标题: 每日速度越障学习帖 - 精读+背词 [打印本页]
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-8 23:27
标题: 每日速度越障学习帖 - 精读+背词
20120708 <第四期4-07文史哲> On Midwest Bus Trip, President Obama Charms, Hugs and Swigs
20120709 <第四期4-08文史哲> Boxer Rau’shee Warren Heads to Third Olympics; Mike Tyson Hits Broadway
20120710 <第四期4-09科技> Time Traveling Via Satellite
20120711 <第四期4-10科技> Deaf Brain Processes Touch Differently: Lacking Sound Input, the Primary Auditory Cortex 'Feels' Touch
20120712 <第四期4-11经管> Some People Go to Extremes to Lose Weight
20120713 <第四期4-12经管> Slow Down! How “Slow Work” Makes Us More Productive <第四期4-13经管> Young, and Training for a Good Job -- at Sea
20120715 <第四期4-14文史哲> How the Heat Wave Could Bust Your Grocery Budget
20120716 <第四期4-15文史哲> Senior Citizens Sing for Health and Fifteen-Year-Old Kyla Ross Heads to the Olympics
20120717 <第四期4-16科技> The Higgs boson Science’s great leap forward
20120718 <第四期4-17科技> Why Is Earth So Dry? Planet Formed from Rocky Debris in Hotter Region, Inside of Solar System's 'Snow Line' <第四期4-18经管> Starting Younger to Prevent Dating Abuse
20120720 <第四期4-19经管> 9 Dumb Ways to Ruin a Meeting
20120721 <第四期4-20经管> The legacy of the author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
20120722 <第四期5-01文史哲> Cheating business minds: How to break the cycle <第四期5-02文史哲> India needs fresh faces at the top of government if it is to run its economy better
20120724 <第四期5-03科技> What Countries Are Doing To Tackle Climate Change <第四期5-04科技> Science at the Olympics: Team science
20120726 <第四期5-05GMAT topic> NN’s debrief: Ketav's journey to 750...
20120727 <第四期5-06经管> China’s Economic Slowdown: Why Stimulus Is a Bad Idea <第四期5-07经管> A home from home: Five planets that could host life
20120730 <第四期5-08经管> Egypt’s Islamists Tread Lightly, but Skeptics Squirm
20120804 <第四期5-09文史哲> Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962: She Was the Most Influential Wife of Any American President
20120804 <第四期5-10经管> Is Banking Unusually Corrupt, and If So, Why? Posner
20120805 <第四期5-11经管> The Success Myth
20120807 <第四期5-12经管> Who, What, Why: Why are US athletes taxed on Olympic medal wins? <第四期5-13文史哲> Faces of quiet trauma
20120811 <第四期5-14文史哲> A Princess of Mars PART ONE
20120812 <第四期5-15科技> Life On Mars? Try One Of Saturn's Moons Instead
20120815 <第四期5-16科技> Diseased Trees New Source of Climate Gas
20120817 <第四期5-17经管> Project Mercury: Alan Shepard Becomes the First American in Space
20120818 <第四期5-18经管> FINANCIAL EDUCATION <第四期5-19经管> The joy of the nudge Olympics
20120820 <第四期5-20文史哲> Romney Announces Ryan as VP Running Mate
20120822 <第四期6-9科技> First Evidence Discovered of Planet's Destruction by Its Star
20120825 <第四期6-12科技> UK insect numbers 'very low' after
20120826 <第四期6-13文史哲> Atheism Growing disbelief
20120827 <第四期6-14文史哲> Science Fiction: 'A Princess of Mars' by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Part 3) <第四期6-17经管> China's Talent War
20120901 <第四期6-19经管> How silkmoths could defeat terrorism and drug smuggling
20120903 <第四期7-1经管> A Princess of Mars, Part Four
20120904 <第四期7-2科技> What Sleep Crime Tells Us About Consciousness
20120906 <第四期7-5经管> The Twilight of the Public Corporation
20120909 <第四期7-6经管> The mystery of the stopped clock illusion
20120922 <第四期7-20经管> US Elections Heat Up, China Trade Tensions Rise 20121006 <第四期8-14经管> With a little help from a billion friends
20121007 <第四期8-13经管> Can You Take Your Strengths Too Far?
20121010 <第四期8-17科技> Reprogrammed Cells Earn Nobel Honor
20121011 <第四期8-18经管> Music Classes in Childhood May Lead to Changes in the Brain <第四期11-3经管> Holiday Discounts Are a Dangerous Drug
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-9 14:36

作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-9 14:39
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-9 21:46
20120708 <第四期4-07文史哲> On Midwest Bus Trip, President Obama Charms, Hugs and Swigs
wipe one’s eyes 抹眼泪
After meeting the president, Konieczny wiped her eyes.
circulation [,s?:kju'lei??n] n.发行量
column ['k?l?m] n.专栏
A few feet away, Andy Ouriel, a reporter with the local Sandusky Register, a 22,000-circulation paper, talked about how he wrote personal letters to Obama, and columns in his paper, requesting the presidential visit that was about to happen.
parlay ['pɑ:li] vt.充分利用
Obama, who long ago learned the charms of celebrity, knows how to parlay this attention.
swig [swiɡ] v.牛饮
quip [kwip] v.妙语,说俏皮话
Over a two-day bus tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania, which brought him to two diners, a bakery, a fruit stand and a bar, he charmed, hugged, chatted, swigged, chewed, posed and quipped with the locals, hoping the transform the excitement about his office into votes for his reelection.
stifling ['staifli?] a.令人窒息的
motorcade ['m?ut?keid] n.车队
For dozens of miles, locals came out of their homes, in stifling heat, often without shirts on, women in just their bathing suits, to line the state roads and wave to his motorcade.
punch line n. 妙语
When he met elderly couples, he would ask how long they had been together, ask for their secret, delivering his own punch line.
thigh [θai] n.大腿
sketchbook ['sket?buk] n.素描簿
press corps n.新闻集团
He squeezed the thigh of a baby, signed the sketchbook of a young girl with the message “Dream Big Dreams,” and attempted to buy peaches and cookies for his traveling press corps.
swing [swi?] a.摇摆的
everyman ['evrimæn] n.普通人
The trip was the first of many expected summer tours of swing states, where Obama will attempt to reintroduce himself to voters as a likable everyman, who connects with the hopes and agony of the country in ways that his rival Mitt Romney does not.
up for grabs [美国俚语]易得的,可得的;供争夺的,供人竞争的
He said his vote was up for grabs in November.
ungovernable [,?n'ɡ?v?n?bl] a.难管制的
The problem was not the President as much as the ungovernable city he had failed to return to order.
stool [stu:l] n.高脚凳
sibling ['sibli?] n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员
A few stools away, Sabrina Schaeffer, 6, was eating dinner with her siblings.
footage ['futid?] n.影片长度
“You just go to YouTube and you look up ‘Barack Obama singing Call Me Maybe,’ ” he explained to a reporter, unaware of the footage.
call over v.点名;顺序读出
aide [eid] n. 助手;副官;侍从武官
follow up跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事
address one’s concerns 解决某人的关注问题
The President called over his traveling aide, Marvin Nicholson, to get Davis’s contact information, and promised that one of his aides, Darienne Page, would follow up to address his concerns.
symbolic [sim'b?lik] a.象征性的
cement [si'ment] vt. 巩固,加强
Obama also gave Davis a presidential challenge coin, a symbolic military token designed to cement their relationship.
arm wrestling比手劲;扳腕子
The President moved on, talking to another undecided voter who offered to vote for Obama if the President beat him in an arm wrestling contest.
sheepishly ['?i:pi?li] ad.害羞地
Asked if Obama had won his vote, Davis smiled sheepishly.
tepid ['tepid] 微温的,温热的;不太热烈的;不热情的
relegate ['reliɡeit] vt. 把降低到;归入;提交
shake-up n.人事改组
dumpster ['d?mpst?] n. 大型垃圾装卸卡车;垃圾大铁桶
rumination [,ru:mi'nei??n] n. 沉思
flotsam and jetsam流浪者;无价值物;零碎杂物;失事船只残骸
The tepid June jobs report could relegate the calls for a shake-up in Team Romney to the dumpster of stupid campaign controversies, along with the candidate’s ruminations on lemonade, that 13-year-old conservative who isn’t conservative anymore and the rest of last week’s flotsam and jetsam.
seasoned ['si:z?nd] adj.经验丰富的;老练的
speculation [,spekju'lei??n] n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖
percolating ['p?:k?leiti?] a.渗透的
But now that Rupert Murdoch, Jack Welch and the Wall Street Journal editorial page have all complained that Romney needs more seasoned advisers, the ritual-sacrifice speculation will probably keep percolating throughout the fall.
flawed [fl?:d] adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的
I think Team Romney is doing a terrific job selling an extremely flawed product.
tactic ['tæktik] n. 策略,战略
overwhelm [,?uv?'hwelm] vt. 压倒;淹没;受打击
rational ['ræ??n?l] adj. 合理的;理性的
Elections are usually decided by the facts on the ground, not by campaign strategists, and while tactics can help at the margins, top-line numbers tend to overwhelm all rational analysis.
retrospect ['retr?uspekt] v.回顾
For example, John McCain lost, so the media concluded in retrospect that everything he did was dumb, but I actually think most of the risks he took made sense under the difficult circumstances.
vulnerable ['v?ln?r?bl] adj. 易受攻击的
incumbent [in'k?mb?nt] n. 在职者;现任者
Now Romney is a few points behind a vulnerable incumbent in the polls, so it’s become fashionable to blame his staff for failing to “craft a clear message,” for bobbing and weaving about Romney’s plans and principles while trying to redirect attention to President Obama.
articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t] v. 清楚地讲话
It would be suicidal for Eric Fehrnstrom and his team to try to articulate Romney’s plans, because the details of the Republican policy agenda of tax cuts for the rich and spending cuts for everyone else is wildly unpopular.
Obamacare 奥巴马医改
obfuscation [,?bf?'skei??n] n. 困惑
If the Obamacare obfuscations out of Boston about taxes and penalties sound like word salad, that’s because word salad is the only path to victory for the father of Obamacare.
offshoring n.离岸
ludicrously ['lu:dikr?sli] adv. 滑稽地;荒唐地
chameleonic [k?,mi:li'?nik] adj.反复无常的
GOP 大老党(美国共和党的别称)
It’s amazing that a Republican with Swiss bank accounts, a history of offshoring and a ludicrously chameleonic political persona made it out of the GOP primary.
freak out使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃
veto v.否决
conservatives would freak out if he flip-flopped again on repealing Obamacare or vetoing the Dream Act or advocating gay rights or Medicare cuts.
flak [fleik] n.抨击;谴责
incoherent [,ink?u'hi?r?nt] adj. 语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的
The Romney campaign has taken a lot of flak for its incoherent response to Obama’s support for gay marriage and for undocumented workers who came to America as kids
vaguely ['veigli] adv. 含糊地;暧昧地;茫然地
byline ['bailain] n. 标题下署名之行
I vaguely remember him from when we were both reporters in Boston, and nothing about his byline stood out as particularly original.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-9 23:08
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-10 00:47
20120709 <第四期4-08文史哲> Boxer Rau’shee Warren Heads to Third Olympics; Mike Tyson Hits Broadway
heavyweight n. 重量级拳击手
We also tell about former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson.
flyweight n. 轻量级拳击手
He defeated Somjit Jongjohor of Thailand in the flyweight division finals at the World Amateur Boxing Championships in two thousand seven.
punch [p?nt?] n.一拳
Thinking he had more points, the American stopped throwing hard punches at the end of the fight.
amateur ['æm?t?] n. 业余爱好者 adj. 业余的;外行的
But by age eight, he won his first amateur or non-professional fight.
jab [d?æb] n.戳;猛击bobbing ['b?bi?] n. 摆动,振动
It helped me through a lot because I was learning all the small things as far as stepping with the jab and using the combinations and bobbing, weaving, plus I was watching a lot of people growing up before me that were in the gym like Ricardo Williams.
silver medalist 银牌获得者
同理,gold medalist金牌获得者 bronze medalist 铜牌获得者
He was a silver medalist at the two thousand Olympics in Sydney."
try out 竞争,参加选拔
After the loss in Beijing, she helped persuade him to try out for his third Olympics.
trophy ['tr?ufi] n.奖品;战利品;纪念品
Just the fact that the struggle that we've been going through, that right there, just can complete my trophy case.
sickening ['sik?ni?] adj. 令人厌恶的
Mike Tyson has lived a very public and, in many ways, tragic and sickening life.
no-holds-barred ['n?u'h?uldz'bɑ:d] adj. 无拘无束;没有任何限制的
In Las Vegas, he promised to tell his "no-holds-barred" story, and he did.
undisputed truth 无可争辩的事实
The show is called "Undisputed Truth" because, for years, he was the undisputed world heavyweight boxing champion.
disrespectful [disri,spektful] adj. 无礼的;失礼的;不尊敬的
That is because his language - like his life - was often disrespectful, threatening and shocking.
Invincible [in'vins?bl] adj. 无敌的;不能征服的
He said he had won many boxing matches by the time he was fourteen, which made him feel, he said "invincible, like God."
vinyl record 黑胶唱片;塑胶唱片
Ringo says so much has changed since then. He says at that time an album still meant a vinyl record.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-10 09:41
我觉得Sarah你如果能坚持到底的话真的会变得很强的 里面有好些单词我就不懂 有毅力的人永远是最强的
bob - to move quickly in a particular direction (original meaning: 船只或物体随着水面起伏)
weave - to move somewhere by turning or changing direction a lot (original meaning: to make cloth, a basket etc by crossing threads or thin pieces under and over each other by hand) - or you can say, 穿梭
e.g. cyclists weaving in and out of the traffic
try out for something - to try to be chosen as a member of a team, for a part in a play etc
e.g. In high school, I tried out for all the female leaders.
