PS!支持为了爱情而战的alex!With the development of science and technology, the world haschanged so quickly. Some people suggest that people will be happier in such achanging world because they can experience many new inventions .However;(手误?改成逗号) I indicate that people are actually less happy and less satisfiedthan those in the past. I have(连着两个主语都是I,主语换一下会更好) two (你确定是two?从下面来看是三个原因啊)reasons as fellow: people cannot adapt themselves to the new way oflife and (如果是三个原因的话,这个and去掉换成逗号)cannotbear the loss of memory of old things and fast-paced life cannot bring peoplehappy and satisfied instead of higher pressure.
To begin with, some people, especially the old, are not able toadjust themselves to such a new world. Not only are they not familiar with thenew way of life, but also they are not capable of transforming their oldlifestyles into new ones owing to the small amount of knowledge, (加上and,thus不能单独做并列连词)thus making them stay unhappyall the time. For example, my grandfather does not use digital devices andstill insisted(时态不对称,应该用现在时吧?) to his outmoded lifestyle--such as reading newspaper for the latestnews. As a result, when he tells me something interesting from the newspaper, Iall(always) felt bored and laughed at him becauseI had known the 'latest news' several hours, even several days ago. Confrontedwith our tease, my grandfather once would like to change, but he failed due tohis lack of knowledge of computer. In this case, the inability of becomingaccustomed to new life style finally leads to an unhappy life.
Moreover, some people who cherish old life may feel unhappy with thechange of life. With rapid development of economy, many things full of people(people’s) memory(其实我觉得把full换成covering或者filling up会更好点~) have undergone a lot oftransformations. And those who favored old things may become sad. For example,my Chinese teacher, a 60-year-old man, always complained to us that manyvaluable and special places, such as old street and traditional snacks, haddisappeared from the modern life and he suffered from this loss. He suggestedthat had not the world changing so fast, he would have lived a happier lifebecause he could have savored old memory .In this case, the unhappiness resultsfrom the loss of the past.
Finally, people must work harder and harder so that they are notobsoleted in the competition, because the world is changing so quickly. Fleetly life cannot give people less happy and lesssatisfied than what in the past.(意思写反了)
In conclusion, according to the reasons that some people are notcapable of adjusting to new life and of bearing the loss of old memory, Isupport the statement that people are less happy and less satisfied than thosein the past.
Tips:1. 第一个原因和第二个原因举例有点重复,都是自己身边的例子,把那个teacher或者grandpa说成一种现象,会显得例子更多样化;
2. 第三个原因没有展开来说,是因为乃觉得不用展开么?求讨论;
3. 好多都是“I .........”,主语经常换一换显得多样化;
4. 我不知道这么想对不对,感觉第一个原因和第二个原因差不多啊,都是不能适应新生活,举得例子,一个是不能适应新生活的科技方面,一个是不能适应新生活的日常生活方面,差不多啊感觉,求讨论~