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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—40系列】【40-14】科技

发表于 2014-8-20 20:44:24 | 只看该作者
果然新队员和老队员有区别啊 T。T看完脑子都没有印象orz

treat cancer, use mice as tool..
发表于 2014-8-20 21:00:18 | 只看该作者
Expanded oil and gas operation will trigger man-made earthquakes whose magnitude is as large as natural earthquakes. However, the study in the passage shows that man-made earthquakes shake the ground less than naturally ones.

There are two studies showing that induced quakes cause less shaking than natural quakes, one  belongs to Hough and another belongs to Sumy.

NIH's reviewers may have a unconscious prejudice against minorities and NIH is conducting some experiments to find out whether the problem of discrimination exists.

Other findings would be related to the experiment

The NIT's Study Sections might also have bias. And even though the investigation doesn't turn up exactly reasons about bias, it may reveal some possible causes of the racial disparity in the NIH's grant-making process. Finally, the author comments on the problem of bias: after all, we are human beings wiht emotions and feelings

The authors introduces an approach scientists use to treat to cancer-growing one type of human cancers on mice and then using these mice avatars to test possible treatment for people who suffer such type. And a company, named Champions Oncology, is leading the study of this approach. Beside this one, other similar approaches are also under reaserching, such as creating one kind of fruit flies that share the same gene mutations patients have. However, there is no guarantee that the mice avatars will be helpful for the treatment of cancers. For example, the tumors grow in a mouse at a speed the same as in a patient. So, the patient may already die before the tumors grow in the mouse.
发表于 2014-8-20 21:01:22 | 只看该作者
Speaker: Nose knows. Nose to the brain to the lung. A test has been done and approve that people’s assumption has effect on their nose. People who expected irritant was inflamed, and people who were expected therapeutic was fine without any problem.

Time 2: 2:27
Time 3: 2:53
Time 4: 2:45
Time 5: 1:40
Time 6: 2:17

Obstacle: 4’29

Time 2: Man made quakes damage less than natural earthquake. But people within 10km will feel strongly and suggest to separate from residents 10km away.

Time 3: H want to approve the affect and collect data from real quake. From the sample collected, she concluded that the stress drop is low.
Time 4: NIH wants to find out whether there is disparity in their review process. Some data show that Americans will get more awards than minorities. Test will help to find out disparity.
Time 5: Comments would be an clue on disparity.
Time 6: Top 50% of grant applicants can also be a clue in investigation. A good way is to keep open minds.

Obstacle: Avatar in mice can help doctors to study cancer of human and then cure the patience. But there are also some limitations.
Mice is not the same as human beings and the development of cancer might not the same.
Not all avatar can grow in mice.
The growing speed of avatar in mice is not so quick and patients might not wait for the test results.
发表于 2014-8-20 21:16:43 | 只看该作者
Individuals' assumption may influence lungs and produce inflammation.

[Time 2] 1'41
The magnitude of an induced earthquake is less than that of a real earthquake. But the injection of wastewater during oil extraction can cause significant damage.

[Time 3] 2'05
H established a database and concluded that an induced earthquake has lower stress drop than a natural one.

[Time 4] 2'29
NIH has had bias to grant funds and it then analyzes whether bias hampers minority scientists.

[Time 5] 2'11
The bias also exists in gender.

[Time 6] 1'58
The study section harbor bias too. No evidence has shown bias but the survey still can reveal sth about grant-making process. One of the possible reason is the minorities' writings are less appeal to reviewers. Finally, N suggested that we should keep open mind.