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-7-10 14:04
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-10 21:49
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-10 21:50
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/7/10 14:04:09)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-10 21:51
20120710 <第四期4-09科技> Time Traveling Via Satellite
archaeology [,ɑ:ki'?l?d?i] n. 考古学
MICHAEL PALACE majored in archaeology and environmental science at the University of Virginia.
thesis ['θi:sis] n.论文,论点
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 Costa Rican 哥斯达黎加的
howler monkey吼猴
in relation to 关于,涉及
vegetation [,ved?i'tei??n] n. 植被;植物,草木
For his thesis he studied the dynamics of Costa Rican howler monkeys in relation to landscape-level vegetation structure.
tag along 紧跟;尾随
outlying ['aut,laii?] adj. 边远的;无关的
The monkeys would move about with the shifting wet/dry seasons and Palace would gather data by tagging along like an outlying member of the troop.
on the side 另外
chorus ['k?:r?s] n. 合唱队;齐声;歌舞队
On the side, he would often train a microphone on the howlers’ loud morning choruses, which he would later use in his semi-professional career creating electronic music blended with audio field recordings.
inherent adj. 固有的
Despite the inherent difficulties imposed by research in remote reaches of tropical rainforest, the jungles of Central America got into Palace’s blood.
ascension [?'sen??n] n.提升
Next stop on his academic ascension was UNH where he linked up with Michael Keller, project scientist for the NASA-sponsored, Brazilian-led Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere in Amazonia (LBA) project.
relish ['reli?] v.喜爱
Palace relished the opportunity to explore the tropical rainforests of South America and, while pursuing his Ph.D., worked full-time with Keller conducting research in three regions of the Brazilian Amazon.
among other things 除此之外 (ps: 它的出镜率好高~看来很常用的说)
visualize ['vizju?laiz] vt. 形象,形象化;想像,设想 vi. 显现
trace gas 微量气体
Among other things, he wrote computer programs and databases to visualize and statistically analyze trace gas measurements.
abstruse [æb'stru:s] adj. 深奥的;难懂的
Abstruse scientific stuff.
canopy ['kæn?pi] n. 天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹 tree canopy 树冠覆盖面
dynamics [dai'næmiks] n. 动力学,力学
biomass ['bai?umæs] n. (单位面积或体积内的)[生态] 生物量
For the three-year project he won’t be using satellite remote sensing technology to estimate things like tree canopy dynamics or overall forest biomass.
nail down 确定;明确
indigenous [in'did?in?s] adj. 本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的
Rather, he’ll use the high-tech methods to help nail down much-disputed population estimates of pre-Columbian indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin lowlands.
withstand [wið'stænd] vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗
Knowing with more accuracy how many people might have impacted the rainforest through agriculture and development prior to European contact will help scientists understand how the Amazon Basin might withstand current pressures from deforestation, selective logging, and development.
immense [i'mens] adj. 巨大的,广大的;无边无际的
Palace still views himself as a tropical ecologist working at the landscape level, but to study the immense Amazonian forest he has become an expert in using satellite-borne imagery.
spectral ['spektr?l] adj. [光] 光谱的 spectral bands of light 光谱波段的光
nutrient ['nju:tri?nt] n. 营养物;滋养物 adj. 营养的;滋养的
The Hyperion camera "sees" in 220 spectral bands of light, allowing scientists to identify the chemical makeup of tree leaves, which in turn is related to nutrients in the underlying soil.
organic [?:'ɡænik] adj. [有化] 有机的
charcoal ['t?ɑ:k?ul] n. 木炭
potsherd ['p?t??:d] n. 陶瓷碎片(等于potshard)
The more nutrient-rich leaves or specific groups of tree species seen by Hyperion will be the signature for the Amazonian black earths Palace is looking for – sites containing soil rich in organic matter, charcoal, and nutrients and frequently associated with large accumulations of potsherds, bone, and other artifacts of human origin.
bluff [bl?f] n. 绝壁;断崖
collaborate [k?'læb?reit] vi. 合作
"There are terra preta sites all over the Amazonian basin, particularly near rivers and bluffs, but no one really knows their whole distribution," says Palace, who will collaborate with Mark Bush, an ecologist from the Florida Institute of Technology, and Brazilian archaeologist Eduardo Neves of the University of San Paulo.
neural ['nju?r?l] adj. 神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的
extrapolate [ek'stræp?leit] v.推断
Says Palace, “Once we develop the neural network model we’ll be able to extrapolate across the entire Amazon landscape and identify the location of other sites.
connectivity [,k?nek'tiv?ti] n. [数] 连通性
spatial dimension 【考古学】空间维数,立体尺寸
geological [d?i?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 地质的,地质学的
geographic [d?i?'græfik] adj. 地理的;地理学的
We will also be able to look at the connectivity and spatial dimension of these sites across the landscape and compare the location with other geological and geographic information."
ecotype ['i:k?utaip] n. [生态] 生态型
At six million square kilometers, the Amazon basin contains the largest continuous rainforest in the world and constitutes 40 percent of what remains of this ecotype.
prevalent ['prev?l?nt] adj.普遍的
three types of palm trees are prevalent in terra preta sites
confer [k?n'f?:] vi. 协商
Palace will travel to Brazil to confer with his colleagues but the Amazon project will not involve any fieldwork on his part.
simultaneous [,sim?l'teini?s] adj. 同时的;联立的;同时发生的
airborne ['ε?b?:n] adj. [航] 空运的;空气传播的;风媒的
lidar ['laidɑ:] n. 激光雷达;激光定位器
However, a simultaneous project recently funded by the NASA New Investigator Program in Earth Science will take him back to Costa Rica where he will examine tropical forest structure using multiple remote sensing platforms, including airborne lidar.
habitat ['hæbitæt] n. [生态] 栖息地,产地
The same techniques used in Costa Rica can also be applied other types of habitats, including New England landscapes.
derived [di'raiv] vt. 源于;得自 vi. 起源
rodent ['r?ud?nt] n. [脊椎] 啮齿动物
The remotely sensed data includes highly detailed biophysical and biochemical information derived from satellite-based optical and radar imagery of the landscape favored by white-tailed deer and small rodents – important hosts for the tick species responsible for transmitting Lyme disease.
endeavor [in'dev?] n. 努力
pseudonym ['psju:d?nim] n. 笔名;假名
Back in Costa Rica, Palace will also continue work in his nonscientific endeavor of making field recordings that he uses to create “generative” electronic music under the pseudonym.
sonic ['s?nik] adj. 音速的;声音的;音波的
ExxonMobil n. 埃克森美孚国际公司
Described as “a crafter of sonic landscapes” by one reviewer, horchata has recorded a number of albums and wrote the soundtrack to the documentary film about global warming titled "Out of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change."
作者: hattiehh 时间: 2012-7-10 22:55
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-11 00:23
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/7/10 14:04:09)
好嗨森的说!-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/10 21:50:15)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-11 00:37
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/7/10 14:04:09)
好嗨森的说!-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/10 21:50:15)
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/11 0:23:01)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-11 00:39
-- by 会员 hattiehh (2012/7/10 22:55:49)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-11 22:40
20120711 <第四期4-10科技> DeafBrain Processes Touch Differently: Lacking Sound Input, the Primary AuditoryCortex 'Feels' Touch
mold [m?uld] vt. 塑造;使发霉;用模子制作
It adds to a growing list of discoveries that confirm the impact of experiences and outside influences in molding the developing brain.
auditory cortex 听觉皮层
stimulus ['stimjul?s] n. 刺激;剌激物;促进因素 pl. stimuli ['stimjulai]
The researchers show that deaf people use the auditory cortex to process touch stimuli and visual stimuli to a much greater degree than occurs in hearing people.
rewire [ri:'wai?] 重新连线
This research shows how the brain is capable of rewiring in dramatic ways.
peripheral [p?'rif?r?l] adj. 外围的;次要的
Previous research, including studies performed by the lab director, Helen Neville Ph.D., has shown that people who are born deaf are better at processing peripheral vision and motion.
tactile ['tæktail, -til] adj. [生理] 触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的
However, no one has tackled whether vision and touch together are processed differently in deaf people, primarily because in experimental settings, it is more difficult to produce the kind of precise tactile stimuli needed to answer this question.
apparatus [,æp?'reit?s] n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官 pl. apparatus or apparattuses
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 磁共振成像
Dr. Karns and her colleagues developed a unique apparatus that could be worn like headphones while subjects were in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner.
fiber optic cables光缆,光纤
nozzle ['n?zl] n. 喷嘴;管口;鼻
Visual stimuli -- brief pulses of light -- were delivered through fiber optic cables mounted directly below the air-puff nozzle.
temporal lobe [解剖] 颞叶, 负责处理听觉信息,也与记忆和情感有关。
Functional MRI was used to measure reactions to the stimuli in Heschl's gyrus, the site of the primary auditory cortex in the human brain's temporal lobe as well as other brain areas.
perceptual [p?'sept?u?l] adj. 知觉的;感知的;有知觉的
illusion [i'lju:??n] n. 幻觉,错觉
The researchers took advantage of an already known perceptual illusion in hearing people known as the auditory induced double flash, in which a single flash of light paired with two or more brief auditory events is perceived as multiple flashes of light.
clinician [kli'ni??n] n. 临床医生
cochlear ['k?kli?] adj. 耳蜗的
congenitally [k?n'd?enit?li] adv. 先天地;天生地
The finding also has the potential to help clinicians improve the quality of hearing after cochlear implants, especially among congenitally deaf children who are implanted after the ages of 3 or 4.
ingestive adj. [生物] 摄食的;供吸收的
New research presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB) suggests that, not only the amount and type of food eaten but the time of day it is eaten is important in contributing to obesity.
chow [t?au] n. 食物
saturated ['sæt??reitid] adj. 饱和的
To address this question Dr. Joelle Oosterman gave rats either rodent chow or chow plus either saturated fat or a sugar solution.
beverage ['bev?rid?] n. 饮料
In today's society where snacks containing saturated fat and beverages containing lots of sugar are readily available to people, it is important to understand the impact these food components have on energy balance.
state-of-the-art adj. 最先进的;达到最高水准的
When running their state-of-the-art computer models, Prof. Price and his fellow researchers assess climate conditions in a variety of real environments.
depict [di'pikt] vt. 描述;描画
First, the models are run with current atmospheric conditions to see how accurately they are able to depict the frequency and severity of thunderstorms and lightning in today's environment.
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Then, the researchers input changes to the model atmosphere, including the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (a major cause of global warming) to see how storms are impacted.
El Nino phenomenon厄尔尼诺现象
oscillate ['?sileit] v. 振荡,动摇
The El Nino phenomenon is an optimal tool for measuring the impact of climate change on storms because the climate oscillates radically between years, while everything else in the environment remains constant.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-12 23:26
20120712 <第四期4-11经营> Some People Go to Extremes to Lose Weight
tapeworm ['teipw?:m] n. [基医] 绦虫
The tapeworm is said to help people lose weight by eating the food that is stored in their stomach.
carbohydrate [,kɑ:b?u'haidreit] n. [有化] 碳水化合物
There are low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets, diets that limit calories and ones that let you eat as much as you want.
dietary ['dai?t?ri] adj. 饮食的,饭食的
His dietary ideas were first published in the medical journal The Lancet in nineteen ninety.
cholesterol [k?'lest?r?l] n. [生化] 胆固醇
Dr. Ornish's diet plan limits daily calories from fat to less than ten percent, with little to no saturated fat or cholesterol.
legume [li'ɡjumin] n. 豆,荚
Like other low-fat diets, the Ornish plan suggests that people eat diets high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes.
surgical ['s?:d?ik?l] adj. 外科的;手术上的 n. 外科手术;外科病房
Many of these people choose to have surgical operations to reach their weight loss goals.
liposuction ['laip?u,s?k??n] n. 脂肪吸除手术;抽脂术
They said people who have liposuction usually experience weight gain within one year after the surgery.
abdomen [æb'd?umen, 'æbd?men] n. 腹部;下腹;腹腔
And the fat that comes back reappears in a new area of the body, most noticeably the shoulders, arms and upper abdomen.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-13 18:14
sarah继续坚持,我会常来看看的~~ 今天不是很有动力,过阵子来细看你的批注吧~
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-13 21:09
sarah继续坚持,我会常来看看的~~ 今天不是很有动力,过阵子来细看你的批注吧~
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/13 18:14:37)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-13 22:57
20120713 <第四期4-12经营> Slow Down! How “Slow Work” Makes Us More Productive
respite ['respa?t] n. 缓解;暂缓;暂时的休息
Vacations are time to slow our pace, calm our minds, and take a much-needed respite from the otherwise fast pace of life and its responsibilities.
remiss [r?'m?s] adj. 怠慢的;迟缓的;不小心的
vulnerability [,v?ln?r?'biliti] n. 易损性;弱点
Many of us lament the dramatic contrast between our vacations and the faster pace of our work lives, but are generally remiss to change because of feelings of career vulnerability or weakness that we fear it could project.
flurry ['fl?r?] n.疾风
array [?'re?] n. 数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;
To make matters worse, we face a flurry of information hitting from multiple angles (work, home, extended family, & friends) and through an increasing array of social networking and email platforms.
onslaught ['?nsl??t] n. 猛攻;突击
diminishing [di'mini?i?] adj. 逐渐缩小的;衰减的
This information onslaught competes for our rapidly diminishing attention spans.
high-stake 高风险
administrative [?d'm?n?str?t?v] adj. 管理的,行政的
momentum [m?'ment?m] n. 势头;[物] 动量;动力;冲力
cognitive ['kɑɡn?t?v] adj. 认知的,认识的
Giving the mind a rest from high-stakes responsibilities and strategically doing simple (but necessary) administrative or hands-on tasks give us freedom to take control of our schedules and maintain momentum with less cognitive strain.
align [?'la?n] vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配 vi. 排列;排成一行
More broadly, the philosophy of “slow work” challenges the unsustainable practice of doing everything as fast as possible and offers an alternative workplace framework for energizing people and helping people better align their personal and professional priorities.
punctuate ['p??(k)t??e?t; -tj?-] vt. 不时打断;强调;加标点于 vi. 加标点
It urges us to punctuate our routines in ways that might initially appear to compromise productivity but actually enhance long-term creativity.
contemporary [k?n'temp(?)r(?r)?] adj. 当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的
Casual seating areas are incorporated into many contemporary work settings to give people space to think.
likelihood ['la?kl?h?d] n. 可能性,可能
Taking the time to walk to a different corner of the building or campus provides exercise but also increases the likelihood that you will encounter a colleague that you may not have seen in a while.
radically ['ræd?k?l?] adv. 根本上;彻底地
If you schedule concentrative time for yourself, consider taking your work offsite to give yourself a radically different experience that could spark some inspiration.
myriad ['m?r??d] n. 无数,极大数量;无数的人或物
accommodate [?'k?m?de?t] vt. 容纳;使适应;供应;调解
If you work in a large city, take advantage of the myriad of public spaces such as parks and plazas that are accommodating to workers with plentiful seating and free wi-fi. DEGW’s BREAKOUT!
milieu ['mi?lj??; m?'lj??] n. 环境;周围;出身背景pl. milieus or milieux ]
The milieu of a public setting can positively change your perspective and help you put things in broader context.
staycation [,stei'kei??n] n. 居家旅游;宅度假
Vacations naturally took a hit during the Great Recession, giving rise to the staycation around 2008-09. But this year, 35% of travelers globally say they’re going to spend more money this year on travel, with 37% spending roughly the same, according to a new survey by the Wyndham Hotel Group.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-15 15:53
补:20120714 <第四期4-13经营> Young, and Training for a Good Job -- at Sea
cadet [k?'det] n. 幼子,次子;实习生;军官学校学生
Two hundred eighty-eight cadets recently sailed on a two-month international training cruise.
downturn ['da?nt??n] n. 衰退(经济方面);低迷时期
Instructor Bill Schmid says the situation for marine transportation students is not as bright as it was before the economic downturn, but it is recovering.
zero tolerance 零容忍
You do not want them to be right only seventy percent of the time. We pretty much have to be right all the time, so that is a hard thing to teach young people, that there is zero tolerance for mistakes.
job placement rate 就业安置率
The California Maritime Academy has a ninety-four percent job placement rate. Still, only about nine hundred students are currently studying there. Cadet Andrew Di Tucci says he understands why.
