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发表于 2003-7-19 23:47:00 | 只看该作者


[face=Georgia]1. The city's center for disease control reports that the rabies epidemic is more serious now than it was two years ago: two years ago less than 25 percent of the local raccoon population was infected, whereas today the infection has spread to more than 50 percent of the raccoon population. However, the newspaper reports that whereas two years ago 32 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed during a 12-month period in the past 12 months only 18 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed.

Which one of the following if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between the two reports?

(A) The number of cases of rabies in wild animals other than raccoons has increased in the past 12 months.

(B) A significant proportion of the raccoon population succumbed to rabies in the year before last.

(C) The symptoms of distemper another disease to which raccoons are susceptible are usually identical to those of rabies.

(D) Since the outbreak of the epidemic, raccoons, which are normally nocturnal have increasingly been seen during daylight hours

(E) The number of confirmed cases of rabid raccoons in neighboring cities has also decreased over the past year.


20. Students from outside the province of Markland, who in any given academic year pay twice as much tuition each as do students from Markland, had traditionally accounted for at least two-thirds of the enrollment at Central Markland College. Over the past 10 years academic standards at the college have risen and the proportion of students who are not Marklanders has dropped to around 40 percent.

Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the statements above?

(A) If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Markland, the college could not have improved its academic standards over the past 10 years.

(B) If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 year students who are not Marklanders would still account for at least two-thirds of the college's enrollment.

(C) Over the past 10 year the number of students from Markland increased and the number of students from outside Markland decreased

(D) Over the past 10 years academic standards at Central Markland College have risen by more than academic standards at any other college in Markland.

(E) If the college's per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same tuition fees have increased over the past 10 years.


22. Director of personnel: Ms. Tours has formally requested a salary adjustment on the grounds that she was denied merit raises to which she was entitled. Since such grounds provide a possible basis for adjustments, an official response is required. Ms. Tours presents compelling(引人注目的) evidence that her job performance has been both excellent in itself and markedly superior to that of others in her department who were awarded merit raises. Her complaint that she was treated unfairly thus appears justified. Nevertheless her request should be denied. To raise Ms. Tours's salary because of her complaint would jeopardize the integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system by sending the message that employees can get their salaries raised if they just complain enough.

The personnel director's reasoning is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it

(A) fails to consider the possibility that Ms. Taurus's complaint could be handled on an unofficial basis

(B) attempts to undermine the persuasiveness of Ms. Taurus's evidence by characterizing it as "mere complaining"

(C) sidesteps the issue of whether superior job performance is a suitable basis for awarding salary increases

(D) ignores the possibility that some of the people who did receive merit increases were not entitled to them

(E) overlooks the implications for the integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system of denying Ms. Tours's request


24. The role of the Uplandian supreme court is to protect all human rights against abuses of government power. Since the constitution of Uplandia is not explicit(清楚的) about all human rights the supreme court must sometimes resort to principles outside the explicit provisions of the constitution in justifying its decisions. However, human rights will be subject to the whim of whoever holds judicial power unless the supreme court is bound to adhere to a single objective standard, namely, the constitution. Therefore, nothing but the explicit provisions of the constitution can be used to justify the court's decisions. Since these conclusions are inconsistent with each other, it cannot be true that the role of the Uplandian supreme court is to protect all human rights against abuses of government power.

The reasoning that leads to the conclusion that the first sentence in the passage is false is flawed because the argument

(A) ignores date that offer reasonable support for a general claim and focuses on a single example that argues against that claim

(B) seeks to defend a view on the grounds that the view is widely held and the decisions based on that view are often accepted as correct

(C) rejects a claim as false on the grounds that those who make that claim could profit if that claim is accepted by others

(D) makers an unwarranted assumption that what is true of each member of a group taken separately is also true of the group as a whole

(E) concludes that a particular premise is false when it is equally possible for that premise to be true and some other premise false

 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-21 22:07:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-3-14 02:33:00 | 只看该作者
24.    The    role    of    the    Uplandian    supreme    court    is    to    protect    all    human    rights    against    abuses    of    government    power.    Since    the    constitution    of    Uplandia    is    not    explicit(清楚的)    about    all    human    rights    the    supreme    court    must    sometimes    resort    to    principles    outside    the    explicit    provisions    of    the    constitution    in    justifying    its    decisions.    However,    human    rights    will    be    subject    to    the    whim    of    whoever    holds    judicial    power    unless    the    supreme    court    is    bound    to    adhere    to    a    single    objective    standard,    namely,    the    constitution.    Therefore,    nothing    but    the    explicit    provisions    of    the    constitution    can    be    used    to    justify    the    court's    decisions.    Since    these    conclusions    are    inconsistent    with    each    other,    it    cannot    be    true    that    the    role    of    the    Uplandian    supreme    court    is    to    protect    all    human    rights    against    abuses    of    government    power.    

