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楼主: 浅吟天
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择日不如撞日 来来来写作文!

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-10 18:38:58 | 只看该作者
8.10 综合 TPO8
The lecturer rejects the ideas in the reading passage that doubts the accuracy of Chevalier de Seingalt's memoir.In her opinion, the three details in the memoir are reliable that Chevalier could  be wealthy but at the same time borrow money, the record of conversations was accurate and he escaped the prison from the ceiling.

To begin with, the lecturer doesn't agree with the first inaccuracy in the reading materials that Chevalier borrowed considerable amount of money while he was very rich. She contends that Chevalier had a huge amount of properties, but he should sell them firstly to change them into cash. As the reading passage mentions, he spent money on parties and gambling which needed cash. So he could borrow cash directly from his friends without selling things. This doesn’t contradict with the claim that he was wealthy enough.

Regarding the conversations, the lecturer explains that Chevalier had a habit to take note every day, so even the particular details could not be lost and the memoir is reliable. On the contrary, the reading passage claims that Chevalier wrote the memoir many years after the conversation happened which makes it inaccurate.

In addition, the lecture challenges the last point in the passage that Chevalier bribed to free himself instead of climbing through the roof. She argues that other prisoners even richer than Chevaliers had no ability to bribe successfully, let alone Chevalier. What's more, the government once repaired the ceiling of the prison just after the escape of Chevalier. A simple logical line is that if Chevalier didn't escape from the roof, there was no need to do so.
发表于 2012-8-10 19:37:41 | 只看该作者
是听的次数多了,就记住细节了。 要是听新题的话, 还是有点吃力的了,所以, 把听力提上去就好啊。
发表于 2012-8-10 20:26:07 | 只看该作者


The lecturer rejects the ideas in the reading passage that American companies will not meet high ecological standards in order to get the certification from an international organization. He argues that people in (the)United States do react to these ecocertification labels and they have the willing to pay a higher price for these products. What's more, the US companies have to keep up with the rest of the world.(我看楼主第一段写了这么多,而且提到超时问题,建议第一段内容简化,用下模板的形势)

To begin with, the lecturer doesn't agree with the first claim in the material that Americans are unaware about the ecocertification label.(我觉得不是没有意识到而是是否能区分的问题) He contends that people can distinguish the claims made by the company itself and the claims guaranteed by certifications. That is to say,American consumers will react to the advertising in ecocertification lable.

Regarding the price, the reading passage argues that consumers in American are strongly influenced by price, and thus they will not buy ecocertified wood due to its higher price. However, the lecturer explains that only if the price is much higher, consumers will not buy the product. The price of ecocertified wood is not 5% higher than normal price, so the consumers will take the ecocertification effect into account and be likely to buy it(没有指代清楚). Furthermore, Americans always pay much attention to protecting environment, thus there is definitely a market for ecocertified wood.

Additional, the lecturer agree(agrees) with the argument that American (should标明一个立场)companies keep up with the rest of the world.If they do not produce ecocertified wood, the foreign companies will swarm into the domestic market and thus take place of American companies. In addtion,American people do care about environment, so they are willing to buy the product of foreign companies. In order to avoid this negative effect, the US companies have to keep up with the rest of the world to get the ecocertification. On the contrary, the reading suggests that pursuing certification doesn't make sense because  American companies (do)not sell their products abroad and there is no threat in the domestic market.
发表于 2012-8-11 16:07:13 | 只看该作者
8.10 综合 TPO8
The lecturer rejects the ideas in the reading passage that doubts the accuracy of Chevalier de Seingalt's memoir.In her opinion, the three details in the memoir are reliable that Chevalier could  be wealthy but at the same time borrow money, the record of conversations was accurate and he escaped the prison from the ceiling.[感觉其实没有必要在第一段详细的把具体内容说出来, 第一段简洁明了就好了~]

To begin with, the lecturer doesn't agree with the first inaccuracy in the reading materials that Chevalier borrowed considerable amount of money while he was very rich.[这里说的有点不太清楚阿..lecturer到底同同意哪个呢?while感觉会引起逻辑歧义]She contends that Chevalier had a huge amount of properties, but he should sell them firstly to change them into cash. As the reading passage mentions, he spent money on parties and gambling which needed cash. So he could borrow cash directly from his friends without selling things.[我听的是说卖掉资产变现需要一定时间,为了弥补这个变现的时间差,他才向别人借钱...不知道对不对] This doesn’t contradict with the claim that he was wealthy enough.