paramilitary [,pær?'m?l?t(?)r?] adj. 准军事的;辅助军事的 n. 准军事部队
The school, it is not like your normal college experience would be. We are a paramilitary school.
buckle ['b?k(?)l] vt. 扣住;使弯曲
We have uniforms. We have formations. Just disciplining yourself to show up and keep grooming standards and be where you need to be, sit down, buckle your belt and study."
marine [m?'ri?n] adj. 船舶的;海生的;海产的;航海的,海运的
Andrew Di Tucci is majoring in marine transportation. He says when he was growing up, he was always told it takes a special person to want to go to sea for a living.
preterm ['prit?m] n. 早产,早产婴儿
respiratory [r?'sp?r?t(?)r?;] adj. 呼吸的
We told you last week about a study which found that more than ten percent of all babies worldwide are born too early. One common problem in preterm babies is respiratory disease.
pulmonary edema 肺水肿
She had been doing research at the Harvard School of Public Health. She was asked to find out more about the foam that forms in the lungs of people with a condition called pulmonary edema.
ante up 预下(或先下)赌注
To take part in a card game such as poker, my friend would have to ante up. He would have to pay a small amount of money at the beginning of the game.
have sticky fingers 有偷窃习惯,是小偷
I never thought Bob would have sticky fingers. He did not seem like a thief who would steal money. But, some people will do anything for love of money.
cash in 兑现;收到……货款
This time, he cashed in. He made a lot of money.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-16 00:19
20120715 <第四期4-14文史哲> How the Heat Wave Could Bust Your Grocery Budget
swelter ['swelt?] vt. 使闷热;使中暑
triple-digit a.三位数的
As if sweltering in triple-digit temperatures around the country weren't bad enough, consumers could face more pain in coming months, this time in the check-out line at the grocery store.
scorch [sk??t?] vt. 烧焦;使枯萎;挖苦
Scarce rainfall coupled with record-high temperatures has scorched crops in many of the nation's major corn-producing regions, with as much as 60 percent of corn grown in the United States experiencing drought conditions in June, according to the United States Drought Monitor.
haul [h??l] n.努力得到的结果
scale back相应缩减;按比例缩减
Though this year's haul could still be one of the largest on record according to some estimates, the Department of Agriculture is still scaling back its forecasts, noting that this year's crop conditions are the worst since 1988.
scenario [s?'nɑ?r???] n. 方案;情节;剧本
The best case scenario at this point is [a harvest] on par with 2002 or 2003, meaning now we're looking at one of the worst harvests we've had in 10 years.
bottom line 底线
Bottom line: A smaller harvest of corn could translate into higher prices for everything from cereal to soda pop by this fall—unfortunate, especially since food prices had been slowing down in recent months.
take a hit遭受打击;受到影响
Here are a few other ways your wallet could take a hit thanks to the hot weather:
rancher ['rɑ?n(t)??] n. 大农场经营者;大农场工人
fork over 付钱
livestock ['la?vst?k] n. 牲畜;家畜
If farmers and ranchers have to fork over more money to feed their livestock, it costs more to produce things like milk and cheese.
poultry ['p??ltr?] n. 家禽
Beef, pork, poultry.
slaughterhouse ['sl??t?ha?s] n. 屠宰场(等于abattoir);屠杀场
With the price to feed cattle and other livestock inching up and the amount of water it takes to keep large animals hydrated, it could end up being more cost efficient in the near term for farmers to send cattle, hogs, and chickens to the slaughterhouse instead of keeping—and feeding—them on the range.
exacerbate [?g'zæs?be?t; ek'sæs-] vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒
There may very well be a dip in the short term as the market is flooded, but [in the] long run this will exacerbate the problem in terms of beef prices.
bolster['b??lst?] vt. 支持;支撑
bona fides n. 真诚;善意;诚实信用
One senior Republican source says Rice would bolster Romney in an area where he lacks major bona fides: national security and foreign policy.
charismatic [kær?z'mæt?k] adj. 超凡魅力的;神赐能力的
But, more importantly, she's extremely charismatic and an extremely nice human, which she manages to convey. People like that."
Utopia [ju:'t?upi?] n. 乌托邦(理想中最美好的社会);理想国
nitty-gritty ['niti'ɡriti] n. 事实真相;本质
For her part, Rice has said publicly that her utopia lies in the nitty-gritty of the policy realm, not in presidential politics.
ironically [a?'rɑn?kli] adv. 讽刺地;说反话地
prescription [pr?'skr?p?(?)n] n.指示;惯例
realm [relm] n. 领域,范围
Yet, ironically, it is Rice's own policy prescriptions and performance as a senior official in the national security policymaking realm that could hurt Romney's chances of becoming president if he chooses her, Republican and Democratic officials and sources say in interviews and their own writings.
lieutenant [lef'ten?nt] n. 中尉;副官;助理人员
The 2003-launched Iraq conflict didn't exactly go as Bush and his senior-most lieutenants promised.
ill-fated ['il'feitid] adj. 不幸的;恶运的
splash [splæ?]n. 飞溅的水;污点;卖弄
sarcasm ['sɑ?kæz(?)m] n. 讽刺;挖苦;嘲笑
Asked how he would write an Obama ad criticizing Rice's role in the ill-fated Iraq war, Adams was quick to reply with more than one splash of sarcasm: "Did you like Iraq? You're going to love Iran."
fiddling ['f?dl??] adj. 无用的;无足轻重的;微不足道的(等于fiddly)
"While the Bushes were fiddling in Iraq, Kabul was burning," says Adams.
作者: 小妤儿 时间: 2012-7-16 01:20
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-16 23:03

-- by 会员 小妤儿 (2012/7/16 1:20:10)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-16 23:03
20120716 <第四期4-15文史哲> Senior Citizens Sing for Health and Fifteen-Year-Old Kyla Ross Heads to the Olympics
National Endowment for the Arts (美国)全国艺术基金会
Over ten years ago, America's National Endowment for the Arts began to study creativity and aging.
participatory [pɑr't?s?p?t?ri] adj. 供人分享的;吸引参与的
It examined the effect of participatory art programs on the physical and mental health of older individuals.
gymnastics [d??m'næst?ks] n. 体操;体育;体操运动 pl. gymnastics
Fifteen-year-old Kyla Ross of California is the youngest member of the American Olympic gymnastics team.
gymnast ['d??mnæst] n. 体操运动员
She says the biggest issue at the Olympic Games will be in the young gymnast's own mind.
gratifying ['ɡræt?fa???] adj. 悦人的;令人满足的
You just recollect on all the times, you dropped her off (at) practices, (the) to struggles she's had, also the time she's invested into (gymnastics), and just the gratifying feeling that she achieved her goal and really put a lot of work into it, and it's actually happened...
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-18 15:49
补:20120717 <第四期4-16科技> The Higgs boson Science’s great leap forward
recede [r?'si?d] vi. 后退
HISTORICAL events recede in importance with every passing decade.
blip [bl?p] n. (在雷达屏幕显示出的)物体光点
Crises, political and financial, can be seen for the blips on the path of progress that they usually are.
patina ['pæt?n?] n. [材] 铜绿;光泽;神态;圣餐盘
Even the horrors of war acquire a patina of unreality.
elucidate [?'l(j)u?s?de?t] vt. 阐明;说明
triumphant [tra?'?mf(?)nt] adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的
Elucidating them is one of the triumphs of mankind. And this week has seen just such a triumphant elucidation.
incomprehensible [,?nk?mpr?'hens?b(?)l] adj. 费解的;不可思议的;无限的
Like the uncovering of DNA’s structure by Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953, the discovery of the Higgs makes sense of what would otherwise be incomprehensible.
massless ['mæsl?s] adj. 无质量的
Massless particles are doomed by Einstein’s theory of relativity to travel at the speed of light.
niggle ['n?g(?)l] n. 无关紧要的事
quantum ['kw?nt?m] n.量子论
guise [ga?z] n. 伪装;装束;外观
It was predicted in 1964 by Peter Higgs, a British physicist who was trying to fix a niggle in quantum theory, and independently, in various guises, by five other researchers.
haystack ['he?stæk] n.干草堆
Finding the Higgs, though, made looking for needles in haystacks seem simple.
aperitif [?'per?ti?f; ?,per?'ti?f] n. 开胃酒
For physicists, the Higgs is merely the LHC’s aperitif.
astronomers [?'str?n?m?]n.天文学家
Astronomers know dark matter abounds in the universe, but cannot yet explain it.
decipher [d?'sa?f?] v. 解码
The deciphering of DNA has led directly to many of the benefits of modern medicine and agriculture.
fragile ['fræd?a?l] adj. 脆的;易碎的
This helps explain why, even at this moment of triumph, particle physics is a fragile endeavour.
strode [str??d] v. 大步走;跨越
Gone are the days when physicists, having given politicians the atom bomb, strode confidently around the corridors of power.
consortium [k?n's??t??m] n. 财团;联合;合伙
The LHC, sustained by a consortium that was originally European but is now global, cost about $10 billion to build.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-18 20:50
好样的 继续坚持 sarah橙
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-18 23:14
好样的 继续坚持 sarah橙
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/18 20:50:19)
patina ['pæt?n?] n. [材] 铜绿;光泽;神态;圣餐盘
Even the horrors of war acquire a patina of unreality.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-18 23:16
20120718 <第四期4-17科技> Why Is Earth So Dry? Planet Formed from Rocky Debris in Hotter Region, Inside of Solar System's 'Snow Line'
swath[sw?θ] n. 细长的列
behemoth [b?'hi?m?θ; 'bi?h?,m??θ] adj. 巨大的;高大的
glacier['glæs??; 'gle?s??] n. 冰河,冰川
With large swaths of oceans, rivers that snake for hundreds of miles, and behemoth glaciers near the north and south poles, Earth doesn't seem to have a water shortage.
lock up把…锁起来;关起来
comet ['k?m?t] n. [天] 彗星
asteroid ['æst?r??d] n. [天] 小行星
And yet, less than one percent of our planet's mass is locked up in water, and even that may have been delivered by comets and asteroids after Earth's initial formation.
deficiency [d?'f??(?)ns?] n. 缺陷,缺点;缺乏
Astronomers have been puzzled by Earth's water deficiency.
protoplanetary disk 原行星盘
swirling [sw?:li?] n. 漩涡;涡流adj. 打旋的
The standard model explaining how the solar system formed from a protoplanetary disk, a swirling disk of gas and dust surrounding our Sun, billions of years ago suggests that our planet should be a water world.
condense [k?n'dens] vi. 浓缩;凝结
Earth should have formed from icy material in a zone around the Sun where temperatures were cold enough for ices to condense out of the disk.
debris ['debri?; 'de?bri?] n. 碎片,残骸
A new analysis of the common accretion-disk model explaining how planets form in a debris disk around our Sun uncovered a possible reason for Earth's comparative dryness.
innermost ['?n?m??st] adj. 内心的;最里面的,最深处的;秘密的
In fact, our model predicts that the other innermost planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, are also relatively dry. "
Ionized ['ai?,naiz] adj. [化学][物] 电离的;已电离的
funnel ['f?n(?)l] n. 漏斗;烟囱
In the conventional model, the protoplanetary disk around our Sun is fully ionized (a process where electrons are stripped off of atoms) and is funneling material onto our star, which heats up the disk.
infall['?nf??l] vi. 陨落
But young stars don't have enough radiation or enough infalling material to provide the necessary energetic punch to ionize the disks."
astronomical [æstr?'n?m?k(?)l] adj. 天文的,天文学的;极大的
The dead zone typically extends from about 0.1 astronomical unit to a few astronomical units beyond the star. (An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and the Sun, which is roughly 93 million miles.)
dense [dens] adj. 稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的
gravitational [,ɡræv?'te??nl] adj. [力] 重力的,[力] 引力的
compression [k?m'pre?(?)n] n. 压缩
The dense matter begins to heat up by gravitational compression.
vaporize ['ve?p?ra?z] v. 蒸发
This process, in turn, heats the area outside the plug, vaporizing the icy material and turning it into dry matter.
sophisticated [s?'f?st?ke?t?d] adj. 复杂的
The ability of infants to recognize speech is more sophisticated than previously known, researchers in New York University's Department of Psychology have found.
perception [p?'sep?(?)n] n. 知觉;[生理] 感觉
resilient [r?'z?l??nt] adj. 弹回的,有弹力的
refined [r?'fa?nd] a. 精确的
"Our results show that infant speech perception is resilient and flexible," explained Athena Vouloumanos, an assistant professor at NYU and the study's lead author. "This means that our recognition of speech is more refined at an earlier age than we'd thought."
ambiguous [æm'b?ɡju?s] adj. 模糊不清的;引起歧义的
It is well-known that adults' speech perception is fine-tuned -- they can detect speech among a range of ambiguous sounds.
gauge [ge?d?] vt. 测量;估计
aptitude ['æpt?tju?d] n. 天资
perceive [p?'si?v] v. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知
In order to gauge the aptitude to perceive speech at any early age, the researchers examined the responses of infants, approximately nine months in age, to recorded human and parrot speech and non-speech sounds.
checkerboard ['t?ek?b??d] n. 棋盘;西洋跳棋棋盘
In this study, sounds were paired with a series of visuals: a checkerboard-like image, adult female faces, and a cup.
nuanced ['nju:ɑ:nst, nju:'ɑ:nst] adj. 微妙的;具有细微差别的
Their findings on non-human speech were more nuanced.
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-7-19 11:27
好样的 继续坚持 sarah橙
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/18 20:50:19)
patina ['pæt?n?] n. [材] 铜绿;光泽;神态;圣餐盘
Even the horrors of war acquire a patina of unreality.
