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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—40系列】【40-14】科技

发表于 2014-8-23 16:30:16 | 只看该作者
time2: 2:05 man made earth quark is less than natural caused and some cases about man made earth quark.
time3:2:22 induced earthquake is low stress type. this is why it cause leass shaking than natural ones
time4:2:21 NIH grants show racial disparity in minority scientists. The grant reviewers will have inflence unconsiously. Now finding some methods to aviod this disparity.
time5: 2:51 the minority disparity exists in other fields and the gendar disparity also exists in many fields
time6:2:12 the minority disparity is proved by other peeople but the measure to reduce disparity also brought up controversary.
time7:5:10 the plan of cancer avatars is implanting tumors from person to mouse at the cost of 10000 to 12000. Scitentist could use drug in mouse to observe the effect of drugs. The good impact is to bring patients confident and efficient drug method. The bad impact is that mouse isn't person and this experienment will spend four to six months to implant a cancer mouse, then use drugs and have the observe report when patients are possibly died.
发表于 2014-8-23 23:35:57 | 只看该作者
Time 2 – 1:12 – 254
Man-made quakes shake the ground less than naturally earthquakes, but man-made shakes still damage the adjacent areas.

Time 3 – 1:26 -321
Analysis of why induced quakes shake less than naturally quakes  :  a low “stress drop”

Time 4 – 2:04 – 326
NIH start to probe racial prejudice against minorities among grant reviewers

Time 5 – 1:26 – 293
Tested areas

Time 6 – 1:30 – 299

Obstacle – 3:49 – 680
Main idea: use mice as cancer avatars
1/ brief intro. of this new technology
2/ challenge
3/ successful cases and failed cases
发表于 2014-8-25 11:40:49 | 只看该作者
when people with asthma think they’re smelling something noxious
subjects who expected an irritant experienced inflammation.

Time2: 2:17
Main idea: the human being’s activities can induce earthquake
such 'induced' quakes appear to shake the ground less than a naturally occurring earthquake of the same magnitude would.
only for areas more than 10 kilometres from the earthquake’s epicentre.

Time3 2:34
There’s been an awful lot of work on induced quakes, but people haven’t really been looking at the shaking they generate
induced earthquakes have a low 'stress drop', a measure of how an earthquake behaves

time4  3:04
main idea: racial disparity
the NIH will launch ambitious analyses beginning in September to determine whether bias hampers minority scientists who seek agency funding.
whether grant reviewers are thinking about an applicant’s race at all, even unconsciously.

Time5: 2:04
The goal is to see whether researchers can spot trends in the language used by reviewers to describe proposals put forward by applicants of different races
but even the subtlest details of such raw comments might hold clues about bias.

Time6: 1:55
Even if the NIH investigation does not turn up evidence of bias, it may still reveal some of the causes of the racial disparity in the NIH’s grant-making process.
we are human beings with emotions and feelings we’re not in control of

Main idea: human cancer in the mouse
Each mouse will eventually be treated with a different drug and its tumors measured.
cancer cells vary so much that it’s not certain the tumor in the mouse is the same as the one in the person
it tells you what treatment is going to work ahead of giving these expensive and toxic drugs

发表于 2014-8-28 05:49:02 | 只看该作者
2: 2'50 (254)
3:2'36   (321)
4:3'20  (326)
5'2'44  (293)
6'2'44 (299)
obstacle: 6'26 (680 words)

make human's tumors and skins to mouse, and using mouse to test if the drug to deal with cancer.
this method has benefits: patients can know which drugs is fit for them through the trial of the mouse.  
however because of mouse, this method has disadvantage: ...and immune system
people still try to use this methods, thinking it is helpful.
however, it has limitation: the speed of tumor growing is the same, leading it can't serve the patients who need urgent therapy.
发表于 2014-8-28 07:00:18 | 只看该作者
time2 1'50"
time3 1'55"
time4 2'30"
time5 1'34"
time6 1'29"

obstacle:every cancer  patient 有相应的 mouse和它们对应
however,it is difficult to maintain the the change of  cancer avatar in mouse  and that of in human at the same pace.
sometimes ,the cancer patient died before the research begins.
one problem is that the mouse lack the same immune system as human beings
发表于 2014-9-7 02:36:52 | 只看该作者
Speaker I:
Nose can sense the potential situation and then send to the brain. For instance, asthma patient.
Time 2
Drilling cause quakes but less than natural earthquakes. However, quake in the center of the drill is tremendously strong. Within 10 kilometer, which is the center of the drill, people should move out.
Time 3 02:07
By using the stress drop, seismologist will know the quake is natural or induced. People should be involve the process of reporting quakes. Moreover, the induced quake is less than natural one.
Time 4 02:01
The proportion of more white people get more funds than black people from NIS. The researchers will concentrate why people didn’t get funds and how to do about it.
Time 5 0138
In the NIS, the student with majority are less likely to have an interview. Women need to work twice as men to have the same position.
Time 6 0139
Racism also exist in the group meeting when they review the applications.
The doctor transplant human-cancel-cells to mice body in order to test mice first before they actually put any medicine to humans. However, the mice is lack of immune system. The doctor also wants to plant mini organs with human DNA, but the samples are still mice, which is different than human body. Addition, the process is slow. Some patients are already passed away, when the doctors finish the testing on mice.
发表于 2017-3-13 23:39:52 | 只看该作者
The induce earthquake is not as serious as nature earthquake but it just ten miles away epicenter and induce shake also can make serious result
H think induce has a awful influence should be care by people. And based on his obervision conclude that induce is low than nature .the reason is maybe fluid lubricate the earth and do also think h conclude is right,the community based is powerful.

A test about director of NIHs conquence make run want to know how disparity inches NIH .the reason is grant is disparity between racial andhard to solve.
The author find other disparity in the faculty and woman and man in the NIH plant
The fact of disparity of race in the NIH and it should be address
发表于 2017-3-14 20:31:26 | 只看该作者
the earthquake  which caused by the gas and oil expanded process happened in us, but the author told us it's not too serious to damage the status of that area in 10 kilometers away, if this action conducted more than 10 kilometers, that will be in the serious damage. and then gave us some cases.
发表于 2017-3-15 00:31:47 | 只看该作者
T2 02:02.34
T3 02:56.23
T4 02:43.16
T5 01:56.48
T6 01:54.16
发表于 2017-3-19 22:27:49 | 只看该作者
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