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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季】【1-2】

发表于 2012-6-19 16:30:26 | 显示全部楼层
1. 45s
Background information:The plastic rings that hold six-packs of beverage cans together pose a threat to wild animals, which often become entangled in the discarded rings and suffocate as a result.
Premise:Following our lead, all beverage companies will soon use only those rings consisting of a new plastic that disintegrates after only three days’ exposure to sunlight.
Conclusion:Once we all complete the switchover from the old to the new plastic rings, therefore, the threat of suffocation that plastic rings pose to wild animals will be eliminated.
Prephrase:在new plastic rings分解前同样也会对wild animals产生威胁

(A)    The switchover to the new plastic rings will
take at least two more years to complete.---------------虽然要耗时两年,但不能说这个转换无效。
(B) After the beverage companies have switched
over to the new plastic rings, a substantial
number of the old plastic rings will persist
in most aquatic and woodland environments.-------------correct
(C) The new plastic rings are slightly less
expensive than the old rings.-------------------价钱动物窒息无关
(D) The new plastic rings rarely disintegrate
during shipping of beverage six-packs
because most trucks that transport canned
beverages protect their cargo from sunlight.------------运送过程中与对野生动物的威胁无关
(E) The new plastic rings disintegrate into
substances that are harmful to aquatic
animals when ingested in substantial
quantities by them.----------------这个威胁不是文中说的动物窒息威胁,文中说窒息会下降。

2.35s 削弱
Background information:Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island. Sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  
Premise:This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues.
Conclusion: the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

3.36s 削弱
premise:The country of Ertland has never imported apples in any significant quantity because consumers there generally prefer the unique texture of Ertland-grown apples.  
Conclusion:apple growers from Kosolia, plan to sell their apples in Ertland by selling Kosolia-grown apples at half the price of local apples and promoting them as a nourishing, low-cost alternative.

4.  37s 加强
Premise:consultants proposed moving the station's entrance from its current valuable Main Street location to a low-rent adjoining side street and then leasing the high-rent entrance space to retail businesses.  
Conclusion:In that way, the train company could easily pay for those and all other proposed renovations without negative impact on its tight budget.
prephrase:retail businesses 可以为station带来更多客源。

5.15s 削弱
premise: the PZ 1000 has the fewest injuries per accident of any car in its class.  
Conclusion: the PZ 1000 is one of the safest cars available today.
prephrase:the PZ 1000 in its class 的车都有很高的事故率。
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