

发表于 2006-11-25 18:01:00 | 只看该作者
it's meaningless to say that us schools are more expensive than lbs without giving specific supporting data. what i heard is that london living expenses are at 50% more expensive than new york.
发表于 2006-11-25 23:37:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-25 13:09:00的发言:

Ok, if it's my "slowness" or "lack of ability to understand" that lead to a clearer conclusion, I am happy. But if it's your vague words that drove me to some other direction, u can't just blame on me.

But I still can't agree with u on the costs.

Someone did a excel-sheet of budgets, in which LBS is the outstanding one, followed by Columbia. It may not accurate but does show a bit.

well, if you think my words are vague, then i would say i can't prove to you that my words are clear, it's simply because i can't prove to a bull that my words are clear since a bull is an animal and i am a human being.

coming back to the cost, the tuition alone you can find them on the website of those schools that i listed previously. the living cost depends on oneself. yes london is expensive, but you can lower the living cost by lowering your living standard or other ways. say if you come from NY, and now relocated to Shanghai, trust me you would pay at least the same or even more in shanghai than in NY.

plus, don't show me anymore calculation from others, it is your experience that counts.

发表于 2006-11-25 23:39:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用kevinao在2006-11-25 18:01:00的发言:
it's meaningless to say that us schools are more expensive than lbs without giving specific supporting data. what i heard is that london living expenses are at 50% more expensive than new york.

yes, so refer back to what i wrote above, you should compare the tuition alone and control you own living expenses. and London isn't the most expensive city that i have lived in.
发表于 2006-11-26 13:15:00 | 只看该作者

美国有8-9个很好的mba program, 欧洲只有lbs和insead两个 自然显得去美国的多了

而且有些中国人还是存有那种 “美国的月亮圆”的想法的

 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 16:52:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-25 23:37:00的发言:

well, if you think my words are vague, then i would say i can't prove to you that my words are clear, it's simply because i can't prove to a bull that my words are clear since a bull is an animal and i am a human being.

Good argument. It took me 10 minutes to dig out that what u are saying is that I am a bull or something like that. And i'm glad that you recognized that you are not talking to yourself.

Whatever.  We are not children anymore.

coming back to the cost, the tuition alone you can find them on the website of those schools that i listed previously. the living cost depends on oneself. yes london is expensive, but you can lower the living cost by lowering your living standard or other ways. say if you come from NY, and now relocated to Shanghai, trust me you would pay at least the same or even more in shanghai than in NY.

plus, don't show me anymore calculation from others, it is your experience that counts.

Didn't i showed you some calculation???
And it's interesting that u simply ignore living expense. What a dynamic standard that u are holding. I can conclude from your arguments that the living costs exactly the same no matter where u live, can't I??
Since you are interested in real figures(although unwilling to present any), i can give you some

Program costs Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $80,457.00

Nonresident: $80,457.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,344.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $76,696.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $76,696.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $88,090.00

Nonresident: $88,090.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,100.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,369.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,369.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $81,896.00

Nonresident: $81,896.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,280.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,971.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,971.00

发表于 2006-11-26 23:16:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用nnm在2006-11-26 16:52:00的发言:

Program costs Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $80,457.00

Nonresident: $80,457.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,344.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $76,696.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $76,696.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $88,090.00

Nonresident: $88,090.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,100.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,369.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,369.00


Program costs
Please estimate the total direct costs (tuition and required fees) of the entire MBA program.

Resident: $81,896.00

Nonresident: $81,896.00

Expected monthly rent (based on local averages): $1,280.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Resident): $69,971.00

Recommended annual budget1 (Nonresident): $69,971.00

well, i've got no comments on your understanding and comprehension ability. to talk with u is worse than to talk with myself.

i am telling you one more time that by finding good deals for rent and other living costs, you could have a stable, not dynamic, living standard without paying too much more when you move to a city like London. or, other the other hand, you could be paying a lot more when you move to shanghai from London. i hope you could understand what i meant by living standard and the money you pay.

so i've got no idea why you concluded that i lived a dynamic live and i would have the save living cost in various cities?????? your brain should be of very high research value.

the figure for your living cost at London is a bit high, although some people need more than what you wrote down, i myself and most people whom i know in London didn't need that much. for wharton, i doubt i would have to pay 1100USD for a decent apartment.

发表于 2006-11-27 02:02:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-27 03:38:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用biochemistry在2006-11-26 23:16:00的发言:

well, i've got no comments on your understanding and comprehension ability. to talk with u is worse than to talk with myself.

i am telling you one more time that by finding good deals for rent and other living costs, you could have a stable, not dynamic, living standard without paying too much more when you move to a city like London. or, other the other hand, you could be paying a lot more when you move to shanghai from London. i hope you could understand what i meant by living standard and the money you pay.

so i've got no idea why you concluded that i lived a dynamic live and i would have the save living cost in various cities?????? your brain should be of very high research value.

the figure for your living cost at London is a bit high, although some people need more than what you wrote down, i myself and most people whom i know in London didn't need that much. for wharton, i doubt i would have to pay 1100USD for a decent apartment.

Well, u don't have to re-emphasise your points a million times. It's not that hard to grasp. If you are interested in researching my brain, come and get me, we can exchange. I'm interested in yours too.

What I meant was, by doing what u said (holding similar living standards while paying similar in different cities),

u made the comparison meaningless.

Yes you can do that "stable" thing, but putting it in into this context (cost comparison), u are just ..............misleading(the only word that i can think of)

No more to comment.

But thanks to point out that the tuition fee of LBS is a little lower than that of US schools, I didn't realize that bit.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-27 3:44:35编辑过]
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