作文 MetroMotorcycle; discontinue ads on social network sites and spend their advertisingbudget on radio and television ads.
IR 1.bus delay notice & bicycle share的曲线图,1问从哪天开始有storm notice<18th day>,2问bus delay notice上涨了多少<50%> 2.今年price比去年高3,cost比去年低2,去年销量250000,求去年可能的revenue和price<我没时间做了..数字不一定准> 3.multisource Tab1 背景知识,两种bean, landrace bean & commercial bean Tab2 两种bean分别的优点. Landrace: 在条件不好的地里长得比较好;第二年可以种前一年获得的种子里,但对于commercial这样做是违法的 Commercial: 条件好的地里长得比较好;国际市场上卖的比较频繁 Tab3 两张表
| Number of farms | land area planting landrace | land area planting commercial | Landrace only |
| Commercial only |
| Landrace & commercial |
| Number of land area planting landrace | percentage | Number of land area planting commercial | percentage | Non irrigated |
| irrigated |
| all |
题:三四道,都是选yes or no的,每道要选三个小的yes or no<大家要看清楚是问的number of farms还是farm area,两个不同啊喂!> 1.问majority of landrace are plantedin non irrigated area之类的;<tab3> 2.问majority of landrace are plantedin landrace only farms之类的;<tab3> 3.问关于两种beans的一些判断<tab1&2>: farmers spend greatest effort toprevent beans from resistant conditions<no>; landrace beans are likely tobe planted in non irrigated area<no>; it is illegal to preserve firstyear's commercial beans for next year's seeds<yes>.
4.机经里有的,选两个概率的,15 referee from ABCD 4 areas, 求全来自A和全来自B的概率
Q: 1.average shelf life of a product is 9.6, for all values of x, thenumber of products with shelf life 9.6+x equals the number of products withshelf life 9.6-x. 68% of products have shelf life within 2.1 of the averageshelf life<不太记得这句怎么说的了,反正看起来很奇怪,我是合理推测出意思的…>, what percentage ofproducts have shelf life more than 11.7.<16%>
V: SC: 1.an ecologist XXX is able to infer not only the health the forest would be likely to be enjoying had the beehive explosion notoccurred, but also the XXX should the YYY continue. 不是考平行的,感觉是考虚拟语态,两个分句都倒装了..第一次看有点痛苦..<我选的是A> 选项的区别之处: healththe forest would be likely to be enjoyingVS the likely health the forest would be enjoying. hadthe beehive explosion not occurred VS if the beehive explosion did not occur.
2.Weather forecasters, who depend on computer too much than on individual thought, misreported a storm, caused the residents unprepared.<原句大概顺序是这样,具体每部分的结构忘了> 选项不同之处: Too much than VS depend too much on computer and not enough onindividual thought<我选了后者> 还有一些不同的地方,忘了..
3.有个考比较的, the prices of XXX now are lower than a decade ago. 选项不同: cost lower than | Prices are less than | Prices are lower than | 记得有的选项用了is,主谓不一致 |
我选了个than were a decade ago的.不过本人比较这个考点一直都烂…
RC:全是机经, elephant+bee: pilot study的作用那道选的to illustrate the practical applications of the researches mentioned above. nationalism+feminism, mophologiccomplexity+inflection, US as debtor or creditor.
<另,感觉这个祝福空空的呢..我也不知道能为大家做什么,有什么问题或者想要经验的可以问我哈,需要资料也可以,要上考场的同学可以告诉我你考试的时间我为你祷告 ,我自己上考场前半小时还特别想睡觉,一直祷告求耶稣哥哥帮助我战胜GMAT,因为他已赐下最好的给我们啦,所以不介意的同学我很愿意为你们祷告~加油!!>