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楼主: lovecloris
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[梦之队日记] 5.13 冲刺

发表于 2015-4-12 08:40:59 | 只看该作者
lovecloris 发表于 2015-4-12 01:04
【WEEK TWO  4/12-4/18:  DAY EIGHT -4/12 】

1. 单词200;

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-12 16:28:52 | 只看该作者
Internal logic of each part:
SC:  How to use different structures correctly and coherently to represent what you think?
       Whether is conform to the rules of formal writing?
CR:  Whether the argument is make sense by logic, any gap of it? You believe it or not?
RC:  Combine SC and CR together to justify the intent of the author, which takes advantage of
       evidences, sub points and logic together to write a passage.

Sequence for study:
Without comprehend simple sentences, you can not go far;
By the help of reading more passages, you will get to know the logic and good delivery.
They are mutually intensified.

RC analysis:
1. Testing;
2. Analyze the wrong questions,why wrong;
3. Analyze the passage and all questions: main idea in each paragraph;evidence,point;attitude (affirmative or opposite), attitude changing; evidence how to support the point;logic flow of whole passage
4、Review OG explanations: key words in questions and answer choices. Why wrong?Wrong thinking pattern,or  comprehension problems; common trap analysis.
5、Justify test what?
6、Find where to test in each passage? Review the structure in brain。

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-13 01:14:10 | 只看该作者
【WEEK TWO  4/12-4/18:  DAY NINE -4/13 】

1. 单词200; DONE
2. Econimist 1hour;DONE
3. RC分析:OG P15-19  分析  UNFINIED

发表于 2015-4-13 08:45:20 | 只看该作者
lovecloris 发表于 2015-4-12 16:28
Internal logic of each part:
SC:  How to use different structures correctly and coherently to repres ...

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-13 15:56:59 | 只看该作者
cocreatefuture 发表于 2015-4-13 08:45

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-14 01:06:31 | 只看该作者
【WEEK TWO  4/12-4/18:  DAY TEN -4/14 】

1. 单词200; DONE
2. RC分析:OG P15-19  (争取4.16 完成OG阅读总结   开始SC第二轮复习) DONE

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-14 13:05:01 | 只看该作者
Think of reading like you do a muscle, the more you read, the better you get at it, the faster you're going to read

    终于差不多可以CR, SC, RC一起看了。Next stage: speed & Math !

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-15 01:56:04 | 只看该作者

1. 原文的作用:不要着急,读懂,建立结构,便于把握文章主旨和逻辑结构;以及细节定位大体方向;
2、题目的作用:判断题目类型,针对性对待。主旨题、结构题、推断题比选项; in order to前后找;细节题,定位,读懂文章观点
    有所立,再读answer choices, 注意选项细微差别。


GMAT OG RC分析,提炼考试思路、自身弱项,知己知彼。

 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-15 02:03:44 | 只看该作者
【WEEK TWO  4/12-4/18:  DAY ELEVEN -4/15 】

1. 单词200; DONE
2. RC分析:OG P20-23 UNFINIED

阅读:我想把准备阅读这个完整的过程分为,洗菜,切菜及配料,烹调。洗菜:如果你的基础不是很好,读得很慢或基本看不懂,这个过程必不可少。我建议大概花60个小时(每天两小时),每天就看杨鹏的难句,再做GRE阅读8篇。建议不要在乎GRE的对错。因为我把他说成“洗菜”,也就是说这个过程不会太影响最后菜的品质,但却是必不可少。切菜及配料:这个过程很关键,因为它对最后菜的味道有较大影响,不同的配料及切法,会影响到菜的色,香,味,形。所以你要刀工得法,而且你还要选对料,即合适的教材。既可以是LSAT阅读,可以是新东方的63篇,也可以是OG。我建议最好选OG及新东方63篇。按照anchoret的方法把他们理三遍。烹调:这个阶段也会决定菜的品质。它就是最后冲刺阶段的复习,我在最后二十天中做了9个模考,把阅读的错误结合我在OG中的错误仔细体会了一下,发现错的类型很相似。最后四天,我每天大概做20多篇阅读,就做OG及新东方63篇 ,把我有可能错误的类型通过做题加深印象。但想提醒两点,做错的题最好要看看OG后面的解释。我最后三十天把后面的解释看了一遍,感觉收获很大。另外一定要特别注意比较选项中关键词,现在考试中文章越来越简单,可选项之间差别越来越小,比较难排除。举个例子,比如一个主题题,经过排除法,最后剩两选项。(A) assess the way to achieve a goal (C) evaluate the approaches of practising a plan. 可以说你通过assess和evaluate己经无法判断。我们关注点应该放在way和approaches,一个是单数,一个是复数。还有后面achieve a goal 和practise a plan。 平时要加强对于这些细节的把握,培养良好的做题习惯,这些习惯完全可以通过做老题获得。因为做老题节省时间,能加快我们的进度,所以不要轻视做老题的意义。至于做老题的技巧前面我已经介绍了。