The    reasoning    that    leads    to    the    conclusion    that    the    first    sentence    in    the    passage    is    false    is    flawed    because    the    argument    

(A)    ignores    date    that    offer    reasonable    support    for    a    general    claim    and    focuses    on    a    single    example    that    argues    against    that    claim    

(B)    seeks    to    defend    a    view    on    the    grounds    that    the    view    is    widely    held    and    the    decisions    based    on    that    view    are    often    accepted    as    correct    

(C)    rejects    a    claim    as    false    on    the    grounds    that    those    who    make    that    claim    could    profit    if    that    claim    is    accepted    by    others    

(D)    makers    an    unwarranted    assumption    that    what    is    true    of    each    member    of    a    group    taken    separately    is    also    true    of    the    group    as    a    whole    

(E)    concludes    that    a    particular    premise    is    false    when    it    is    equally    possible    for    that    premise    to    be    true    and    some    other    premise    false    


发表于 2004-3-14 12:57:00 | 只看该作者
24. The role of the Uplandian supreme court is to protect all human rights against abuses of government power. Since the constitution of Uplandia is not explicit about all human rights the supreme court must sometimes resort to principles outside the explicit provisions of the constitution in justifying its decisions. However, human rights will be subject to the whim of whoever holds judicial power unless the supreme court is bound to adhere to a single objective standard, namely, the constitution. Therefore, nothing but the explicit provisions of the constitution can be used to justify the court's decisions. Since these conclusions are inconsistent with each other, it cannot be true that the role of the Uplandian supreme court is to protect all human rights against abuses of government power.

The reasoning that leads to the conclusion that the first sentence in the passage is false is flawed because the argument

(A) ignores date that offer reasonable support for a general claim and focuses on a single example that argues against that claim
(B) seeks to defend a view on the grounds that the view is widely held and the decisions based on that view are often accepted as correct
(C) rejects a claim as false on the grounds that those who make that claim could profit if that claim is accepted by others
(D) makers an unwarranted assumption that what is true of each member of a group taken separately is also true of the group as a whole
(E) concludes that a particular premise is false when it is equally possible for that premise to be true and some other premise false

The answer is (E). If we break down the layout of reasoning above, we can have the follows: 1. Main Statement: MS; 2. Premise to Main Statement P; 3. Counter-premise P'; 4.    Conclusion: MS is false.    

The conclusion MS being false is    only based on the inconsistence between the two counter-premises    and the assumption that P is false, while    P'    owns the same odds to be such.

发表于 2004-5-27 00:49:00 | 只看该作者
up. But what about T22?
发表于 2004-8-19 15:25:00 | 只看该作者

up 22

这题我猜B 但我觉得C也可 不知E怎麽出来的?

发表于 2004-8-19 20:43:00 | 只看该作者



20。原文说10年来多交学费的外地学生比例减少了,则若要维持人均学费不变,则必须提高本地学生的学费(外地学生的学费又是本地学生的2倍)。即E。B错在academic standards 和proportion of students who are not Marklanders 并没IF关系,原文只是说这两者同时发生(同时发生并不一定是因果关系,这种逻辑错误常考)

发表于 2004-8-19 21:15:00 | 只看该作者

不好意思 下次会注意 

但是这个题 我只问 22 而以啦 


发表于 2004-8-19 21:16:00 | 只看该作者
22。原文推理:因为T的抱怨会危及integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system ,所以不该给RAISE。这个推理忽视了不给T的RAISE也会危及firm's merit-based reward system 的可能性,因为T具备RAISE的条件,因为他的抱怨而不顾他的条件而否定他的请求一样可能危及该系统。即E,忽视否定T的请求对该系统的可能效果(IMPLICATION)。C错在并没说出原文推理错误。原文的推理错误不在是否回答了好表现是RAISE的基础,原文讨论的问题是否定T的请求是否会危及该系统。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-19 22:53:26编辑过]
发表于 2004-8-19 22:21:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lawyer_1在2004-8-19 21:16:00的发言:
这个推理忽视了T的抱怨和firm's merit-based reward system 是统一的可能性,即这个系统隐含的意思是允许抱怨的可能性,这样T的抱怨就不会危及该系统,即E。

请问(E)overlooks the implications for the integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system of denying Ms. Tours's request

我对E的解释是"忽略了integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system 有denying Ms. Tours's request的含义" 即denying T的要求合乎integrity of the firm's merit-based reward system 这似乎是站在Director of personnel的立场 而非criticism !?

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