如何理解?-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/18 23:14:40)
a thin layer of something such as dirt that covers an object or a surfacepatina of: a patina of dirt/dust/grime
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-19 20:33
patina -
1 a greenish layer that forms naturally on the surface of copper or bronze
2 a smooth shiny surface that gradually develops on wood, leather etc
3 a patina of wealth/success etc the appearance of being wealthy, successful etc
我把Longman上的解释贴过来,看看这样是否能够理解了? (忽略有道的中文解释吧)
引申一下,a patina of A, 就是表面上看起来像A,(但可能实际不是A)。
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-19 21:46

作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-19 21:52
patina -
1 a greenish layer that forms naturally on the surface of copper or bronze
2 a smooth shiny surface that gradually develops on wood, leather etc
a patina of wealth/success etc the appearance of being wealthy, successful etc
我把Longman上的解释贴过来,看看这样是否能够理解了? (忽略有道的中文解释吧)
引申一下,a patina of A, 就是表面上看起来像A,(但可能实际不是A)。
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/19 20:33:55)
铜绿:它是铜与空气中的氧气、二氧化碳和水等物质反应产生的物质,又称铜锈(铜绿)。from 度娘
依稀记得~高中的化学课本里有提及= =
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-20 01:07
20120719 <第四期4-18经营> Starting Younger to Prevent Dating Abuse
physical violence 身体暴力
Fifteen percent of seventh graders in the study said they had been the victim of physical violence in a relationship with the opposite sex.
mistreat [m?s'tri?t] vt. 虐待
A CDC study showed that boys in these groups are more likely help a young woman who is being mistreated by another boy.
spendthrift ['spen(d)θr?ft] adj. 挥霍无度的;浪费的
German public opinion is highly concerned that German taxpayers could have to cover a portion of the public debts accumulated by spendthrift southern European countries.
transgress [trænz'gres; trɑ?nz-; -ns-] v. 违反;侵犯
bailout ['be?la?t] n. 紧急救助
This clause, however, was transgressed in May 2010 with the first Greek bailout, and again with the creation of the EFSF to deal with the Irish crisis, and now with the ESM.
emblematic [,embl?'mæt?k] adj. 象征的;可当标志的
invoke [?n'v??k] vt. 调用;祈求;引起;恳求
Consider the emblematic case of Greece. Back then, it would have been easy to invoke the no-bailout clause and let Greece go to the IMF.
austerity [?'ster?t?; ??-] n. 紧缩
Instead, Germany and the other Euro Area countries imposed unrealistic fiscal austerity policies, which deepened and lengthened the recession, against loans.
durably ['djur?bli] adv. 经久地
Growth, on the other hand, will not be durably back with the current debt level.
lenient ['li?n??nt] adj. 宽大的;仁慈的
precedent ['pres?d(?)nt] n. 先例;前例
One fear is that being “lenient” toward Greece might become a precedent and that other countries, including small Portugal and big Spain, might ask for the same treatment.
contagion [k?n'te?d?(?)n] n. 传染病;蔓延;触染
There are no firewalls high enough to prevent this and Eurobonds would just serve as a channel for this contagion.
a succession of 一系列
The real risk, then, is that a succession of defaults eventually bankrupts all Euro Area countries, including Germany.
monetization 货币化
Of course, debt monetization is commonly seen as letting the inflation devil in the house.
at this juncture 在此之际
Large scale spending is unlikely at this juncture.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-21 01:04
20120720 <第四期4-19经营> 9 Dumb Ways to Ruin a Meeting
neutral ['nju?tr(?)l] adj. 中立的
You meet at a neutral site.
convention [k?n'ven?(?)n] 约定
You’re a slave to clock conventions.
syndrome ['s?ndr??m] n.综合症状
It’s like the bigger-house syndrome: After you buy a bigger house, you somehow manage to fill it with furniture even if you don’t need any more furniture.
accordingly [?'k??d??l?]adv.相应地
Then schedule the time accordingly. Tell everyone the meeting will end on time no matter what.
recap ['ri?kæp] v.扼要重述
No agenda should include the words information, recap, review, or discussion.
concrete ['k??kri?t] adj.实在的,具体的
They should show up with concrete ideas based on the information you provided ahead of time.
accountability [?,ka?nt?'b?l?ti] n. 有义务;有责任
6You don’t establish accountability.
fuzzy ['f?z?] adj. 模糊的;失真的
Never let ownership be fuzzy or unclear. An action item without a clear owner is like an orphan–it’s someone else’s responsibility.
credibility [,kr?d?'b?l?ti] n. 可信性;确实性
Don’t give general discussions credibility by including them in a meeting recap. People might start thinking general discussions have value.
cohesion [k?(?)'hi??(?)n] n. 凝聚;结合;[力] 内聚力
You meet to improve team cohesion.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-21 18:15
20120721 <第四期4-20经营> The legacy of the author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
guru ['g?ru?] n. 专家
Stephen Covey, who died on July 16th, was one of the most successful management gurus ever. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” has sold more than 20m copies; three of his other titles have sold at least 1m each.
cog [k?g] n. 钝齿;雄榫
Mr Covey taught that employees were not merely cogs in a machine powered by rewards and punishments, but individuals.
doctoral ['d?kt?r?l] adj. 博士的;博士学位的;有博士学位的
Mr Covey also drew inspiration from the two centuries-worth of American “success literature” that he read for his doctoral thesis.
missionary ['m??(?)n(?)r?] n. 传教士
He went to Britain as a missionary when he was 20, and preached on street corners.
secular ['sekj?l?] adj.长期的
distillation [,d?st?'le??n] n.精华
The seven habits are essentially a secular distillation of Mormon teaching, says Clayton Christensen, a Harvard management guru and a Mormon, written for anyone regardless of “which sort of God you believe in or whether you even believe in God”.
conviction [k?n'v?k?(?)n] n.确信
What set Mr Covey apart from other management thinkers, says Mr Christensen, is that “he lived the life he wrote about. He had a conviction that came from experience.”
scoff [sk?f] v. 嘲笑;嘲弄
Cynics scoffed that this was all rather obvious.
prioritise [prai'?r?,taiz] vt. 给予...优先权;按优先顺序处理
Then he told them to prioritise the fourth sort so as to minimise the number that became both important and urgent.
smartphone n. 智能手机
Soon after, new smartphones such as the BlackBerry, a time-management device that does not require you to listen to lectures, threatened the survival of the newly combined firm.
posthumously ['p?stjum?sli] adv. 于死后,于身后;于著作者死后出版地
He was writing several books, including one on how to reduce crime, which will be published posthumously.
purveyors [p?'vei?] n. 承办商;伙食承办商;供应粮食者;供应货物或提供服务的人或公司
He will be remembered as a man who, as Schumpeter once put it: tried to rescue [the notion of] “character” from both the simple-minded purveyors of self-help (who imply that you can change your character as easily as your underpants) and the social-service establishment (which ignores questions of character by blaming everything on “the system”).
portrait ['p??tr?t] n. 肖像;描写
The study it describes, led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University of Pelotas, in Brazil, is the most complete portrait yet of the world’s busy bees and couch potatoes.
conspire [k?n'spa??] vi. 共谋;协力
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, technology and economic growth have conspired to create a world in which the flexing of muscles is more and more an option rather than a necessity.
slothful ['sl??θf?l; -f(?)l] adj. 怠惰的,懒惰的;迟钝的
Malta wins the race for most slothful country, with 72% of adults getting too little exercise. Swaziland and Saudi Arabia slouch in close behind, with 69%.
sluggish ['sl?g??] adj. 萧条的;迟钝的
Surprisingly, America does not live up to its sluggish reputation.
paradoxically [,pær?'d?ksik?li] adv. 自相矛盾地;似非而是地;反常地
eschew [?s't?u?; es-] vt. 避免;避开;远避
Paradoxically, human beings seem to have evolved to benefit from exercise while eschewing it whenever they can.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-23 00:44
20120722 <第四期5-01文史哲> Cheating business minds: How to break the cycle
cakewalk ['ke?kw??k] n. 易于完成的事 (感谢iamyingjie同学的纠正~^^~)
curtail [k??'te?l] vt. 缩减
unethical [?n'eθ?k(?)l] adj. 不道德的;缺乏职业道德的
It's no cakewalk, but there are several ways to curtail the spread of unethical corporate culture.
rationalize ['ræ?n?'la?z] vt. 使……合理化
align with v. 与……结盟
We figure out a way to rationalize behavior that may not otherwise align with our values.
harness ['hɑ?n?s] vt. 治理
But the next step -- harnessing those powerful reward pathways in the brain to encourage ethical behavior -- is incredibly difficult.
intervention [?nt?'ven?(?)n] n. 介入;调停;妨碍
Unfortunately, we know a lot of these rationalization behaviors that people engage in. We're not quite as good yet about figuring interventions.
biz n. 商业(等于business)
MORE: Your cheatin' mind: How biz leaders explain away poor choices
cutthroat ['k?t,θr??t] adj. 残酷的
Yet the short-term responsibility to shareholders, promotions based on money earned fast, and the cutthroat work environment in the run up to and during the financial crisis set up a competing reward system that stood in contrast to the businesses' stated moral code.
sanction ['sæ?(k)?(?)n] vt. 制裁,处罚;批准;鼓励
Strict internal policies could do some damage control. Leaders ought to work on sanctioning unethical behavior before it gets to a level that regulators would flag.
resignation [rez?g'ne??(?)n] n. 辞职;辞职书
To that end, some of the recent high-profile resignations at banks -- CEO Bob Diamond at Barclays (BCS) and head of compliance David Bagley at HSBC -- could serve as examples to other finance executives that someone at the top will take the fall for systemic problems.
adhere [?d'h??] vi. 坚持
That could force those top execs to adhere to their stated ethical code, Staw suggests.
close-knit ['kl?us'nit] adj. 紧密的
tangled ['tæ?gld] adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的
In a high-pressure and close-knit work environment, it's easy to get tangled in a tight circle of people behaving a certain way, says Frame.
fallacy ['fæl?s?] n. 谬论,谬误
The idea that our ethics are hard-wired is a fallacy, Mayer says. "I think a lot of it comes from this idea that who you are is determined early on -- did you have good parenting, did you have good friends? In reality, that's a piece of the puzzle, for sure, but we de-emphasize our environment and the environment that we create."
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-23 11:05
作者: teddybearj4 时间: 2012-7-23 12:00
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-23 22:46
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/23 11:05:07)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-23 22:51
-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/7/23 12:00:45)
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-7-24 06:33
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/7/23 11:05:07)

-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/23 22:46:24)我的心经贴给这里做链接了哈,SarahOrange这工作真棒,加油~
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-7-24 06:36
关于36楼的walkcake, 我觉得文章中用的意思是说“易于完成的事”。
的确,原意是“美国南部种植园中奴隶们的集体舞蹈”,而现代的意思发生了改变“The term "cakewalk" is often used to indicate something that is very easy or effortless. Wikipedia的解释说:尽管舞蹈本身并不是那么容易跳,但是总体而言也是有趣的,有娱乐性质的。所以这个词是用作”易于完成的事”。
cakewalk - an easy accomplishment; "winning the tournament was a cakewalk for him"; "invading Iraq won't be a cakewalk"
-- by 会员 iamyingjie (2012/7/24 4:05:56)
This task is a cakewalk. = This task is a piece of cake.
It's no cakewalk. = It's not an easy task.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-24 23:38
关于36楼的walkcake, 我觉得文章中用的意思是说“易于完成的事”。
的确,原意是“美国南部种植园中奴隶们的集体舞蹈”,而现代的意思发生了改变“The term "cakewalk" is often used to indicate something that is very easy or effortless. Wikipedia的解释说:尽管舞蹈本身并不是那么容易跳,但是总体而言也是有趣的,有娱乐性质的。所以这个词是用作”易于完成的事”。
cakewalk - an easy accomplishment; "winning the tournament was a cakewalk for him"; "invading Iraq won't be a cakewalk"
-- by 会员 iamyingjie (2012/7/24 4:05:56)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-24 23:40
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-24 23:41
补:20120723 <第四期5-02文史哲> India needs fresh faces at the top of government if it is to run its economy better
headgear ['hed,ɡi?] n. 帽子
anoint [?'n??nt] vt. 给…涂油;用油擦;抹油使神圣化
be anointed as 被选定为
Cheer this weekend if Pranab Mukherjee (pictured above with headgear) is anointed as India’s new president.
preside over 主持、负责
wretched ['ret??d] adj.令人苦恼或难受的
As finance minister until recently, the veteran leader of the Congress party presided over a wretched deterioration in the country’s economic prospects.
ruling party执政党
legislator ['led??sle?t?] n. 立法者
Poll victories have become rare indeed for the increasingly unpopular ruling party. Yet an electoral college of nearly 5,000 national and state legislators was all but certain, on July 19th, to give Mr Mukherjee a five-year presidency that is largely ceremonial.
mercenary ['m??s?n(?)r?] adj.唯利是图的
populous ['p?pj?l?s] adj. 人口稠密的;人口多的
That was thanks, in part, to mercenary motives: leaders of two crucial, populous, swing states, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, fell behind Mr Mukherjee as the central government promised aid worth some $12 billion.
bland [blænd] adj. 乏味的;温和的;冷漠的
nonentity [n?'nent?t?] n.无足轻重的人
The result matters in at least two ways. The outgoing president, Pratibha Patil, was a bland nonentity.
parliament ['pɑ?l?m(?)nt] n. 议会
coalition [,k???'l??(?)n] n. 联合;结合,合并
tentacle ['tent?k(?)l] n. 触手
diminished [d?'m?n??t] adj. 减弱的;减退了的
A hung parliament is almost certain after the next general election in 2014, when the president may pick which party tries first to form a coalition. Those tentacles could prove handy for a diminished Congress.
ignominious [,?gn?'m?n??s] adj. 可耻的;下流的
The 76-year-old’s three-year spell as finance minister was ignominious. (“He has an economic mind from the 1970s,” grumbles an observer.)
vague [ve?g] adj. 模糊的
retrospective [retr?(?)'spekt?v] adj. 回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的
dismay [d?s'me?] vt. 使沮丧;使惊慌
bungle ['b??g(?)l] vt.把…搞糟
subsidy ['s?bs?d?] n. 补贴;津贴;补助金
Plans for vague and retrospective taxes dismayed investors, foreign and local. Worse, he bungled urgent reforms, notably over opening foreign investment in the retailing industry, and failing to push through a goods and services tax and to cut costly subsidies.
cabinet minister n. 大臣;阁僚
A cabinet minister, Salman Kurshid, bravely admitted the obvious this month, calling the government directionless.
ascent [?'sent] n. 上升
reshuffle [ri?'??f(?)l] vt.. 改组;重作安排
With Mr Mukherjee’s ascent, a reshuffle will follow.
wallow in 沉湎于
predictability [pri,dikt?'biliti] n. 可预测性;可预言
Local firms wallow in cash, hungry for a chance to invest, but they need predictability about policy and decision-making.
infrastructure ['?nfr?str?kt??] n. 基础设施;公共建设
Foreign firms, evn in infrastructure and consumer goods, also hold back, unsure of the politics.
decisive [d?'sa?s?v] adj. 决定性的;果断的,坚定的
behemoth [b?'hi?m?θ; 'bi?h?,m??θ] n. 庞然大物
Yet expecting decisive change from Congress’s behemoth is probably a fantasy.
manoeuvring [m?'nu:v?ri?] n. 调遣;谋略;部署
It would take skilful manoeuvring to do that and also promote bold, liberalising reforms, such as cutting fuel subsidies.
sycophancy ['s?k?f?ns?] n.追随;
thumping ['θ?mp??] adj. 重击的;巨大的
More troubling, sycophancy to the Gandhi dynasty dictates that no young figure can outshine the bashful 42-year-old heir apparent, Rahul Gandhi, who had largely been absent from high-profile politics since a thumping defeat in important state polls in Uttar Pradesh in March.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-25 22:57
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-25 22:57
补:20120724 <第四期5-03科技> What Countries Are Doing To Tackle Climate Change
wrangle ['ræ?g(?)l] v. 争论
While nations wrangle over a new global treaty on climate change, the question on many minds is: What happens next?
Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书
expire [?k'spa??; ek-] vi. 期满
Key portions of the Kyoto Protocol are set to expire at the end of 2012.
emitter [?'m?t?] n.排放者
initiative [?'n????t?v; -??-] n.积极性
But many of the world's major greenhouse gas emitters have already set national targets to reduce emissions, and they're forging their own initiatives to meet those goals.
curb [k??b] vt. 控制
deforestation [di:,f?ri'stei??n] n. 采伐森林
Some are focusing on curbing deforestation and boosting renewable energy sources.
cap-and-trade n. 限额交易
mandatory ['mænd?t(?)r?] adj. 强制的
Several nations are experimenting with cap-and-trade plans: Regulators set mandatory limits on industrial emissions, but companies that exceed those "caps" can buy permits to emit from companies that have allowances to spare.
pledge [pled?] n. 保证,誓言
legally binding 有法律约束力;受法律约束
What is clear is that the pledges currently on the table aren't legally binding, and they fall far short of what would be required to stabilize the planet's atmosphere.
by and large大体上,总的来说
By and large, Australia has met those targets, mostly by reducing deforestation and land clearing.
dismantle [d?s'mænt(?)l] vt. 拆除;取消
That might make it harder to dismantle the market if conservatives win back control of Australia's government in 2013.
beef up vt. 加强(增援,充实);
Brazil's National Climate Change Plan is focused on expanding renewable electric energy sources and beefing up the use of biofuels in the transportation industry.
eliminate [?'l?m?ne?t] vt. 消除;排除
It's hoping to eliminate illegal deforestation and bring the net loss of forest coverage to zero by 2015.
allotted [?'l?tid] adj. 专款的;拨出的
Companies that emit less carbon than their allotted amount can sell their extra carbon credits to firms that exceed their emissions limit.
gigawatt ['g?g?w?t] n. 千兆瓦;十亿瓦特
India has set an ambitious goal of getting 20 gigawatts of solar power online by 2022.
suck up ['s?k?p] 吸收
Indonesia is home to vast swaths of tropical forests, which suck up atmospheric carbon.
moratorium [,m?r?'t??r??m] n. 暂停,中止
concession [k?n'se?(?)n] n. 让步;特许(权)
Under a deal with Norway that went into effect in May 2011, Indonesia agreed to implement a two-year moratorium on new concessions for clearing forests in exchange for $1 billion in support for its forest conservation efforts.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-26 22:25
补:20120725 <第四期5-04科技> Science at the Olympics: Team science
toil [t??l] vi. 辛苦工作
overshadow v. 遮阴
Yet those scientists toil in the background, understandably overshadowed by the sporting spectacle.
Paralympics [,pær?'limpiks] n.残奥会
In 2000, the Spanish basketball team in the Paralympics learning-difficulties category swept the board to win all of their games and take gold.
strip sb of sth 剥夺某人的
After the scandal was revealed by an undercover journalist, the team was stripped of its medals, and anyone with a learning disability was excluded from the next two Paralympic Games.
in the wake of随着…而来
fiasco [f?'æsk??] n. 惨败
solidify [s?'l?d?fa?] v. 团结;凝固
criteria [krai'ti?ri?] n. 标准,条件(criterion的复数)
eligibility [,elid??'bil?ti] n. 被选举资格
classification [,klæs?f?'ke??(?)n] n. 分类;类别,等级
impairment [?m'p?rm?nt] n. 损伤,损害In the wake of the Spanish fiasco, the International Paralympic Committee and Inas, the international federation for para-athletes with an intellectual disability, sponsored an international research group to solidify the criteria for 'eligibility' (existence of a disability), and 'classification' (impairment of ability to play the sport).
comprehensively [,kɑmpr?'h?ns?vli] adv. 包括地;包括一切地
documented ['d?kjum?ntid] adj. 备有证明文件的
robust [r?(?)'b?st] adj. 强健的;健康的
fraud [fr??d] n. 欺骗
All this has to be comprehensively documented and reviewed by multiple researchers so that the system is robust against fraud.
hectic ['hekt?k] adj. 忙碌的
Burns is currently working a hectic schedule juggling her Paralympics work, her regular academic job and huge interest from the world's media.
sprint [spr?nt] n. 冲刺;短跑
In this summer's 100-metre sprint, Usain 'Lightning' Bolt will attempt to hold onto his title of 'world's fastest man' against a younger and currently fleeter Yohan Blake.
suburban [s?'b??b(?)n] adj. 郊区的
Yet one of the fiercest battles in the Olympic Games will play out in a giant, custom-built suburban laboratory in Harlow, 35 kilometres north of the Olympic village.
molecular [m?'lekj?l?] adj. [化学] 分子的;由分子组成的
arsenal ['ɑ:s?n?l] n. a large collection of things you can use to achieve a particular purpose
Sisyphean [,sisi'fi:?n] adj. 永远做不完的;徒劳的
performance-enhancing a. 提高成绩的
Here, anti-doping experts will apply the most sophisticated tools in their molecular arsenal in the seemingly Sisyphean pursuit of those athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs.
stimulant ['st?mj?l(?)nt] n. [药] 兴奋剂
steroid ['st??r??d; 'ster??d] n. 类固醇
The lab will screen for dozens of stimulants, steroids and other banned substances.
notoriously [n?u't?:ri?sli] adv. 众所周知地
Anti-doping science is notoriously — some say unnecessarily — secretive; Bartlett says that he cannot reveal what drug-detection techniques will be rolled out at the London games.
disclose [d?s'kl??z] vt. 公开;揭露
validate ['væl?de?t] vt. 证实,验证
All he will disclose is this: “We've got the most sophisticated equipment, we spent the past year or so developing and validating new techniques that will give us increased sensitivity in all of our areas.”
legitimate [l?'d??t?m?t] adj. 合法的;正当的
toxicology [,t?ks?'k?l?d??] n. [毒物] 毒物学
Legitimate drugs are one target for Bartlett, who worked previously in food sciences and toxicology.
pharmaceutical [,fɑ?m?'su?t?k(?)l; -'sju?-] adj. 制药(学)的
pipeline ['pa?pla?n] n. 管道;传递途径
Pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Amgen and GlaxoSmithKline now routinely share information about drugs in their pipelines that could potentially be used by athletes.
tweak [twi?k] vt. 扭;用力拉;开足马力
crank out 粗制滥造
evade [?'ve?d] v. 逃避
Increasingly, dopers are turning to illegal labs in India, China and elsewhere that crank out drugs such as EPO that have been tweaked chemically to evade testing.
cautiously ['k?:??sli] adv. 慎重地,谨慎地
illicit [?'l?s?t] adj. 违法的;不正当的
Bartlett is cautiously optimistic. Many countries screen their athletes before departing for London, and some sports have begun to use 'biological passports' that chart characteristics of athletes' blood over time, looking for changes that might signal illicit performance enhancement, even when a substance such as EPO cannot be found.
British swimmers turned to fluid-dynamics researcher Stephen Turnock.
hydrodynamics [,ha?dr?(?)da?'næm?ks] n. [流] 流体力学
Turnock's speciality is hydrodynamics, particularly in ship design.
aerodynamic [,?roda?'næm?ks] adj. 空气动力学的
The lab previously worked with the British cycling team to devise more aerodynamic riding positions, which may have played at least a small part in the 14 medals that 'Team GB' cyclists brought home from Beijing.
instrumentation [,?nstr?men'te??(?)n] n. 使用仪器
It's a complex process to get the instrumentation right but that's a relatively simple bit of fluid dynamics because, typically, most of a position of the cyclist and the body is relatively fixed.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-28 01:32
补:20120726 <第四期5-05GMAT topic> NN’s debrief: Ketav's journey to 750...
lles heel致命要害;薄弱环节
convent ['k?nv(?)nt] n. 女修道院
Verbal on the other hand was my Achilles heel. Being convent educated I have a decent command over language.
reason out 推理出,推论出
Similarly, I could reason out arguments in wsj or even tech blogs like engadget.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-28 15:34
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-7-28 15:48
Achilles' heel 是希腊神话中著名的“阿喀琉斯的脚踝”
^^我有段时间很喜欢读Greek mythology,也许以后应该去读英文版~?
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-28 17:44
In Greek mythology, when Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die in battle . To prevent his death, his mother Thetis took Achilles to the River Styx which was supposed to offer powers of invincibility and dipped his body into the water. But as Thetis held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river. Achilles grew up to be a man of war who survived many great battles. But one day, a poisonous arrow shot at him was lodged in his heel, killing him shortly after. Still, Achilles is remembered as one of the greatest fighters who ever lived.——from Wikipedia
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-28 17:46

不错哦 顶
-- by 会员 babiya2049 (2012/7/28 13:08:26)
Thx, cheers~

作者: eliane小小爱 时间: 2012-7-29 13:04
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-29 13:55
-- by 会员 eliane小小爱 (2012/7/29 13:04:49)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-29 13:56
补:20120727 <第四期5-06经管> China’s Economic Slowdown: Why Stimulus Is a Bad Idea
impervious [?m'p??v??s] adj. 不受影响的
perilous ['per?l?s] adj. 危险的
Anyone who thought China was impervious to either the perilous state of the global recovery or the laws of basic economics should take a look at the data streaming out of the country in recent months.
stall [st??l] v. 停止
Manufacturing output and exports have been weak and the property sector has stalled.
sag [sæg] v. 下垂;下降
And with the sagging data have come louder and louder cries for greater government stimulus to pump up growth, as Beijing’s policymakers did successfully after the 2008 financial crisis.
ratchet ['ræt??t] vt. 松脱
"There’s lots more the government can do to ratchet things up,” HSBC said in a recent report.
exacerbate [?g'zæs?be?t; ek'sæs-] vt. 使加剧;使恶化;激怒
percolating ['p?:k?leiti?] adj. 渗透的
That’s exactly what China doesn’t need, however. Government policies to greatly boost growth will only exacerbate the percolating dangers within the Chinese economy — dangers that could even result in an economic crisis.
embroil [?m'br??l; em-] vt. 使卷入
As the global recovery stumbles and Europe remains embroiled in a debt crisis, Chinese exports have taken a hit.
subsidize ['s?bs?'da?z] vt. 资助
Its own consumers can’t fill in the gap. Private consumption in China relative to GDP is among the lowest of any major economy and remains constrained by government policies that punish consumers to subsidize investment.
curtail [k??'te?l] vt. 缩减
Rebalancing will also require major reforms within the economy — such as liberalizing regulated interest rates and curtailing the influence of the state sector — which would pinch powerful interest groups.
prolong [pr?'l??] vt. 延长
Renewed reliance on investment to support activity threatens to prolong the Chinese economy’s structural imbalances …
inherently [in'hi?r?ntli] adv. 内在地
deteriorate [d?'t??r??re?t] v. 恶化
Moreover, the rise in investment as a share of GDP since 2008, which is inherently unsustainable, has coincided with deteriorating efficiency as measured by the ratio of incremental output per unit of investment.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-30 00:25
补:20120729 <第四期5-07经管> A home from home: Five planets that could host life
marble ['mɑ?b(?)l] n. 大理石
cosmos ['k?zm?s] n. 宇宙
shed light on 阐明;使…清楚地显出
It's one of the big questions: Are we alone on this blue marble or is there life elsewhere in the cosmos? To shed light on this, astronomers are searching for habitable worlds circling far-off stars.
observatory [?b'z??v?t(?)r?] n. 天文台
The team at the Geneva observatory which had discovered all four other planets around the star Gliese 581 failed to detect it in their own data.
controversial [k?ntr?'v???(?)l] adj. 有争议的;有争论的
Nevertheless, the planet's existence remains controversial.
Jupiter ['d?u?p?t?] n. [天] 木星
Saturn ['sæt(?)n] n. [天] 土星
Announced in February 2012 by a team from the US Carnegie Insitution and Germany's Goettingen University, Gliese 667Cc belongs to a class of planets known as Super Earths - a class of planet with a size in between that of rocky worlds like Earth and Mars and the gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.
radius ['re?d??s] n. 半径
With a radius 2.4 times that of Earth, Kepler 22b is the most massive of the five habitable planets.
predominantly [pr?'dɑm?n?ntli] adv. 主要地;显著地
gaseous ['gæs??s; 'ge?s??s] adj. 气态的
Neptune ['neptju:n] n. 海王星
Astronomers do not yet know for sure whether it has a predominantly gaseous, rocky or liquid composition. But to some, its size suggests a composition closer to the gaseous Neptune than to Earth.
Venus ['vi?n?s] n. [天] 金星
preclude [pr?'klu?d] vt. 排除
This means it is closer to Venus than Earth in the amount of energy it absorbs from its star. However, that would not necessarily preclude the possibility of life.
solar radiation [天] 太阳辐射;日光照射
offset ['?fset] vt. 抵消
proximity [pr?k's?m?t?] n. 亲近,接近
How hospitable the planet is may depend on how much cloud cover it has, since clouds reflect solar radiation. Its discoverers calculate that if HD85512b were to have more than 50% cloud cover (on the same order as Earth), it could offset the planet's proximity to its star enough for water to stay liquid at the surface.
balmy ['bɑ?m?] adj. 温和的
muggy ['m?g?] adj. 闷热的;潮湿的
However, any life forms on HD85512b will have to be suited to very balmy conditions, "It's going to be really muggy, just think about the muggiest day you can think of," co-discoverer Lisa Kaltenegger, from the Max Planck Institute in Germany, said at the time of its discovery.
spectroscopic [,spektr?'sk?pik] adj. 光谱学的
Since it is located only 20.3 light-years away - in the Constellation Libra - astronomers should be able to resolve some of these questions in the future, with direct spectroscopic observations of the planet's atmosphere.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-7-30 22:47
补:20120730 <第四期5-08经管> Egypt’s Islamists Tread Lightly, but Skeptics Squirm
swear in 使宣誓就职
unabashed [?n?'bæ?t] adj. 不畏惧的
When he was sworn in last month, the Arab world’s biggest country gained an unabashed Islamist as its leader for the first time, arousing alarm here and abroad.
definitive [d?'f?n?t?v] adj. 决定性的;最后的
pronouncement [pr?'na?nsm(?)nt] n. 声明;宣告;公告
premature ['prem?tj??]adj. 不成熟的
Such a definitive pronouncement could be premature.
circumscribed adj. 局限的;受限制的
rash [ræ?] adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的
pretext ['pri?tekst] n. 借口;托辞
crack down 镇压
fledgling ['fled?l??] n. 无经验的人
And Mr. Morsi’s power has been severely circumscribed by the military, which still holds most of the cards; a rash move by Mr. Morsi could provide a pretext for the military to crack down further on the fledgling government.
refrain [r?'fre?n] vi. 避免
hot-button (问题等)非常敏感的,热门的;(尤指政治上)具有轰动效应的;引起公愤的
Significantly, he has refrained from taking any action on hot-button social or foreign policy issues, or even discussing them.
ruling circles 统治集团(或阶层)
obligatory [?'bl?g?t(?)r?] adj. 义务的;必须的
No one in ruling circles is calling for the government to make wearing head scarves obligatory, ban pop music or review the peace treaty with Israel.
placate [pl?'ke?t; 'plæke?t; 'ple?-] vt. 抚慰
secular ['sekj?l?] n.[宗]俗僧,俗人
Despite such efforts, Mr. Morsi and his Brotherhood allies have had little luck placating secular and other opponents.