Regarding the conversations, the lecturer explains that Chevalier had a habit to take note every day, so even the particular details could not be lost and the memoir is reliable. On the contrary, the reading passage claims that Chevalier wrote the memoir many years after the conversation happened which makes it inaccurate.[综合写作感觉应该是lecture站更多的篇幅哈~LZ可以再多写写lecture的细节...多强调lecture~lecture和reading平分秋色就不好了]

In addition, the lecture challenges the last point in the passage that Chevalier bribed to free himself instead of climbing through the roof.[貌似是ceiling...而且应该是他用一个metal的东西弄的] She argues that other prisoners even richer than Chevaliers had no ability to bribe successfully, let alone Chevalier. What's more, the government once repaired the ceiling of the prison just after the escape of Chevalier. A simple logical line is that if Chevalier didn't escape from the roof, there was no need to do so.

LZ写的不错~听力的点基本都到位了应该 这是我十分欠缺的...不知道LZ再做听力的时候做笔记有什么技巧呢? 求指教~~

一个问题在前面也说到过 就是应该大力写lecture 写的越细节越好~少写 甚至可以忽略reading的内容~我感觉ETS很注重看一个人还原听力内容的能力 看OG范文的时候也发现有的段落甚至根本没提reading的事儿

最后就是大家都普遍存在的问题啦 句子和词汇的用法...这点在综合写作里面体现的不多 就不过多强调啦

发表于 2012-8-11 16:26:40 | 只看该作者
Some people say we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree?

If the question asked was whether we should never be impolite to another person, and require an absolute yes-no answer, I think i will say no. Admittedly, we should not impolite to others randomly, but in some case impolite is acceptable or even necessary.

To begin with, sometimes impolite is inevitable. Imagining this picture, you have a quarrel with others. There will be no compromise. The best way to avoid the quarrel into a fight is using the serious or even impolite words to warning the opposite. Another example is that someone always
harass your home, if you are too polite and gentle to him, he will not afraid of you and doing the same things again and again, which is an unnecessarily big distraction. However, if you say totell him you will call the police, maybe he will never appear in front of your house again. This cold face and impolite tune is a way to protect yourself from perpetual disruption. In this case, impolite behavior is somewhat necessary.

In addition, impolite is the smallest way to express dissatisfaction. A boss may act impolitely to his employees to express that he is not content about their performance instead of other more serious indecent behavior. Instead of firing the employee directly,from this impolite tone employees can
detect where can be improved, and do it better next time. This strategy will not cause a high turnover rate.

Besides, in some circumstance, impolite behavior can be forgivable. For example, someone hears
a bad new(news 不能用单数表示新闻把?), such as losing a close friend or family member, he can not control himself and smooth the feeling when the news strikes him.(这句话应该分成两个短句子) If someone else talk to him at that moment, it is possible that he will give an impolite response or do not want to answer. But if he explain or even apologize for his impolite behavior, it' ok because we all made by flesh and blood. Thus everyone can understand him in that situation.

All in all, although impolite behavior has negative effect
most of times(我觉得缺少介词呢), this doesn't mean that we should never be impolite. In some circumstance, impolite behavior is understandable


 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 18:09:00 | 只看该作者
TO GWinner:

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 18:24:24 | 只看该作者


Some people say we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree?

If the question asked was whether we should never be impolite to another person, and require an absolute yes-no answer, I think i will say no. Admittedly, we should not impolite to others randomly, but in some case impolite is acceptable or even necessary.

