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[备考心经] 初测540,复习1个月,一战740(V40) 30天猛涨200分 心得+资料+机经

发表于 2014-8-27 19:07:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 21:44:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 21:56:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 21:58:23 | 只看该作者
1. Like ants, termites have an elaborate social structure in which a few individuals reproduce and the rest serve the colony by tending juveniles, gathering food, building the nest, or battling intruders.

2. Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have residents that taken different duties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and sounding a warning at the approach of danger, and scouting outside the cave for new food and roosting sites.

3. However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.

4. The voluminous personal papers of Thomas Alva Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works.

5. Hundreds of species of fish generate and discharge electric currents, in bursts or as steady electric fields around their bodies, using their power to find and attack prey, to defend themselves, or to communicate and navigate.

6.A Labor Department study states that the number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percent in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian workforce.

7. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources.

8. As the cost of wireless service has steadily dropped over the last year and as mobile phones have become increasingly common, many people are finding that they can avoid toll charges on their home phones by using their mobile phones to make long-distance calls at night or on weekends, when many wireless companies provide unlimited airtime for a small monthly fee.

9.Delighted by the reported earnings for the first quarter of the fiscal year, the company manager decided to give her staff a raise.

10. The rising cost of date-processing operations at many financial institutions has created a growing opportunity for independent companies to provide these services more efficiently and at lower cost.

11. Native to South America, peanuts were introduced to Africa by Portuguese explorers early in the sixteenth century and were quickly adopted into Africa’s agriculture, probably because they were so similar to the Bambarra groundnut, a popular indigenous plant.

12.William H. Johnson’s artistic debt to Scandinavia is evident in paintings that range from sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s Danish home, Kerteminde, to awe-inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks in the western and northern regions of Norway.

13.Growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients; auditors may, for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in order to maintain a bank’s profits on paper

14.The themes that Rita Dove explores in her poetry are universal, encompassing much of the human condition while occasionally dealing with racial issues.

15.It is well known in the supermarket industry that how items are placed on shelves and how frequently the inventory turns over can be  crucial to profits.

16.Iguanas have been an important food source in Latin America since prehistoric times, and they are still prized as game animals by the campesinos, who typically cook the meat in a heavily spiced stew.

17.Travelers to Mars would have to endure low levels of gravity for long periods of time, avoid large doses of radiation, contend with the chemically reactive Martian soil, and perhaps even ward off contamination by Martian life-forms.

18.Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin’s ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.

19.Chinese, the most ancient of living writing systems, consists of tens of thousands of ideographic characters, each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its own square frame.

20.Declining values for farm equipment and land,  the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, are going to force many lenders to tighten or deny credit this spring.

21.While depressed property values can hurt some large investors, they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose equity – in may cases representing a life’s savings – can plunge or even disappear.

22.Japanese researchers are producing a series of robots that can identify human facial expressions and then respond to them; the researchers’ primary goal is to create a robot that will empathize with us.

23.A consumer may not think of household cleaning products as hazardous substances, but many of them can be harmful to health, especially if they are used improperly.

24.In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.

25.Like Auden’s, James Merrill’s language is chatty, arch, and conversational – given to complex syntactic fights as well as to prosaic free-verse strolls.

26.The Baldrick Manufacturing Company has for several years followed a policy aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving the efficiency of its distribution system.

27.Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the country’s future borrowing costs low, protect its already-tattered image, and increase its ability to buy bond insurance.

28.Eating saltwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and aid sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, according to three research studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

29.According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment to the lowest level in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.

30.Thomas Eakins’ powerful style and his choices of subject – the advances in modern surgery, the discipline of sport, the strains of individuals in tension with society or even with themselves – were as disturbing to his own time as they are compelling for ours.

31.Nearly two tons of nuclear-reactor fuel have already been put into orbit around the Earth, and the chances of a collision involving such material increase greatly as the amount of space debris and the number of satellites continue to rise.

32.Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society.

33.The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce that occurred when they were children.

34.Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the amount of energy used by visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment, such as water heaters.

35.The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicators suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, but the mixed performance of  the index’s individual components indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first quarter of this year.

36.Although eradicated in the United States, polio continues else where and could be brought into the country by visitors.

