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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—43系列】【43-12】经管 Euro zone

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发表于 2014-10-26 00:21:42 | 只看该作者
Euro economy has concerned IMF to lower the economy growth for 2015 for the third time this year. The financial officer from Euro Zone has offer two strategies to face the sagging economy and to boom the growth. IMF also advocate that countries with strong economies should shore up the demand to help the global economy.

Financial officials show their deep concern about current economy situation and the crisis that may come, and encourage countries to boost growth by infrastructure construction. As the EU’s booming machine, Germany also rattles in sagging economy and faces pressures from other countries and organizations to help the euro zone economy.

Stagnating economy from euro zone countries like Germany, political risks from Greece, financial budget problems from France and Italy all contributed to a concerning EU economy situation. China and the US are also in a slow growing economy growing mode, adding more concerns to the exposure of another round of economy crisis. EU countries are blaming each other for the sagging economy.

Germany Chancellor Merkel has urged all members of euro zone countries to stick to the economy strategies. She is confident in the balance budget strategy of Germany. However the EU officials hope to bargain with Germany not to suppress its demand but boost the economy by more infrastructure.

In December’s EU summit, countries are going to negotiate on financial terms in order to re-boost the shaky economy and to avoid the potential financial crisis. Germany is pressured with more public investment on infrastructure, France are urged to tighten its budget policy. Members are also in big concern about the political risk underlying in Greece.  

Obstacle 7’07
EU are important trading partners to the US, hence the recent gloomy economy certainly will have impact on the US economy. However the firm and effective financial strategy and economy policy in recent years compared to the EU have given confidence to the US that the shaky situation in EU will not have large effect on US economy. Although it’s still early to see the impact, the later data of the job market and retail sales will give a clearer picture on whether or how the EU economies have affected the US economy.
发表于 2014-10-26 09:40:05 | 只看该作者
How to get cross culture leadership. several sectors. the example of cross culture difference, the flexible in the cross culture, and the attention to the deeper part connection is humilite and other personal characteristics.
1 A 01:28
2 A 01:44
3 A 01:16
4 A 01:15
5 A 01:26
6 A 04:26
The eu has a higher recession risk, all related important figures are in a down turn, while at the same time us seem to do a better job,and the us is undergo a stess test.
发表于 2014-10-26 14:52:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-10-26 20:40:25 | 只看该作者
2 1:45
3 1:47
4 1:56
5 1:49
6 2:06
obstacle 5:25
发表于 2014-10-26 23:13:29 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-10-27 14:01:04 | 只看该作者
The interviewee mainly replys four questions in this interview

The first one is that why the interviewee, Erin, develops the interest in researching on cultural difference and inventing a Culture Map tool. Erin answers that this is becasue she found that the the development of theories of cultural management don't keep up with that of the world. So she hopes that she can contribute to this problem and help people better adapt to different culture they have to communicate with daily.

The second one is that why Erin make so many efforts to push the finding to an extremely high level. What she does is far beyond communication to talk about specific activites like persuasion. She replys that because she wants to help people pinpoint what is really different in their daily communication with various culture and thus increase the effectiveness. In most time, people only know several scales of this difference but not all of them, making them misunderstand some aspects of other culture.

The third one is that if three or more different culture works in a single room, how does her theory of relativity work. She gives us an example to clarify this quesition. Through this example, I realize that different cultures will a totally different point of view about a specific one. So, as the world changes so dramatically and thus only knowing the comparasion between one different culture and my own is not enough, understanding the relativily is the key to work with various culture in the world.

The last one is that the interviewer is curious that after the research, which cultures are closer to Erin's assumption and which ones are further apart. Erin states that we can't restrict our ideals to our sterotypes. We can't take us assumption to analyze the difference between various cultures because only small gaps between the assumption and reality matter.

The most risk recession is the recession of Euro zone. All the organizations, including IMF, are trying to figure out a solution. Until now, reforms of issuing low-interest funds and creating more wiggle room has been a feasible plan.

While many other people also argue that spending more money on infrastrcture will contribute to the growth of economy, the results of this method is inconclusive.

During this hard time, German has been under spotlight. However, even though IMF, USA and other G20 members ask Germany to shore up the sagging growth, Germany reject to do this.

The debt crisis in Europe that happened in 2009 is back now. The main solution for this crisis is to make a rule for all members in Euro zone, including budget consolidation, structural reforms, and investment.

The passage mainly tells us what will happen to US at the present time when economy of Europe becomes worse than assumed. While most of Europe suffers a sagging development, the lastest updates for Germany, the biggest economy, are dispointing. Because European Union is a major trade partner with the US, the sagging economy will also have a negative effect on the US. However, even though now the lastest numbers of Europen economy are not good-looking, those of American economy are encouraging. So, the problems of Europe will influence the development of the US but we don't know for sure what exactly the influence is.
发表于 2014-10-27 16:03:14 | 只看该作者
补作业。Part I: Speaker
This article is concerned about an interview on a author about her new book, Navigating in different cultures. She thinks the change in culture impact didn’t catch up with the business globalisim nowadays, and her study foucuses on how the culture differences impact businessmen. For example, do the managers know how to deal with people from different countries. She conveys an example in the book that the Americans and the Indians staff have totally different impression towards the same group of  French staff. When the 主持人asks about the comparison between countries. She provides examples to illustrate that even little gap matters. First example is the difference on deciding between Chinese and Japanese culture, which two were normally thought to be similar. Second, why American may feel more acceptable in China than in U.K.
Part II: Speed     

Time 2
International organazations such as International Monetary Fund and World Bank have worried about the European economy(……). The Financial Minister of U.K. and U.S. also commend that the demand should be arose to hold the growth of the European economy.(……)
Time 3
Some officials express seceptinism on pouring money on Europ again, whose economy has still struggling for 6 year after recession. “Writing checks ” can boost short-term economy, only reforms can settle the long-term issue. (后面的生词多看不懂)…………
Time 4
The euro zone is back to market firing(……)by (……). And there are four overlapping factors (……). One is that economist and investors thought German do something wrong in (……). Second, European Central Bank’ monetary policy was thought to be too late and too (……) to operate a border action later. Third, or Four(……),is about Greece.(生词多)
Time 5
The chancellor M said to the parilement that euro zone should drop it sheld, because the recession of Euro is not overcomed preminently. Each member of Euro must strictly respect the financial burgets. (……)
Time 6
The Financial Minister of German and (……),One of the two addressed that the four factors have to be done, Monetory Policy, which has been settled, labor market, reforms and investment. And the specific condition in Greece(……)

Part III: Obstacle
14.03(twice, once is not enough to retell)
The figures indicate the Euro’s condition is worrisome, expecially in macro economy , as the Euro is one of the major trading partner of U.S., thereby guessing the U.S. economy may be plumgted  as well, expecially a sign of a new recession will appear in Euro. But thanks to German’s effort, the new recession……. And the t data shown recently in U.S. is quite encouraging. However, if the European economy continue to turn bad, whether the U.S. will be out of this trouble is unknown.
发表于 2014-10-27 17:11:54 | 只看该作者
02:30 current situation about european economy
02:26 euro zone faced urgency and German refused to carry out deficits
00:50 euro zone is back to the financial firing line and four factors cause the anxiety
02:27 the Germany insisted the rules should be followed strictly
02:05 issues should be solved by government and Greece is likely to face danger because unpopular financial policy
发表于 2014-10-27 19:54:04 | 只看该作者
time 2: 2''33'''
time 3: 2''15'''
time 4: 2''13'''

time 5: 1''50'''
time 6: 3''04'''
发表于 2014-10-28 13:26:46 | 只看该作者
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