To begin with, sometimes impolite is inevitable. Imagining this picture, you have a quarrel with others. There will be no compromise. The best way to avoid the quarrel into a fight is using the serious or even impolite words to warning the opposite. Another example is that someone always
harass (请问有什么表骚扰的好词,词穷了)your home, if you are too polite and gentle to him, he will not afraid of you and doing the same things again and again, which is an unnecessarily big distraction. However, if you say totell him you will call the police, maybe he will never appear in front of your house again. This cold face and impolite tune is a way to protect yourself from perpetual disruption. In this case, impolite behavior is somewhat necessary.

In addition, impolite is the smallest way to express dissatisfaction. A boss may act impolitely to his employees to express that he is not content about their performance instead of other more serious indecent behavior. Instead of firing the employee directly,from this impolite tone employees can
detect where can be improved, and do it better next time. This strategy will not cause a high turnover rate.

Besides, in some circumstance, impolite behavior can be forgivable. For example, someone hears
a bad new(news 不能用单数表示新闻把?), such as losing a close friend or family member, he can not control himself and smooth the feeling when the news strikes him.(这句话应该分成两个短句子) If someone else talk to him at that moment, it is possible that he will give an impolite response or do not want to answer. But if he explain or even apologize for his impolite behavior, it' ok because we all made by flesh and blood. Thus everyone can understand him in that situation.

All in all, although impolite behavior has negative effect
most of times(我觉得缺少介词呢most of the time,对了 我刚才改你的,最后一段也有这个词,你也改了把, this doesn't mean that we should never be impolite. In some circumstance, impolite behavior is understandable


-- by 会员 lemonyhu (2012/8/11 16:26:40)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-11 21:55:04 | 只看该作者
8月11日 独立
To improve the quality of education university should spend more money on salary for professor.

As we all know, money can buy many things. However, whether it can but the quality of education is a question. Some people argue that money can stimulate a better perform of professor while others hold the opposite view. From my perspective, spending more money on salary for professor is not an efficient way to improve the quality of education.

To make this question clear, we need to understand the effect of this addition salary. To be honest, i agree that everybody love money. The more money you own, the stronger purchasing power you have. Nevertheless, does that means this addition salary will have the same effect as original amount of salary? Firstly, the marginal utility is decreasing. Professors are not like some people struggling for food and clothing. It is entirely possible that the original salary has already high enough for professors to lead a decent and desirable life. Therefore, the additional amount of money is not as seductive as the original amount. Secondly, if the university uses the method of increasing money to persuade professor to improve the quality of education, it may have the opposite result. Professors are the elites of the society. The honorable ambitions and passions of teaching bring them to the classroom, rather than a high salary. If the university intends to spur professors’ better performance, the president should give them intangible and spiritual award. On the contrary, directly giving professors tangible reward such as additional salary will hurt their feelings.

Even if the additional money is exactly what the professor want, it is still hard to say that it will turn to be the incentive to improve their education quality. For example, some professors think that if they change their job, they will have a higher salary than present. Thus the increased amount is considered as the compensation of their opportunity cost. They will take it for granted. In this circumstance, the university wastes the investment because the addition salary doesn't converse into the impetus of professors to improve the education quality.

In a nutshell, the university uses the strategy of spending more money salary will not achieve its goal of the improvement of education quality. The reason is that the additional salary has little influence on professor and it is hard to transfer the money into where the university want it to go.
发表于 2012-8-11 22:43:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-8-11 23:19:00 | 只看该作者
TO GWinner:

-- by 会员 浅吟天 (2012/8/11 18:09:00)

1.每个细节都读的话就木有时间记笔记了我> <....我真是做什么都慢半拍阿......这篇是我听了两遍之后的结果> <所以才能有更多细节.....感觉考试只能靠寂静填细节了
2.有时候我也是 于是乎我就各种瞎编乱造带胡诌......有点是点
3.感觉第一段其实不用列详细的东西哈~大概把author和lecturer之间怎么反驳 反驳的是reason还是theory的truth神马的说说就好了 不用具体到是什么...我是这么想的> <...
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