oust [a?st] vt. 驱逐
vow [va?] v. 发誓;郑重宣告
veiled [ve?ld] adj. 隐藏的;不清楚的
Just two weeks ago, the leader of the ruling military council, which has controlled Egypt since Mr. Mubarak was ousted, vowed that the army would not let Egypt “fall” to “a certain group,” a not-so-veiled reference to the Brotherhood.
conciliatory [k?n's?l??t?r?] adj. 安抚的
deep-seated ['di:p'si:tid] adj. 根深蒂固的
"Since Morsi won, the Muslim Brotherhood adopted more of a conciliatory tone and made an effort to reach out to non-Islamists,” Mr. Hamid said. “The question is if it has worked, and I would say it hasn’t. It’s deep-seated. Neither side trusts the other.”
tyranny ['t?r(?)n?] n. 暴政;专横;严酷;残暴的行为
“Being a secular liberal, I was very critical of my fellow liberals when they spoke of the tyranny of the majority and so on,” he added. “I said, ‘Let’s work with the Brotherhood.’ ”
nuance ['nju?ɑ?ns] n. 细微差别
But the nuances are pretty scary.
constitutional [k?nst?'tju??(?)n(?)l] adj. 宪法的
postelection 后期选举
Those nuances include the way a Brotherhood spokesman, Mahmoud Ghuzlan, answers questions with Koranic verses, and the group’s tendency to fill the spectator galleries at hearings on constitutional and postelection issues with emotional, chanting activists.
anonymity [æn?'n?m?t?] n. 匿名
authorized ['??θ?ra?zd] adj. 经授权的;经认可的
Mr. Morsi was quoted as saying by a former campaign worker, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
suspicion [s?'sp??(?)n] n. 怀疑
erupt into 爆发成
jeer [d???] v. 嘲笑
pelt with 用(某物)扔某人
The depth of suspicions about the Brotherhood erupted into public view this month when Hillary Rodham Clinton, the American secretary of state, met with Mr. Morsi in Egypt and then was jeered and her motorcade pelted with tomatoes by protesters, mainly Coptic Christians and secularists, angry that the Americans were, in their view, supporting the Islamists by meeting with Mr. Morsi.
lavish ['læv??] adj. 丰富的
He’s in demand with media and sponsors alike, but he won’t admit that all this lavish attention is primarily a result of this one fact: he’s the closest thing to a rival that Michael Phelps will have in London.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-1 22:52
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-8-2 10:32
up U~
作者: babybearmm 时间: 2012-8-2 12:11
widely and unfavorably known: a notorious gambler.
补:20120725 <第四期5-04科技> Science at the Olympics: Team science
notoriously [n?u't?:ri?sli] adv. 众所周知地
Anti-doping science is notoriously — some say unnecessarily — secretive; Bartlett says that he cannot reveal what drug-detection techniques will be rolled out at the London games.
-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/26 22:25:56)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-4 15:31
widelyandunfavorablyknown:a notorious gambler.
补:20120725 <第四期5-04科技> Science at the Olympics: Team science
notoriously [n?u't?:ri?sli] adv. 众所周知地
Anti-doping science is notoriously — some say unnecessarily — secretive; Bartlett says that he cannot reveal what drug-detection techniques will be rolled out at the London games.
-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/7/26 22:25:56)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/8/2 12:11:13)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-4 15:32
20120804 <第四期5-09文史哲> Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962: She Was the Most Influential Wife of Any American President
legislator ['led??sle?t?] n. 立法者
Franklin Roosevelt began his life in politics in New York. He was elected to be a state legislator.
polio ['p??l???] n. 小儿麻痹症(等于poliomyelitis)
In nineteen twenty-one, Franklin Roosevelt was struck by the terrible disease polio.
commentary ['kɑm?nt?ri] n. 评论
She wrote a daily newspaper commentary.
naval ['ne?v(?)l] adj. 海军的
The United States was forced to enter World War Two when Japanese forces attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in nineteen forty-one.
U.N. Human Rights Commission 联合国人权委员会
Later, Mrs. Roosevelt was elected chairman of the U.N. Human Rights Commission.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-4 19:30
20120804 <第四期5-10经管> Is Banking Unusually Corrupt, and If So, Why? Posner
refute [r?'fju?t] vt. 反驳
imprudent [?m'pru?d(?)nt] adj. 轻率的
downright ['da?nra?t] adj. 显明的
One has the impression—no more than that, but it is difficult even to imagine what “evidence” is obtainable that could confirm or refute the impression—that imprudent, unethical, unlawful, and downright criminal behavior is more common in large financial institutions (“banks,” as defined in the next paragraph) than in other, and otherwise comparable, business firms.
account for 对…负有责任
If the impression is correct, what might account for it?
creditworthiness ['kredit,w?:θinis] n. 好信誉
intermediation ['?nt?,mi?d?'e???n] n.中间人
I think the answer lies in the nature of banking, understood broadly as financial intermediation: if A has money he’d like to save and B needs money, then rather than A lending directly to B A might lend to C to lend to B, because C—a bank—is a specialist in assessing creditworthiness.
deposit insurance [保险] 存款保险
Government deposit insurance can reduce the risk of runs and by thus making depositors’ capital more secure reduce the interest rate the bank has to pay them.
correlated adj. 有相互关系的
government intervention政府干预;政府干涉
But risk and return are positively correlated; by reducing risk, government intervention in the banking industry reduces expected return.
amplify ['æmpl?fa?] vt. 扩大
It may also decide to offset the cost of its reserves (cash on which it receives no return), and amplify the spread between its cost of borrowed capital and its return on investment, by making riskier investments with its borrowed funds than mortgage loans, municipal and corporate bonds, Treasury notes, and other conventional bank investments: it may decide to speculate.
firm-specific adj. 公司特有的
Second, not only a bank’s financial capital but also its human capital is short term; very little financial human capital seems to be firm-specific, judging by the rate at which bankers move from firm to firm.
ferociously [f?'r?u??sli] adv.激烈地
scrupulous ['skru?pj?l?s] adj. 细心的;小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的
Any firm that has short-term capital is under great pressure to compete ferociously, as it is in constant danger of losing its capital to fiercer, less scrupulous competitors, who can offer its investors and its key employees higher returns.
utility [ju?'t?l?t?] n.效用
Such a business model attracts people who have a taste for risk and attach a very high utility to money.
gullibility [,g?li'biliti] n. 轻信
sharp practice卑鄙交易;不择手段的赢利行为
The complexity of modern finance, the greed and gullibility of individual financial consumers, and the difficulty that so many ordinary people have in understanding credit facilitate financial fraud, and financial sharp practices that fall short of fraud, enabling financial fraudsters to skirt criminal sanctions.
ineffectuality ['ini,fekt?u'æl?ti] 无效果;徒劳无益;不起作用
ostensibly [?s'tens?bli] adv. 表面上
Its ineffectuality is on display in the Libor scandal. Libor (an abbreviation for “London interbank offered rate”) is ostensibly a reliable estimate of the interest rate that leading world banks charge each other for three-month or one-year loans.
hypothetical [,ha?p?'θet?k(?)l] adj. 假设的
With the financial crash of 2008 and ensuing reduction in loan activity, banks had fewer and fewer occasions to borrow from each other, so the daily Libor rate became increasingly hypothetical.
solvency ['s?lv?ns?] n. 偿付能力
And since Libor is an index of bank solvency, it was in the interest of the participating banks to “estimate” Libor rates lower than actual transaction rates; and apparently that’s what they did.
laxity ['læks?t?] n. 松驰;放纵
The regulators were aware of this monkey business, but apparently did nothing, continuing a pattern of bank-regulatory laxity of many years’ standing.
revolving door旋转门;十字形旋转门
lest [lest] conj. 唯恐,以免;担心
zeal [zi?l] n. 热情;热心;热诚
One is the revolving door: some regulators look forward to a post-governmental career in the regulated industry and fear lest the industry punish them for regulatory zeal by refusing to give them a good job.
complacency [k?m'ple?s(?)ns?] n. 自满
But the most interesting is the complacency about capitalism typified by the attitude of Alan Greenspan, the long-serving chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and by other conservative economists.
deregulation [d?'r?gj?,le??n] n. 违反规定
precipitate [pr?'s?p?te?t] vt. 促成
Competition often is an adequate substitute for regulation; that was the insight behind the deregulation movement that began in the late 1970s. But it is not an adequate substitute for banking regulation, because of the macroeconomic risks that a collapse of the banking industry can precipitate.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-5 23:37
20120805 <第四期5-11经管> The Success Myth
wager ['we?d??] v. 打赌
innate [?'ne?t; '?ne?t] adj. 先天的
But I’d be willing to wager that it had something to do with innate ability.
marvel ['mɑ?v(?)l] vi. 感到惊讶
aptitude ['æpt?tju?d] n. 天资
lottery ['l?t(?)r?] n. 彩票
We marvel at their extraordinary aptitude, assuming they must have won the DNA lottery to be so good at what they do.
ingredient [?n'gri?d??nt] n. 要素
Deep down, many of us believe that the key ingredient to success is innate ability.
malleable ['mæl??b(?)l] adj. 可锻的;可塑的
Intelligence, creativity, willpower, social skill aptitudes like these are not only profoundly malleable (i.e., they grow with experience and effort), but they are just one small piece of the achievement puzzle.
endorse [?n'd??s; en-]vt. 认可
prudent ['pru?d(?)nt] adj. 精明的
“When endorsing individuals for jobs, promotions, or graduate school, then, it seems prudent to highlight their potential as a means of engaging recruiters,’ employers,’ and university admissions officers’ interest,” they write.
millennials [mi'leni?l] n. 千禧之子
comprise [k?m'pra?z] vt. 包含;由…组成
Now in their teens through their early 30s, millennials are expected to comprise half of the workforce by 2020.
morale [m?'rɑ?l] n. 士气,斗志
That tension can affect workplace morale.
grip [gr?p] vt. 紧握;夹紧 vi. 抓住
midst [m?dst] n. 当中,中间
cohorts ['k?uh?:ts] n. 军团
But rather than griping about the millennials in their midst, she says Boomers can learn from their younger cohorts.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-7 21:45
20120807 <第四期5-12经管> Who, What, Why: Why are US athletes taxed on Olympic medal wins?
right up there接近(或几乎)取胜(或成功)
The US is right up there in the medals table, and has produced some of the finest displays in the Olympics so far.
burdensome ['b??dns(?)m] adj. 恼人的
This, he said, is an example of the "madness" of the US tax system, which he called a "complicated and burdensome mess".
be entitled to有权;有…的资格
exemption [?ɡ'zemp?n] n. 免除,豁免;免税
With the Olympics taking place in London, the UK would be entitled to claim tax on prize money paid to visiting athletes, but has given a number of tax exemptions for competitors in the Olympics - including on any prize money.
recess [r?'ses; 'ri?ses] n. 休息;休会
Congress is about to go off on a one-month recess, and with the Olympics already well underway, this is, says Erb, more about "political grand-standing" than anything else.
would-be ['wudbi:] adj. 想要成为的
brood [bru?d] n. 一窝;一伙
Eating would-be mates could lead to a bigger brood for spiders, scientists have found.
suitor ['su?t?] n. 求婚者
copulatory ['k?pjul?t?ri] adj. 交配的
cannibalism ['kæn?bl,?z?m] n. 嗜食同类
The egg cases of American grass spiders that ate their suitors were compared with those that did not in a new study of pre-copulatory cannibalism.
spiderling n. 小蜘蛛,幼蜘蛛
cannibal ['kæn?b(?)l] adj. 食同类的
More spiderlings of cannibalistic mothers hatched from thicker cases than non-cannibal offspring did, it showed.
reproductive [,ri?pr?'d?kt?v] adj.再生的
The study is published in Animal Behaviour and thought to be the first to link cannibalism with reproductive success.
funnel ['f?n(?)l] n. 漏斗
habitat ['hæb?tæt] n. [生态] 栖息地
Aric Berning from the University of Pittsburgh, lead author of the study said that sourcing the spiders from the funnel web family was simple, because of their urban habitat.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-9 21:56
20120809 <第四期5-13文史哲> Faces of quiet trauma
Rwanda [ru'ænd?] n. 卢旺达(东非国家)
HIV abbr. 艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus)
genocide ['d?en?sa?d] n. 种族灭绝
In 2006 Jonathan Torgovnik, an Israeli-born photographer, travelled to Rwanda with a reporter to investigate how HIV had been used as a weapon of war during the 1994 genocide.
atrocity [?'tr?s?t?] n. 暴行
aftermath ['ɑ?ft?mæθ] n. 后果;余波
This atrocity left more than 800,000 people dead, but one interviewee revealed another aspect of its aftermath.
militiaman [m?'l???m?n] n. 民兵
He spent the next three years interviewing women who’d had a child after being raped by militiamen.
parentage ['pe?r(?)nt?d?] n. 出身
He photographed them with their children, many of whom don’t know the truth about their parentage.
ostracise ['?str?saiz] vt. 排斥(等于ostracize)
stigma ['st?gm?] n. 耻辱
"These women are ostracised,” Mr Torgovnik says. “They are rejected by their communities because of the stigma associated with rape, associated with HIV, associated with having a child of the enemy, so to speak.”
trauma ['tr??m?; 'tra?m?] n. 创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常)
candid ['kænd?d] adj.坦白的
But despite their trauma, and despite talking to a man and an outsider, Mr Torgovnik found the women he interviewed surprisingly candid.
testimony ['test?m?n?] n. [法] 证词,证言
plead with sb 向某人恳求
"I think they’d kept it in for so many years that when someone was finally there to collect their testimonies, they actually pleaded with me to tell their stories because they cannot tell them themselves.”
photojournalism [f??t??'d???n(?)l?z(?)m] n. 摄影报道,摄影新闻工作
For the first time Mr Torgovnik’s work has taken him beyond photojournalism.
eucalyptus [,ju?k?'l?pt?s] n. 桉树
plantation [plæn'te??(?)n; plɑ?n-] n.大农场
We gave him part of our eucalyptus plantation to save my brother, Turgen.
arrogant ['ær?g(?)nt] adj. 自大的,傲慢的
club [kl?b] n.棍棒
He told the other militiamen to reduce my height because I had always been arrogant; so they got clubs and hit my legs.
premonition [,prem?'n??(?)n; ,pri?-] n. 预告;征兆
I had a premonition that I might survive if I picked one child and ran away.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-11 18:20
201208011 <第四期5-14文史哲> A Princess of Mars PART ONE
captive ['kæpt?v] n. 俘虏
At first he is a captive, then a warrior, and after many battles, a prince of a royal family.
mining ['ma?n??] n. 矿业;采矿
Powell was trained as a mining engineer. He said we had uncovered over a million dollars worth of gold in only three months.
saddle ['sæd(?)l] n. 鞍
I found my weapons, placed a saddle on my horse and started as fast as possible down the trail taken by Powell.
full-grown ['ful'ɡr?un] adj. 生长完全的
Martian ['mɑ:??n] n. 火星人
As I watched the fierce-looking creatures, I failed to hear twenty full-grown Martians coming from behind me.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-12 22:55
20120812 <第四期5-15科技> Life On Mars? Try One Of Saturn's Moons Instead
rover ['r??v?] n. 漫游者
One of the things the Mars rover will look for is organic molecules that could at least indicate whether there was once life on the Red Planet.
geyser ['gi?z?; 'ga?-] n. 喷泉
subsurface ['s?bs??f?s] adj. 地下的
But this large snowball is interesting to scientists such as McKay because there's a geyser coming out of its south pole from what scientists believe is a subsurface body of liquid water, like a sea or a lake, which contains organic compounds.
scooter ['sku?t?] n. 小轮摩托车
He was once asked, "If I had a little scooter like the Millennium Falcon, and I could go anywhere in the solar system, where would I go, what would I punch in first?"
erupt [?'r?pt] v.喷出
The only easy part about exploring the possibility of life on Enceladus is that the geyser is erupting water into space.
mineralogy [m?n?'ræl?d??] n. 矿物学
Blake is in charge of a chemistry and mineralogy instrument on the rover called CheMin.