Introduction to Champion's service: each mice represents a cancer. Doctors take a piece of patient's tumor and then inject to the mice that have no immune system.
Some other technologies
The limitation of Cancer avatar: mice are different from people and tumors grow the same speed in a mouse as in a person.
发表于 2014-8-20 22:19:29 | 只看该作者
time 2 : 1:20
time 3:   1:40
time 4:  2:00
time 5:  1:53
time 6: 1:45
obstacle: 4:20
发表于 2014-8-20 23:07:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-8-21 10:02:37 | 只看该作者
Time2 1'36''
Man-made quakes shake the earth less than natural ones do but only for areas that are 10 kilometers away from the epicentre

Time3 2'03''
A research indicates that induced quakes  have a low 'stress drop' and the reasons

Time4 1'41''
Whether unconscious racial bias exists in grant awards

Time5 2'18''
NIH studied successful applications to find ou whether interviewers can spot the languages from different races.Also, the study shows that there are different standards for male and female.
Other controlled variations

Time6 1'48''
The research of NIH was controversial :
There are flaws in the test process.
Whether the research is meaningful or has a pratical method to solve such disparity.

Obstacle: 4'21''
A new technology: put a patient's cancer into a mouse and then test the effects of medicine used on the mouse.But 9/22 patients died before the medicine reports on mice
So such a long test period is still a challenge to put this technology into use

发表于 2014-8-21 10:41:10 | 只看该作者
The inject well can cause quarks which shake the ground less than the naturally occurring one
So this injection well should build far away from towns.
Quarks report system , stress drop measurement to tell nature quark and injection quark
Community based information
minority scientists get less fund than white researchers
Why would that happen? A review with stripped name and racial identification to test
Bias start from a minority associated name to sex
Submissions authored by Africa America are less likely to be discussed in meeting
The way minority researchers wrote is less attractive to reviewer
Introduce a new technology for cancer patients: mice avatar
Move human cancer to mouse and try different therapies to see weather they work
Difficulty: 30% of the cancer can not grow on mice
A lot of patients can not wait that long to make a avatar mice
发表于 2014-8-21 12:31:41 | 只看该作者
-Induced earthquake shake the ground less than natural earthquake does at same magnitude.
-Less shake means less damage
-However, we still keep population 10 kilometers away from drilling.
-eg of such damage.

-H's experiment" did you feel it". Participants report whatever they experience shake.
-H collected 11 induced earthquake. The result showed that intensity is low.
-H used two truck sample to explain her point.
-H explained why induced earthquake has lower intensity

-RN, the director of NIH showed slightly prejudice against minority when granting fund. Will other grand reviewers are also affected?
-a team will start to investigate on this issue from September. data shows that minority scientists usually receive less fund than white scientists.
-500 million was invested to train minority scientists. however, the problem is not short of less qualified scientists. The problem may be the process of granting.
-fund will grant through anonymous in order to see whether it is true that grant reviewers are bias in granting fund.

-faculties are less likely to respond to interviewers requests from prospective students whose name is associated with minority than students's name is associate with white race.
-whether research can spot trend in language used. MC's result shows that women include more praising words. They need to be twice as good as men in order to get the fund.
-Analyse text in sample of reviewers

-African Americans are less likely to be discussed in the meeting. Even thy are discussed, one person's negative comment in the commitee will have huge impact on other's decision.
-evidence of bias is harder to address.
-to solve the root problem of bias will cost around $5 million in next three years.
-we need to have a open mind. we all human. we have feeling and emotion that can not be control. (really?)
发表于 2014-8-21 15:00:28 | 只看该作者
Speaker: The article uses Asthma as an example to support nose knows what the mind tells it.

Time 2:  The new research shows that Man-made quankes are less serious than natual earthquake. Some relevant reports are further illustrated about this viewpoint. (1:33)

Time 3: Hough decides to explore a USGS database to analyse the influence of induced quake. (2:24)

Time 4:  Researches investigate weather US National Institutes of Health (NIH) exists the bias to offer fund for mimority. (3:24)

Time 5: The findings of research demonstrates that the organization do exist some bias about race and women. (1:43)

Time 6:  The findings reveal the racial disparity of different applier and the reason why this happens. (1:58)

Obstable: The article introduce a new way to treat cancer patients---using mouse as avatar to try medicine, then let patients use these medicines. Moveover, the article
introduces the process of this medicine way, and results and relevant managerial implications. (3:50)
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