37.Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been constructed in violation of the city’s building code.

38.A study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture showed that if calves exercise and associate with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight more quickly than those raised in confinement.

39.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors have elected to retire early rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice insurance.

40.The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that a bank disclose to its customers how long it will delay access to funds from deposited checks.

41.Unlike a funded pension system, in which contributions are invested to pay future beneficiaries, Social Security is founded on a pay-as-you-go approach.

42.Twenty-two feet long and 10 feet in diameter, the AM-1 is one of the many new satellites that are part of a 15-year effort to subject the interactions of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and land surfaces to detailed scrutiny from space.

43. Though the term "graphic design" may suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, it has come to signify a wide range of work, from package designs and company logotypes to signs, book jackets, computer graphics, and film titles.

44.In contrast to large steel plants that take iron ore through all the steps needed to produce several different kinds of steel, small mills, by processing steel scrap into a specialized group of products, have been able to put capital into new technology and remain economically viable.

45.Under high pressure and intense heat, graphite, the most stable form of pure carbon, changes into the substance commonly referred to as diamond and remains thus even when the heat and pressure are removed.

46.The psychologist William James believed that facial expressions not only provide a visible sign of an emotion but also actually contribute to the feeling itself.

47. Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, and Minnesota have begun to enforce statewide bans prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves, brush, and grass clippings.

48.Reporting that one of its many problems had been the recent extended sales slump in women’s apparel, the seven-store retailer said it would start a three-month liquidation sale in all of its stores.

49.In developing new facilities for the incineration of solid wastes, we must avoid the danger of shifting environmental problems from the pollution of water by landfills to the pollution of air by incinerators.

50.The bank holds $3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that it does not expect payments to be made when they are due.

51.In a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that two upstate New York counties owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians for the unlawful seizure of their ancestral lands in the eighteenth century.

52.Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather than a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.

53.The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a firm’s external environment and internal conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide on a strategy.

54.A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage without another doctor’s testimony about proper medical procedures.

55.The energy source on Voyager 2 is not a nuclear reactor, in which atoms are actively broken apart, but rather a kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive decay to produce power.

56.Archeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep it from being stolen by invaders.

57. According to its proponents, a proposed new style of aircraft could , by skimming along the top of the atmosphere, fly between most points on Earth in under two hours.

58.Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing, to provide free cashing of government checks, and to create basic savings accounts that carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.

59.Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place; one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemical.

60.In the textbook publishing business, the second quarter is historically weak, because revenues are low and marketing expenses are high as companies prepare for the coming school year.

61.Almost a decade after New York State passed laws to protect patients by reducing the grueling hours worked by medical residents, an investigation of twelve hospitals by state medical officials has found that all twelve consistently break the laws, that many residents work longer than 24 hours straight, and that more than half the surgical residents work more than 95 hours a week.

62.Parliament did not accord full refugee benefits to twelve of the recent immigrants because it believed that doing so would reward them for entering the country illegally.

63.Many policy experts say that shifting a portion of health-benefit costs back to the workers not only helps to control the employer’s costs, but also helps to limit medical spending by making patients more careful consumers.

64.Ms. Chambers is among the forecasters who predict that the rate of addition to arable lands will drop while the rate of loss rises.

65.The market for recycled commodities such as aluminum and other metals remains strong despite economic changes in the recycling industry.

66.Unlike the premiums for auto insurance, the premiums for personal property coverage are not affected by the frequency of claims, but if the insurance company is able to prove excessive loss due to owner negligence, it may decline to renew the policy.

67.Faced with an estimated $2 billion budget gap, the city’s mayor proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city’s major cultural institutions and to subsidize hundreds of local arts groups.

68.By offering lower prices and a menu of personal communications options, such as caller identification and voice mail, the new telecommunications company has not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced these companies to offer competitive prices.

69.The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, connected by a complex regional system of roads.

70.The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970s.

71.Analysts blamed May’s sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing sales of barbecue grills and lawn furniture.

72.State officials report that soaring rates for liability insurance are forcing cutbacks in the operations of everything from local governments and school districts to day-care centers and recreational facilities.