作者: 莽莽要上7 时间: 2012-8-15 13:49
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-15 21:57
-- by 会员 莽莽要上7 (2012/8/15 13:49:21)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-15 21:57
20120815 <第四期5-16科技> Diseased Trees New Source of Climate Gas
concentration [k?ns(?)n'tre??(?)n] n. 浓度
methane ['mi?θe?n; 'meθe?n] n. [有化] 甲烷
ambient ['æmb??nt] adj. 周围的
Sixty trees sampled at Yale Myers Forest in northeastern Connecticut contained concentrations of methane that were as high as 80,000 times ambient levels.
flammable ['flæm?b(?)l] adj. 易燃的;可燃的
potent ['p??t(?)nt] adj. 强有力的
"These are flammable concentrations," said Kristofer Covey, the study's lead author and a Ph.D. candidate at Yale. "Because the conditions thought to be driving this process are common throughout the world's forests, we believe we have found a globally significant new source of this potent greenhouse gas."
gallon ['gæl?n] n. 加仑(容量单位)
hectare ['hekte?; -ɑ?] n. 公顷(等于1万平方米)
The estimated emission rate from an upland site at the Yale forest is roughly equivalent to burning 40 gallons of gasoline per hectare of forest per year.
sequester [s?'kwest?] vt. 使隔绝
sequestration [,si?kw?'stre??(?)n] n. 隔离
It also has a global warming potential equivalent to 18 percent of the carbon being sequestered by these forests, reducing their climate benefit of carbon sequestration by nearly one-fifth.
extrapolate [?k'stræp?le?t; ek-] vt. 推断
If we extrapolate these findings to forests globally, the methane produced in trees represents 10 percent of global emissions.
outwardly ['a?tw?dli] adv. 表面上;外观上地
hollow out vt. 挖空(挖洞;开凿)
fungal ['f??g(?)l] adj. 真菌的(等于fungous)
microorganism [ma?kr??'??g(?)n?z(?)m] n. [微] 微生物;微小动植物
methanogen [m?'θæn?d??n] n. [微] 产烷生物
Although outwardly healthy, they are being hollowed out by a common fungal infection that slowly eats through the trunk, creating conditions favorable to methane-producing microorganisms called methanogens.
timber ['t?mb?] n. 木材;木料
forestry ['f?r?str?] n. 林业
mitigation [,m?t?'ɡe??n] n. 减轻;缓和
No one until now has linked the idea that fungal rot of timber trees, a production problem in commercial forestry, might also present a problem for greenhouse gas and climate change mitigation.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-8-17 12:08
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.
Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-17 23:44
20120817 <第四期5-17科技> Project Mercury: Alan Shepard Becomes the First American in Space
cosmonaut ['k?zm?n??t] n. (俄)宇航员(等于astronaut)
But before NASA could send an astronaut into space, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin of the Soviet Union became the first person to travel in space.
launch pad n. 发射台
With a roar, it began to rise slowly from the launch pad.
weightlessness ['weitlisnis] n. 失重;无重状态
It also tested the effect of weightlessness on living creatures.
thruster ['θr?st?] n. (火箭)[航] 推进器
One of the small thruster rockets that turned the spacecraft stopped working.
telemetry [t?'l?m?tri] n. [自] 遥测技术
The signals, or telemetry, reported on the condition of the systems.
shield [?i?ld] n. 防护物
During the second orbit, one of these signals warned that the heat shield might not be locked firmly to the bottom of the spacecraft.
parachute ['pær??u?t] n. 降落伞
Parachutes lowered the Mercury spacecraft to the ocean surface.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-17 23:57
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.
Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/8/17 12:08:01)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-18 17:07
20120818 <第四期5-18经管> FINANCIAL EDUCATION
Bernanke: Kids Will be Better Off Than Parents, But…
acumen ['ækj?m?n; ?'kju?m?n] n. 聪明,敏锐
But they will also have to take on greater personal responsibility for their futures and require a higher level of financial acumen, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said Tuesday.
better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的
“My best guess is that our kids will be better off than we are,” Bernanke said during a town hall meeting with educators, called to discuss financial education in schools.
entrepreneurial [,ɑntr?pr?'nj?r??l] adj. 企业家的
He cited technology gains that make workers more productive, great universities, an entrepreneurial culture, an efficient market-based economy, and a diverse workforce as leading factors for his optimism.
astute [?'stju?t] adj. 机敏的
But the Fed chief was quick to note that kids will face many challenges, and one of them is the need to become more financially astute.
in favor of 支持;赞同
curriculum [k?'r?kj?l?m] n. 课程
Bernanke said he is “all in favor” of adding economics and personal finance courses to school curriculums.
literacy ['l?t(?)r?s?] n. 读写能力
I don’t think there are any students who should not be exposed to a basic financial literacy course.
weather ['weð?] vt. 经受住
Smart financial planning–such as budgeting, saving for emergencies, and preparing for retirement–can help households enjoy better lives while weathering financial shocks.
veer [v??] vi. 转向
The town hall meeting frequently veered away from financial education as teachers in the field, wasting an opportunity to push their agenda with a key official, asked macro questions like how the Fed balances political and economic needs and how the Euro crisis will play out in the U.S.
Chinese Students A Growing US Business Commodity
spawn [sp??n] vt. 造成
bent on doing sth专心做某事
And the money Chinese students bring with them has spawned an industry bent on seeing even more find their way here.
head start领先
But since many of those families want to give their children a head start on college, hundreds of private academic placement services have joined the competition.
echelon ['e??l?n; 'e??-] n. 梯形
socio-economic adj. 社会经济的
"All of our students and all of our families are of the upper echelon of the socio-economic background in China," she said.
divulge [da?'v?ld?; d?-] vt. 泄露
While refusing to divulge just how much Astar charges for its services, Quinn says all students must present a financial statement that shows they can support themselves for the length of time they will be in the United States just to qualify for a visa.
proficiency [pr?'f??(?)ns?] n. 精通,熟练
Those students will spend from three to six months to get them to a level of English proficiency so they can pass the kind of tests they need to go to a US school, according to Quinn.
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-8-18 20:12
加油加油,跟上啊~~ 分享一句今天的速度越障里的句子给sarah:
A crisis in higher education has been brewing for years. Universities have been spending like students in a bar who think a Rockefeller will pick up the tab.
Have you figure out what it's telling, now? ^^
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/8/17 12:08:01)
-- by 会员 SarahOrange (2012/8/17 23:57:48)
Yep, it means universities have been spending too much and with no budget control.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-19 21:29
20120819 <第四期5-19经管> The joy of the nudge Olympics
by any measure不论以哪种标准
sceptical ['skeptik?l] adj. 怀疑的
draw to接近
BY ANY measure Britain has shown the world—and its own sceptical population—that the country can stage a brilliant Olympics. As the games draw to a close on August 12th, David Cameron, the prime minister, will be delighted that the predicted “feel good factor” of hosting the event did indeed emerge. Even the sun has (mostly) shone.
shunt [??nt] vt. 回避讨论
dissident ['d?s?d(?)nt] n.意见不同的人
missile ['m?sa?l] n. 导弹;投射物
In 2008 China staged a command-and-control games, shunting dissidents and other undesirables out of Beijing, ordering locals not to drive and even launching 1,100 cloud-seeding missiles before the opening ceremony to make it rain somewhere other than over the main stadium.
nudge [n?d?] n. 推动
coax [k??ks] vt. 哄诱
coerce [k??'??s] vt. 强制,迫使
By contrast, the London games have been a “nudge” Olympics, where locals and visitors have been coaxed rather than coerced.
coalition [,k???'l??(?)n] n. 联合
behavioural [bi'heivj?r?l] adj. 行为的
subtly ['s?tli] adv. 巧妙地
steer [st??] vt. 引导
In 2010 the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition set up a behavioural insight unit to consider how government might subtly steer people’s decisions.
trudge [tr?d?] n. 长途跋涉
grin [gr?n] v. 露齿而笑
The long trudge from Stratford station to the Olympic Park is lined with grinning volunteers, many shouting cheery messages reminding people that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-20 21:04
20120820 <第四期5-20文史哲> Romney Announces Ryan as VP Running Mate
decent ['di?s(?)nt] adj. 正派的
stuck with 无法摆脱
"My dad died when I was young. He was a good and decent man. There are a few things he would say that have just always stuck with me.
bold [b??ld] adj. 大胆的
At 42, Ryan brings youth to the Republican ticket and strong support from conservatives for his bold budget proposals to cut the size of government.
embark [?m'bɑ?k; em-] vi. 上车
Romney and Ryan embark on a campaign bus tour through key battleground states in advance of the upcoming Republican convention in Florida, where both men will be in the national spotlight.
commissioner [k?'m??(?)n?] n. 理事;委员;行政长官
Human Rights Commissioner Laurence Korbandy says some states have particularly poor records when it comes to protecting the rights of women and girls.
dropout ['dr?pa?t] n. 中途退学
The research findings establish that early pregnancies and early marriages are key because of the high dropout rate for the girls from schools.
activist ['ækt?v?st] n. 激进主义分子
overdue [??v?'dju?] adj. 过期的
Human Rights activist and Secretary General of the South Sudan civil society alliance, Biel Boutros Biel, said human rights activist and Secretary General of the South Sudan Civil Society Alliance, Biel Boutros Biel, has welcomed the new report by the South Sudan Human Rights Commission but says it is long overdue.
arbitrary ['ɑ?b?t(r?)r?] adj. 武断的;专制的
Biel said arbitrary arrests are far too common in South Sudan.
wildcat ['wa?l(d)kæt] n. 野猫
lynx [l??ks] n. 猞猁
ocelot ['?s?l?t; '??s-] n. 豹猫
bobcat ['b?bkæt] n. 山猫之类
When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat.
humanitarian [hj?,mæn?'te?r??n] n. 人道主义者
ANTAKYA, Turkey — Some Western and Arab Gulf powers say they are increasing humanitarian and support aid to the Syrian opposition.
conduit ['k?ndj??t; 'k?nd?t] n. 沟渠
smuggling ['sm?ɡl??] n. 走私
At the Turkey-Syria border, the main conduit for foreign aid to rebel fighters, there are signs the aid trail also may include covert arms smuggling.
confiscate ['k?nf?ske?t] vt. 没收
Almost all our weapons are confiscated from the defeated regime army.
allegedly [?'led?idli] adv. 依其申述
rifle ['ra?f(?)l] n. 步枪;来复枪
ammunition [æmj?'n??(?)n] n. 弹药;军火
Opposition supporters have posted videos on social media sites allegedly showing big caches of weapons - mainly Kalashnikov rifles - and ammunition.
red-handed ['red'hændid] adj. 正在作案的;手染血的
The FSA's foreign supporters are attempting to tip the scales of the conflict towards the rebels in Syria while avoiding being caught red-handed, says analyst Eyal.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-22 23:05
20120822 <第四期6-9科技> First Evidence Discovered of Planet's Destruction by Its Star
devour [d?'va??] vt. 毁灭
stellar ['stel?] adj. 星球的
The evidence indicates that the missing planet was devoured as the star began expanding into a "red giant" -- the stellar equivalent of advanced age.
elliptical [?'l?pt?k(?)l] adj. 椭圆的
radius ['re?d??s] n. 半径
The astronomers also discovered a massive planet in a surprisingly elliptical orbit around the same red-giant star, named BD+48 740, which is older than the Sun with a radius about eleven times bigger.
trigger ['tr?g?] vt. 引发,引起;触发
spiral ['spa?r(?)l] vt. 使作螺旋形上升
"In the case of BD+48 740, it is probable that the lithium production was triggered by a mass the size of a planet that spiraled into the star and heated it up while the star was digesting it."
gravitational interaction 引力相互作用
peculiar [p?'kju?l??] adj. 特殊的
boomerang ['bu?m?ræ?] n. 回飞棒
Because gravitational interactions between planets are responsible for such peculiar orbits, the astronomers suspect that the dive of the missing planet toward the star before it became a giant could have given the surviving massive planet a burst of energy, throwing it into an eccentric orbit like a boomerang.
semen ['si?m?n] n. 精子
ovulation [,??vj?'le???n] n. 排卵
An international team of scientists led by Gregg Adams at the University of Saskatchewan has discovered that a protein in semen acts on the female brain to prompt ovulation, and is the same molecule that regulates the growth, maintenance, and survival of nerve cells.
accessory [?k'ses(?)r?] adj. 副的
gland [glænd] n. 腺
Male mammals have accessory sex glands that contribute seminal fluid to semen, but the role of this fluid and the glands that produce it are not well understood.
hormonal [h?r'monl] adj. 荷尔蒙的,激素的
hypothalamus [,ha?p?(?)'θæl?m?s] n. 下丘脑
pituitary gland 脑下垂体
OIF/NGF in the semen acts as a hormonal signal, working through the hypothalamus of the female brain and the pituitary gland.
作者: susan55z 时间: 2012-8-25 18:27
作者: susan55z 时间: 2012-8-25 18:28
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-25 22:26
20120825 <第四期6-12科技> UK insect numbers 'very low' after
aphid ['e?f?d] n. [昆] 蚜虫
wasp [w?sp] n. 黄蜂;[昆] 胡蜂
Mr Shardlow said the damp conditions have resulted in fewer aphids for wasps to feed on, which has reduced their numbers. It is likely to take two more years for their numbers to recover, he added.
nectar ['nekt?] n. [植] 花蜜
pollen ['p?l?n] n. [植] 花粉
He also said the approximately 250 species of bees in the UK need high temperatures to gather nectar and pollen.
bizarre [b?'zɑ?] adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)
"This has been the most unusual, bizarre beekeeping year because of the weather. Most beekeepers I've spoken to have written this year off as an interesting experience, and one they hope not to have again for a while."
