大家好 -
我是2016届乔治城的full-time MBA学生。为了方便各位申请的同学们,以下是我们这一届的统计数据以及今年申请的重要日期:
Class of 2016 GMAT: 691 Class of 2015 GMAT: 688
Class of 2016 GPA: 3.36 Class of 2015 GPA: 334
Round 1 申请截止日期October 10, 2014 录取通知日期December 20, 2014
Round 2 申请截止日期January 5, 2015
录取通知日期March 20, 2015
Round 3 申请截止日期April 1, 2015
录取通知日期May 15, 2015
Mandatory: Please answer the following essay question in 750 words or less: “Why You?” (Hint: we are looking for an answer that cannot be found from research on our website) Optional essay one: If you are not currently employed full-time, use this essay to provide information about your current activities. (250 words or fewer) Optional essay two: Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included. (500 words or fewer) 祝各位好运,我们的同学们将会陆续解答。如果有私人问题请发私信。