In 1960's studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, although there was an increase in instances of "coping" behavior-such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominant individuals-attacks did not become any more frequent. Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
CR:60猴子具有侵略性,是GWD原题确定,问的是assumption & strengthen,
考了下古,7. GWD28-Q7:
In 1960’s studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, although there was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior—such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominant individuals—attacks did not become any more frequent. Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. All the observed forms of coping behavior can be found among rhesus monkeys living in uncrowded conditions.
B. In the studies of rats, nondominant individuals were found to increasingly avoid dominant individuals when the animals were in crowded conditions.
C. Rhesus monkeys respond with aggression to a wider range of stimuli than any other monkeys do.
D. Some individual monkeys in the experiment were involved in significantly more attacks than the other monkeys were.
E. Some of the coping behavior displayed by rhesus monkeys is similar to behavior rhesus monkeys use to bring to an end an attack that has begun.
55(同36) 做到的是V2类似,记性是在太差了只记得当时在A和E纠结了很久最后选了E,A是How 什么什么,E是whether什么什么(BCD也是whether注意区分)
12 造电扇 这题确认和机经题干不一样。只有三个省是特例,这三个省能够买得起电扇。问得的确是削弱。狗主选的是,Data这个国家测定的有关这个国家16个省消费水平的数据是很多年以前的。不确定。
1. 中了那个double the number of
2. similarly XXX(adj) importance 比较确定
3. 重点的确是 比较和句子结构
4. 语义为王10.18三战720(50,37,IR 7)心经(640-640-720)狗等等放
非大牛 说说自己做了哪些事情
1) SC为王,最多的时间花在了sc上。二战的时候做掉了OG prep07 和20套GWD。但是做题多总结少在sc上真的是大忌。三战前一个月做了下面几件事情。
1:prep07错题总结 错题,不管你当时是不懂还是看错永远都有整理价值。反复看。
2:OG 重新刷 刷了两遍半 第一遍重新打印OG做完,配合Elroy大神的总结订正,整理错题。第二遍千行 og12&13版的一起用,感觉各有千秋,都很赞。这遍开始可以自己开始慢慢发现自己的弱点在哪里,可以重点突破。像我一开始最模糊的是比较、修饰语、代词,自己去论坛上找相应的贴子,有几个真的是超级好。最后这半遍我是结合语法鸡精里本月常见语法点和自己模糊的点刷的。考前几天在床上睡前就看,可以稳定自己的心情,效果也不错。最后这半遍用的是千行12excel整理版,不能更好。
4:语法鸡精 作为鸡精中最不受重视的一项,个人觉得语法jj还是很有用的。 虽然考试中的差别往往很小不容易记忆。但是如果回忆考点、固定搭配等还是会对后来人有一个查漏补缺的作用。不过!实力为王。