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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—41系列】【41-07】经管

发表于 2014-9-7 11:52:23 | 只看该作者
The wage is quite low at fast food restaurant like MacDonald.
However, the industry faces big pressure to increase the wage and the customer would not like to pay more.

Time 2-0’55[130 words] 才发现读的这么慢,远不及150wpm的速度要求啊>.<
August gained smallest jobs in the past eight months.
The consumption is quite sluggish too.

Time 3-0’54[171 words]
August experienced low job growth rate.
The unemployment rate ticked down slightly and the average hourly wages ticked up.
The income gap widened.

Time 4-1’54[300 words]
LOCO, the restaurant, experienced a positive month while the KORS and GPS, the retailer, experienced a negative month.
Apple made effort to go out the tough week and other smart phone companies also made change.

Time 7-4’39[895 words]
A Q&A interview column interviewed AS, a successful franchiser.
发表于 2014-9-7 13:36:09 | 只看该作者
Even though the economic indexes show that the ecomomy of the United States is recoverying, the employers provide fewer jobs in Augest than in June or June.

The passage gives us some data about the increase of jobs, the unemployment rate, the wage growth and the income gap.

Some information about food chain industry, clothing retailer and Apple.

Tweet will prevent you from geting a job withoug you ever knowing. And then the author offers 10 real-life mistakes on which you should really be cautious.

An interview of Andrew Slattery, who used to be a salesman but now is a Franchise player owing 28 locations. It seems to be ads for Valvoline Instant oil Change.
发表于 2014-9-7 17:25:21 | 只看该作者
yeah ~kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
time 2  0:52
More people can't find a job recently despite most economic data shows that the economy is growing in a healthy pace.

time 3  0:54
Job growth slowed significantly in August and the income gap between the poor and the rich is getting wider.

time 4  1:51
information for the stock of some big companies

time 5  2:17
Social media can pose your daily situation out on the Internet, so be careful when you load on your photoes.

time 6  2:40
rest tips about managing your own social networks

obstacle  4:48
A man want to have a franchise in the oil change business and here are the tips that the oil company wants to know from him.

发表于 2014-9-7 19:07:39 | 只看该作者
1 A 00:50
2 A 01:06
3 A 01:51
4 A 02:17
5 A 02:38
6 A 04:42
question about a owner how did he start and plan his business.
start from t attack, then select on line, work with corporate, buying with pave movement, advise to individual owners, and plan to open more business.
发表于 2014-9-8 09:21:05 | 只看该作者
01:18 the job position increased far less than estimated and consumer spending decline in June.
01:15 figures about the job position and unemployment rate. the income gap becomes larger but the Fed can do little in order to help
02:26 different economic situations in different industries including food, GPS, Apple and clothing.
02:48 social media such as Facebook and tweeter can influence your employment and ten mistakes can really do bad on you, ban you from employing by the firm and even make you fired.
03:25 what you cannot do in the social network (1-7)
05:05 interview of a franchise player

发表于 2014-9-8 23:16:41 | 只看该作者
Time 2:  The article shows August’s job gains were 142K and it was far below than any other months' (55)

Time 3: The article introduces the changing trend of job situation. (1:22)

Time 4: Paragraphes introduce the stock situation of different stocks. (2:10)

Time 5: The article introduces that social media can seriously affect your job and job application. (3:03)

Time 6: Some other media actities can rule your career. (4:00)

Obstacle: The article introduces a Entrepreneur’s business plan after 9/11. The core business of franchise is oil change franchise. Then, the article further introduces the process and steps of franchise business.(05:17)
发表于 2014-9-9 19:38:16 | 只看该作者
Timer2 130
The number of jobs provided by employer is the smallest among the latest 8 months. Although the other economic figure implying that the economy is growing in a steady pace, the number of jobs is fewest in recent months.
Timer3 171
The number of jobs created is under the expectation, although the unemployment rate is expected. Regarding other figures, the average hourly wage decreased. Most important and disappoint finding is that the gap between the richest and the poor people are increasing. Only the richest 10% people’s income increased. But the Fed Chairmen claims that they can do nothing on the underlying factors.
Timer4 300
The performance of several stocks.
Kors: The billionaire investor is selling the stocks after the IPO.
GAP: the decrease of the sales for its namesake, but a rise for lower end brand Old Navy.
Apple: take some actions after the celebrity account hact event. The stock decline also due to the competitors’ performance, such as Sumsung gain positive review for the new product and the launch of new product from MSFT.
Timer5 420
Discussing how the social network may destroy you without the notice. There are many ways that you can be digged out from facebook or tweeter. The graph search engine. Some examples.
Top 10 not-dos.
10. Dont post the photo while your are drinking.
9. Don’t complain
8. Don’t tweent while you are supposed to work.
Timer6 507
7. making fun of boss.
6.Insult customer or donor.
5.talking something bad of the job.
4.blowing own cover
3. the business secret
1. Sex Over sharing
Obstacle 894
911 remind interviewee to quit the sales job with plenty of travels, and get his life back to his own hand.
How to buy the franchise: from the widow of the owner who passed away.
How much: 30,000.
Why franchise: no experience.
Why this franchise: a good business model.
Where of the most useful advice: the consultant from headquarter.
Most challengable thing: a lot, from paper work to new knowledge.
What next.

发表于 2014-9-9 21:24:30 | 只看该作者
speaker:fast food workers across the US rally for higher wages, and some workers complains that the current wages are not enough to raise the family. some law makers agree the raise,and the food companies will charge higher prices to offset.
time 2.  1:13
some data about the employees, the added jobs,the unemployment rate and the wages.
time3.  1:33
job growth  slows, unemployment rate declines , the wage growths increases, and the gap between the poor and the rich widen.
timer4.  3:31
crazy OCO stocks
pressure :KORS
retail store GAP :sales decline, old navy chain sales increase.
apple:measure to its security . competition challenge.
time5  3:30
pay attention to the impact of the social medium to you career.
time6.  3:54
some mistakes.
obstacles   5:11
the 911 attack gave the person a wake and he begins his franchise.
questions about the time ,the reasons ,the initial investment , the previous job and the advice about the franchise.
发表于 2014-9-10 09:32:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-9-10 20:39:48 | 只看该作者
1‘02   1’58  2‘44 2’19 0‘38  1’48  
Be careful when you are sending message on the Internet.
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