No one can be licensed as an electrician in Parker County without first completiong a certain course in electrical safety procedures. All students majoring in computer technology at Parker County Technical College must complete that course before graduating. Therefore, any of the college's graduates in computer technology can be licesed as an electrician in Parker County. The reasoning in the argument above is open to question because the argument has not estalished that A. everyone who has completed the course in electrical safety procedures is equally knowledgeable about such procedures B. all students majoring in computer technology who complete the course in electrical safety procedures at Parker County Technical College eventually graduate C. completion of a course in electrial safety procedures is all that is necessary for a person to be licensed as an electrician in Parker County D. the only way for a person to become knowledgeable about electrical safety procedures is to take a course in those procedures E. the only students at Parker County Technical College who are eligible to take the course in electrical safety procedures are majoring in computer technology 答案是C 我的问题是题中的第一句话推理是:获得电工证书---->完成课程 第二句是:毕业学生--->完成课程 而结论是:毕业学生--->获得电工证书 所以前提和结论之减少了个桥梁:必须有完成课程--->获得电工证书成立,那么完成课程应该是充分条件才对,而C中说是必要条件,不明白怎么回事,谢了!!
The arguement just claims that “completion such a course” is inevitable for a person to be licenced as an electrician, but not that this condition is sufficient for a gratuate to get an electrician licence, as stated in C--"completion of a course is all that is necessary...".You may wrongly understand the sentence: "No one can be licensed as an electrician in Parker County without first completiong a certain course", which does not mean that people who complete this course can definitely get the licence.