Reading Comprehension

The “STOP” reading methodology

I definitely had some trouble with reading comprehension on my practice tests, missing about 1 or 2 questions per passage—far too many to score well on the verbal section. I found that my strategy for dealing with reading comprehension was  flawed. I was trying to read the question first and then skim through the passage to get the answer to the question. This did not work well since many of the questions require an understanding of the passage as a whole, not just individual parts. As a result, I started employing “active reading” using the Veritas Prep STOP methodology. I changed my strategy and spent more time on the first question reading the entire passage carefully while actively looking for the STOP elements of Structure, Tone, Organization and main Point. This way, I had a much more clear understanding of the passage from the first read through and could immediately identify things such as:

  • What is this passage seeking to do?
  • How are the paragraphs organized and what is the point of each one?
  • Is the author arguing for/against something or simply presenting information? If he’s arguing for/against something what evidence and logic does he use to support his position?
  • How do these specific examples or pieces of evidence support his claim or act as counterexamples?

By taking more time up front to read the passage carefully, I found it much easier and faster to answer the subsequent questions about the passage. So instead of spending 2 minutes on each of 4 reading comprehension passages for a total of 8 minutes or so per passage, I instead spent 4 minutes first carefully reading the passage, looking for the STOP elements and then spending about 30 seconds to 1 minute on each of the subsequent questions.

After doing this, I went from 1 or 2 errors per passage to 1 or 2 RC errors in the entire verbal section.

The Business Takeaway: When presented with foreign, unfamiliar subject matter, the effective business person is able to focus on and extract the most important elements from an otherwise esoteric source of information.

【摘录下MINDFREE790 大神的RC心得】
"大家都知道第一段和每一段第一句话的重要性. 在机考中更为重要. 平时练习中, 要做到随看随想. 比如说, 读了第一段, 应该知道作者说了什么, 是提出一种现象并解释, 还是提出一个观点并举例说明,说明还是提出流行观点然后质疑,并提出新观点. 如果是反驳, 反驳的是理论还是支持此理论的事例或实验? 作者对所提出的这些观点抱什么态度.

读懂并记住每段第一句话(或前两句)帮助你明白每一段的中心思想. 在看完第二句和第散句后, 就应该知道此段的结构, 比如是举例说明作者观点, 还是分别驳斥作者反对的理论或是观点. 继续读的过程中, 要很快的读细节, 能做到读完知道细节是什么, 是一个实验, 一个人的观点, 此人是谁等等. 但是细节不需要记忆. 因为细节题只有2-4道, 很多细节没有考题, 努力记忆太多细节对做题没有帮助.

最后一段很重要. 一般都是总结性观点. 包括作者的态度变化, 新理论的提出, 和作者补充很多在最后一段. 要读懂内容. 找关键词.
在阅读时, 要注意对关键词的挑选. 表示观点态度的副词和形容词, 理论观点中的关键名词等.  
做题时, 细节题要回到段落中找. 无论什么题型, 答案都在关键词附近. 所以对关键词的印象很重要.'

发表于 2015-4-15 21:51:22 | 只看该作者
俺也是在职备考。预想的Timeline也是和楼主一样。再乍看搂主的打卡,比我这小农有效率多了! 希望可以多交流多指教!!
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