Inquisitive [?n'kw?z?t?v] adj. 好奇的
What could be going on in your brain to make you so inquisitive?
tittle-tattle ['titl,tætl] n. 杂谈;闲聊
We humans have a deeply curious nature, and more often than not it is about the minor tittle-tattle in our lives.
utterly['?t?li] adv. 完全地
Our curiosity has us doing utterly unproductive things like reading news about people we will never meet, learning topics we will never have use for, or exploring places we will never come back to.
trait [tre?t; tre?] n. 特性
neoteny [ni?'?t(?)n?] n. 性早熟
The roots of our peculiar curiosity can be linked to a trait of the human species call neoteny.
retention [r?'ten?(?)n] n. 保留
juvenile ['d?u?v?na?l] n. 青少年
This is a term from evolutionary theory that means the "retention of juvenile characteristics".
algorithm ['ælg?r?ð(?)m] n. [计][数] 算法
An important result is that even the best learning algorithms fall down if they are not encouraged to explore a little.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-25 23:12
-- by 会员 susan55z (2012/8/25 18:28:13)
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-26 11:40
20120826 <第四期6-13文史哲> Atheism Growing disbelief
pervade [p?'ve?d] vt. 遍及;弥漫
public sphere公共领域
Religion pervades the public sphere, and studies show that non-believers are more distrusted than other minorities.
unconstitutional [,?nk?nst?'tju??(?)n(?)l] adj. 违反宪法的
These rules, which are unconstitutional, are never enforced, but that hardly matters.
atheist ['eiθiist] n. 无神论者
Over 40% of Americans say they would never vote for an atheist presidential candidate.
fivefold ['fa?vf??ld] adj. 五倍的
pollster ['p?ulst?] n.民意调查人
Yet the past seven years have seen a fivefold increase in people who call themselves atheists, to 5% of the population, according to WIN-Gallup International, a network of pollsters.
startling ['stɑ:tli?] adj. 令人吃惊的
Such a large drop in religiosity is startling, but the data on atheists are in line with other polling.
secularist ['sekjul?rist] n. 世俗论者
Earlier this year he spoke at the “Reason Rally”, a gathering of thousands of secularists on the Mall in Washington, DC.
exalt [iɡ'z?:lt] vt. 提升
savior ['seivj?] n. 救世主
When Democratic convention-goers arrive in Charlotte, North Carolina, they will be greeted by a billboard sponsored by a group called American Atheists that claims Christianity “promotes hate” and exalts a “useless savior”.
wreckage ['rekid?] n. (失事船或飞机等的)残骸
totem ['t?ut?m] n. 图腾
The beam, found in the wreckage of the World Trade Centre, was a totem for rescuers.
mingle ['mi?ɡl] vt. 使混合
The atheists see its inclusion as an unconstitutional mingling of church and state.
hand out 分发
flyer [flai?] n. 传单
IT’S a show about friends who hate each other!” declares a woman handing out flyers.
peddle ['pedl] vt. 叫卖;兜售
wares [w??z] n. [贸易] 商品;货物
clutch [kl?t?] n. 紧急关头
It is August in Edinburgh, when more than 25,000 artists and performers from around the world come to peddle their wares at a clutch of famous festivals, among them the counter-cultural Fringe.
titillate ['t?t?le?t] vi. 感到兴奋
Some Scottish protesters in “Free Palestine” T-shirts outside the building lent a titillating air of controversy to the otherwise bland proceedings.
lure [lju?] vt. 诱惑
schmooze [?mu?z] n. 闲谈
The summit was his idea, as he realized the world’s culture ministers would already be in Britain for the Olympics and might be lured to the “Athens of the North” for some high-minded schmoozing.
hotbed ['h?tbed] n. 滋长地,温床
Edinburgh’s role as a cultural hotbed dates from the 18th and early 19th centuries, when Adam Smith, David Hume, Walter Scott and others capitalists on the city’s concentration of printers to write some of the wisest and most widely read books of their day.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-27 22:44
20120827 <第四期6-14文史哲> Science Fiction: 'A Princess of Mars' by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Part 3)
condemned [k?n'demd] adj. 已被定罪的
But others discovered her secret and she was condemned to die in the games.
ammunition [,æmju'ni??n] n. 弹药;军火
I was able to slow them for more than an hour. But then I had no more ammunition.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-8-30 22:26
20120830 <第四期6-17经管> China's Talent War
hidebound ['haidbaund] adj. 死板的;墨守成规的
Except in the most hidebound state-owned enterprises, corporate loyalty barely exists.
melee ['melei, mei'lei] n. 混战
A job-hopping melee — in particular for the best and the brightest — does.
corruption [k?'r?p??n] n. 贪污,腐败
Corruption is ever present.
bread-and-butter ['bred?n'b?t?] adj. 实用的,基本的
But for companies across industries, what should be a simple bread-and-butter issue — retaining skilled employees like Wang — is possibly the biggest headache they have.
counterintuitive [,ka?nt?r?n'tju??t?v] adj. 违反直觉的
populous ['p?pjul?s] adj. 人口稠密的;人口多的
churn out 大量炮制
Part of the frustration is rooted in a basic if counterintuitive reality: China may be the world's most populous nation, churning out roughly 7 million college graduates every year, but elite companies — whether high-profile domestic firms or multinationals — find the pool of talent to be thin.
confront [k?n'fr?nt] vt. 面对
The problem doesn't confront just foreign multinationals — far from it.
discriminate [dis'krimineit, dis'krimin?t] v. 歧视
"China's talent wars, " says Wayne Wang, chairman and CEO of CDP Group, a Shanghai-based human-resources consultancy, "don't discriminate on the basis of [corporate] nationality or by industry.
poaching ['p?ut?i?] n.物色人才
Of course, some people just don't work out, but that's not the main issue; poaching is.
pharmaceutical [,fɑ:m?'sju:tik?l] n. 药物
At some companies, in industries such as biotech and pharmaceuticals, HR executives say turnover rates among managers and skilled employees approach 50%.
prevalent ['prev?l?nt] adj. 普遍的
So prevalent is the problem that some CEOs more or less throw up their hands and acknowledge this as a market reality that companies simply have to accept rather than try to change.
inextricably [,inik'strik?bli] adv. 逃不掉地
That's hardly a coincidence. The two issues are inextricably linked.
brazenness [breiznis] n. 厚颜无耻
But the brazenness of the theft and the reality of China's uneven enforcement record is what lingers for many top executives.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-1 17:29
20120901 <第四期6-19经管> How silkmoths could defeat terrorism and drug smuggling
surveillance [s?'ve?l(?)ns; -'ve??ns] n. 监督;监视
what if 假使…将会怎么样
contraband ['k?ntr?,bænd] n. 走私;走私货
Forget surveillance cameras – what if our world were filled with always-on electronic noses tuned to detect all manner of contraband at minute concentrations?
odour ['?ud?] n. 气味
Drugs, explosives, air pollution, all of them could be monitored continuously, creating a "smell portrait" of the entire planet, and making it virtually impossible to conceal the trace odour of many legal and illegal substances.
silkmoth 蚕类昆虫
That's the vision of scientists who work on electronic noses, and now, thanks to the silkmoth, the world's most sensitive electronic nose for explosives was recently demonstrated in the lab.
vibrating ['vaibreiti?] adj. 振动的
cantilever ['kænt?li?v?] n. 悬臂
titanium dioxide [无化] 二氧化钛
nanotube n. 纳米管
One thousand times more sensitive than comparable devices, it consists of a tiny, vibrating cantilever coated in a forest of titanium dioxide nanotubes that were inspired by similar structures on the antennae of silkmoths.
antennae [æn'teni:] n. [动]触须
sensillum [sen's?l?m] n. 感觉器 pl. sensilla
One of the keys to the moth's performance is that its antennae are covered with a carpet of tiny sensilla, or microscopic fibres.
apparatus [,æp?'reit?s] n. 器官
These sensilla give the moth's detection apparatus much greater surface area than they would otherwise have, which is important for detecting very small concentrations of volatile compounds.
sniffer ['snif?] n. 嗅探器;嗅探犬
saturated ['sæt??reitid] adj. 饱和的
Presently, no electronic system is more sensitive than a well-trained sniffer dog, but Spitzer thinks that he can create something that will be as sensitive as these animals, while overcoming their one shortfall: after an hour, a dog's nose becomes saturated with the target substance, making them less useful.
silicon ['silik?n, -k?n] n. 硅;硅元素
microchip ['maikr?ut?ip] n. 微型集成电路片,微芯片
Ultra-sensitive, continuously operating, and as cheap to mass-produce as current silicon microchips, that's the sort of device that will transform the surveillance state into one which can see, hear – and smell.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-3 20:11
20120903 <第四期7-1经管> A Princess of Mars, Part Four
helium ['hi:li?m] n. 氦(符号为He,2号元素)
Several days later, we reached the city of Helium.
作者: alwaysgreen 时间: 2012-9-3 21:07
作者: furseal 时间: 2012-9-4 12:42
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-4 20:35
-- by 会员 alwaysgreen (2012/9/3 21:07:51)
作者: 铁板神猴 时间: 2012-9-4 20:40
呵呵 看到了 加油!
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-4 21:22
20120904 <第四期7-2科技> What Sleep Crime Tells Us About Consciousness
wake to vt. 发觉;认识到,注意到
loom [lu?m] vi. 可怕地出现
babble ['bæbl] v. 含糊不清地说
unintelligibly [,?nin'telid??bli] adv. 难以理解地
Adoyo had gotten married in February, and his wife would wake to him shaking her while looming over their bed and babbling unintelligibly.
suburb ['s?b?:b] n. 郊区;边缘
strain [strein] v. 拉紧
They lived in a one-bedroom apartment in Plymouth, a suburb of Minneapolis, and the sleepwalking was straining their young marriage.
startled ['sta:tld] adj. 受惊吓的
per se [,p?:'sei, -'si:] 本身,自身
The referral form from Adoyo's primary care doctor noted that the patient's wife was “sometimes startled by his behavior, but no injury, per se.”
thrash about 烦躁不安地动来动去
yank [jæ?k] vt. 猛拉
electrode [i'lektr?ud] n. 电极
In the middle of the night, Adoyo began thrashing about and yanking at the wires connected to the electrodes, pulling out tufts of hair as he ripped them off.
diagnosis [,dai?ɡ'n?usis] n. 诊断
parasomnia [,pær?'s?mni:?] n. 深眠状态
The next morning Michel Cramer Bornemann, director of the center, told Adoyo that the study supported a diagnosis of a sleep disorder known as a non-REM parasomnia.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-6 23:04
20120906 <第四期7-5经管> The Twilight of the Public Corporation
contend [k?n'tend] vt. 主张;为...斗争
Public corporations have also become less public. Professor Davis contends that share ownership has become heavily concentrated through mutual funds, such as Fidelity, which he says now holds significant blocks of 10 percent to 15 percent in many large companies.
overshadow [,?uv?'?æd?u] vt. 使失色;夺去…的光彩
proprietor [pr?'prai?t?] n. 业主;、经营者
Even Fidelity’s role is overshadowed by BlackRock, proprietor of iShares Exchange Traded Funds, which, Professor Davis estimates, was the single largest shareholder in one out of five corporations in the United States in 2011.
incentive [in'sentiv] n. 动机;刺激
The incentives to “go public” are smaller than they once were, because the rise of private equity firms and hedge funds has made it easier to raise money outside the stock market.
viability [,vai?'biliti] n. 生存能力
The California Public Employees Retirement System, a major pension fund investor, is now campaigning strongly against dual-class shares, threatening the viability of that strategy for maintaining minority control.
dislodge [dis'l?d?] vt. 逐出,驱逐
They were unable to dislodge the company’s chief executive, because the Walton family stood behind him with their substantial voting shares.
disillusionment [d?s?'lu??(?)nm(?)nt] n. 幻灭;醒悟
Shareholder activism itself reflects a growing disillusionment on the part of individual investors, many of whom have quietly fled the stock market.
burgeon ['b?:d??n] v. 萌芽
Net investments in mutual funds, variable annuities, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds burgeoned between 2001 and 2007 only to sag in the wake of the Great Recession.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-9 10:33
20120909 <第四期7-6经管> The mystery of the stopped clock illusion
bemusement [bi'mju:zm?nt] n. 困惑
Maybe you've noticed this to your bemusement or horror as well.
analogue clock 指针式电子钟
You'll be in the middle of something, and flick your eyes up to an analogue clock on the wall to see what the time is.
unhinged [?n'hind?d] adj. 精神错乱的
Secretly I thought it was either evidence of my special insight to reality, or final proof that I was a little unhinged (or both).
illusion [i'lju:??n] n. 幻觉
Psychologists even have a name for it - they call it the “stopped clock illusion”.
ingenious [in'd?i:nj?s] adj. 有独创性的
An ingenious experiment from a team at University College London recreated the experience in the lab and managed to connect the experience of the stopped clock to the action of the person experiencing it.
imperceptibly [,imp?'sept?bli] adv. 极微地
As you flick your eyes from left to right you should be able to detect an almost imperceptibly brief “flash” of darkness as input from your eyes is cut off.
subterfuge ['s?bt?fju?d?] n. 托词;借口
Normally this subterfuge is undetectable, but if you happen to move your eyes to something that is moving with precise regularity – like a clock – you will spot this pause in the form of an extra long “second”.
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-9-22 13:07
20120922 <第四期7-20经管> US Elections Heat Up, China Trade Tensions Rise
escalate ['esk?leit] vi. 逐步增强
BEIJING — Trade tensions between China and the United States escalated this week, with both countries filing international trade complaints against each other.
subsidy ['s?bsidi] n. 补贴;津贴;补助金
Earlier this week, Obama announced a new World Trade Organization case over Chinese automobile subsidies.
accusation [,ækju:'zei??n] n. [律]控告,指控;谴责
He also brushed off accusations from his opponent that he is not doing enough to pressure China on unfair trade practices.
devastation [,dev?'stei??n] n. 毁坏,荒废
Luanda is busy leaving the past behind - burying 27 years of civil war and devastation under mountains of petrodollars.
renowned [ri'naund] adj. 著名的;有声望的、
Not even for the renowned architects, so you can imagine how it is for young architects who have just graduated from university," she said.
replica ['replik?] n. 复制品,复制物
inaugurate [i'n?:ɡjureit] v. 开始
waterfront ['w?:t?fr?nt, 'w?-] n. 滩,海滨;水边
A few of the changes include the new parliament that is a replica of the American congress and the newly inaugurated waterfront.
sprawl [spr?:l] n. 蔓生
"There is a whole rescaling of the city actually," Buire said. "And it's not only that there is a special sprawl, like, expansion, but also a whole social reshaping of the central city being emptied of its poorest communities [which] were evicted in the peripheries.
eviction [?'v?k??n] n. 逐出;赶出
The evictions started in 2010.
maize [meiz] n. 玉米
Demand remains high for food commodities like maize and wheat.
susceptible to adj. 易受...影响的;对…敏感的
CONCEPCION CALPE: "And therefore we are very much susceptible to very quick changes because there is very little buffer on which to rely to protect ourselves should there be another bad news on the production front."
作者: susan55z 时间: 2012-9-24 16:48
作者: SarahOrange 时间: 2012-10-7 00:20

-- by 会员 susan55z (2012/9/24 16:48:46)
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