73. After suffering $2 billion in losses and 25,000 layoffs, the nation's semiconductor industry, which makes chips that run everything from computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have made a long-awaited recovery.

74.While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seriously only if it is taught as a separate, required course.

75.Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the area.

76.Under a provision of the Constitution that has never been applied, Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do so by the legislatures of two-thirds of the states.

77.Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earth’s crust, changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in the electrical properties of underground rocks.

78.The root systems of most flowering perennials either become too crowded,  resulting in loss of vigor, or spread too far outward, producing a bare center.

79.The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million as part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.

80.Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present when it is not.

81.Since 1986, when the Department of Labor began to allow fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they manage, several corporations have begun paying their investment advisers a small basic fee, with a contract promising higher fees if the managers perform well.

82.Downzoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing density, allows for more open space in areas where there are few services and little available water.

83.In theory, international civil servants at the United Nations are prohibited from continuing to draw salaries from their own governments; in practice, however, some governments merely substitute living allowances for the paychecks of their employees who have been assigned to the United Nations

84.The computer company’s present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, marketing missteps, and managerial blunders that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct.

85.According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about as many as are enrolled the nation’s four-year colleges and universities.

86.Intar, the oldest Hispanic theater company in New York, has moved away from the Spanish classics and now draws on the works of contemporary Hispanic authors, both those who live abroad and those who live in the United States.

87.Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those outside the pinelands.

88.Warmed by the sun, ocean water evaporates, rises high into the atmosphere, and condenses in tiny droplets on minute particles of dust to form clouds.

89.If Dr. Wade is right, any apparent connection between eating highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental.

90.The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue.

91.Seismologists studying the earthquake that struck northern California in October 1989 are still investigating some of its mysteries: the unexpected power of the seismic waves, the upward thrust that threw one man straight into the air, and the strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor.

92. Schistosomiasis, a disease caused by a parasitic worm, is prevalent in hot, humid climates, and it has become more widespread as irrigation projects have enlarged the habitat of the freshwater snails that are the parasite’s hosts for part of its life cycle.

93.Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much.

94.Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day rather than be confined to the hotel.

95.Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and other human languages, recognize objects, and reason like an expert – computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding whether to authorize a loan.

96.Floating in the water of the equatorial Pacific, an array of buoys collects and transmits data on long-term interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, interactions that affect global climate.

97.In the United States, farmers can usually depend on rain or snow all year long, but in most parts of Sri Lanka the rains are concentrated in the monsoon months, June to September, and the skies are generally clear for the rest of the year.

98.Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than for any previous campaign, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.

99.After the Civil War, contemporaries of Harriet Tubman maintained that she had all of the qualities of a great leader: coolness in the face of danger, an excellent sense of strategy, and an ability to plan in minute detail.

100.Sixty-five million years ago, according to some scientists, an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest slammed into North America, an event that caused the plant and animal extinctions that mark the end of the geologic era known as the Cretaceous Period.

101.The Federalist papers, a strong defense of the United States Constitution as well as an important body of work in political science, represent the handiwork of three different authors.

102.As business grows more complex, students who major in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are becoming more and more successful in the job market.

103.Inuits of the Bering Sea were isolated from contact with Europeans longer than were Aleuts or Inuits of the North Pacific and northern Alaska.

104.The first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was not announced until February 1968.

105.The physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters; infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength – 0,1 millimeters – is too long to be registered by the eye.

106.The sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.

107. Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from his own.

108.Sound can travel through water for enormous distances, its acoustic energy prevented from dissipating by boundaries in the ocean created by water layers of different temperatures and densities.

109. In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

110.Born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati Mukherjee became a United States citizen in 1988; she has lived in England and Canada, and first came to the United States in 1961 to study at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

111.Initiated on Columbus Day 1992, five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World, Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

112.In the 1980s the largest single provider of day care for children was the federal government, which offered child care, health, and educational services to hundreds of thousands of children from poor households through the Head Start program and which supported private day-care facilities through child-care tax credits, state block grants, and tax breaks for employers who subsidized day-care services.

113.In A. D. 391, as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world, later generations lost all but the Iliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.
发表于 2014-8-27 22:15:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 22:19:50 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 22:33:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-27 23:01:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2014-8-27 23:34:39 | 只看该作者
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