以下是引用wang16在2005-1-26 20:17:00的发言:看了两位的帖子。。。发现两位都是高人。。起码很有修为。 所以,就不要为了争“中欧”,“长江”谁好谁不好而搞得面红耳赤的。。 来这个论坛的都是真心想了解学校情况的,而你们带有强烈感情色彩的评论都无助于大家的对信息的正确接受。。。 CKGSB_MBA2005,如果有机会,多宣传宣传长江实在的地方,而不要去贬低中欧。。。我也在申请05年的长江。。如果有机会,可能还是同学,哈哈 CEIBS_MBA2005 ,你的英语很好,估计你G作文能拿6分。。。哈哈,也希望你多上一些宣传中欧实处的帖子。。 大家来日方长,要把眼光放的长远一点,毕竟20年后,事实会证明谁是中国最优秀的商学院。 抛砖引玉,欢迎各位拍砖。。。
Dear friend
I appreciate the approach by which you expressed your points, which were divergent from mine. I esteem you as a sensible man and a man of principle, the virtues that I am supposed to learn from you. Thank you.
One point that I insist to highlight is that argumentativeness shall not be consider synonym of quarrel. Every CDer has and should have his or her own viewpoint and hence should be endowed the authority to voice whatever he or she wants to say (certainly, subjecting to one condition of not insulting or hurting the others). Please be advised that we all are men on the same road. Putting aside the disparity and endeavoring to achieve the parity is our philosophy. Ironically, some of us who are dreaming to pursue the MBA education abroad, particularly in the USA, a land of hope, a land of freedom, are still doing something to fetter the freedom of speech. As such, one particular individual could make such suggestion of requiring another guy to change his picture or word simply because the picture or the word is regarded as unfit by personal criteria. Or in another scenario, a girl claims she is reluctant to be my classmate as she is sick of my remarks and she is normally considered right. The reason being that is simple. People typically think the girls are more objective than boys. However, they are more feelers than thinkers.
Even though I am quarrelling, I do not think that is something to blame. In the jianghu world, we all know “you will never make an acquaintance without fighting”. Through quarrelling, I can figure out which group of people shares the similar point with me and I will definitely foster friendship with them.
Another thing I also want to clarify is nobody here can guarantee that what he or she said is absolute truth. Nevertheless, I am also convinced that nobody come here to fabricate absolute untruth. As for some hearsay, let me cite an old Chinese saying to make my point: wave will never occur spontaneously without wind.