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[梦之队日记] GMAT从新出发,见证自我蜕变

发表于 2014-1-9 11:40:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


触发自己心态转变,源自于无意中在电视中看到的电影《太极张三丰》,里面的几句台词一出,就印入自己的脑海,引发心灵的共鸣:”过去只是一种人生经历,而不是一种负担“  ”放下负担,奔向新生活“  ”心浮气躁,利欲熏心,怎么能赢“。
太极的精髓是以柔克刚,以静制动。讲求心静与平衡,心平如水,心无杂念,不念想结果 ,不贪嗔功利,潜心修行,潜移默化,才能水到渠成,借力打力,出招必胜。
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-9 13:11:42 | 只看该作者
1. GMAT单词
2. GMAT课外阅读
1)Popular Science:
Predicting structures of proteins is crucial but not easy.
In theory, calculable; But infinite structural possibilities challenge computers.
Project R. outsource work to home computers; algorithm sift through.
unexpected happened; exploring a second possibility: Foldit=game.
sift:to separate or remove (something) by using a sifter or sieve ;to go through (something) very carefully in order to find something useful or valuable
stymie: to stop (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening

2)Honesty Is the Best Policy (
New findings about P. use .
honest VS. deceitful: higher satisfied relationship ; lower distressed
mutual use VS. not mutual use: less distressed
However, findings no consider frequency and amount of P. use.

3. Foundations of GMAT Verbal: Phases of Reading comprehension
1) Main Idea: is a Change, a Twist, or a Judgement Call. 这点极其重要,第一次看到这样精辟的提炼和概括!好像打开了自己思路的一片天空。
2) Organizing the information. 利用diagramming,化繁为简,如是潜在的twist,提炼出来。
3) Inference: use ONLY the facts to draw a CONCLUSION that MUST BE TRUE. 可能正确的选项,或者需要加入假设才能正确的选项都是错误的。
The choices that give reasons why the things in the passage happened are WRONG.
The choices that are MERELY CONSISTENT WITH something we are told by the passage are WRONG.

4.  Foundations of GMAT Verbal: Critical Reasoning
1) Avoid challenging the truth of the PREMISES. Focus on the ARGUMENT's VALIDITY
2) Logical Flaws:
之前自己掌握了推理推理的方式,以及每种推理方式的critical question。但是,第一次从逻辑推理的角度,了解到推理过程中的常见逻辑错误。掌握这些逻辑错误,对于快速透视逻辑推理的谬误起到很大帮助,能加速理解的速度。但是要在后面的训练中要多体会和运用。
A. Unjustified Assumptions
Assumes shared beliefs;
Draw Extreme Conclusion;
Assumes Skill or Will;
Use Vague terms;
Assumes Signs of A Thing = Thing Itself;
B. Causation Errors
Mixed up Correlation and Causation;
Assumes the Future = the Past;
Assumes the Best = Success;

5. Manhattan分类总结:Subject-Verb Agreement
Ron said: "If you learn too many things at once, You will learn nothing." "Ignore the WHOLE Problems, Concentrate ONLY ONE thing at a time!"
总结1“主语+谓语+THAT+从属连接词+从句主语+谓语”结构,自己一开始总是不小心忽略掉THAT后面的从属连接词,而误以为逗号后面的独立句子与前面的主句构成run-on sentence错误。实际上THAT引导的是宾语从句,而宾语从句又是由从属连接词引导的从句和主句。因此判断句子结构,除了关注逗号,还要关注连接词,这是自己忽略的点
OG13-01的正确句子:In a review of 2,000 studies of humanbehavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists declared thatsince most of the studies had failed to control for variables such as socialclass and family size, none could be taken seriously.
OG13-30的正确句子:Paleontologists believe that fragmentsof a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated to be 40 to 44million years old provideevidence of a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to humanbeings.
OG13-140的错误句子:Rock samples taken from the remains of an asteroid about twice the size of the6-mile-wide asteroid that eradicated the dinosaurs hasbeen dated to be 3.47 billion years old and thus is evidenceof the earliest known asteroid impact on Earth.
OG13-103的错误句子:El Niño, the periodic abnormal warmingof the sea surface off Peru, a phenomenon in which changes in theocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the western Pacific to flow back to the east.
OG13-129的错误句子:Cajuns speak a dialect brought tosouthern Louisianaby the 4,000 Acadians who migrated there in 1755; their language is basicallyseventeenth-century French towhich has been added English, Spanish, and Italian words.
OG13-133的错误句子:Last week local shrimpersheld a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rareKemp’s ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be onshrimp nets protect adult sea turtles.

发表于 2014-1-9 14:05:20 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-10 12:51:27 | 只看该作者
1. 课外阅读
1)Take Care of Your Brain
D. suffer distress.(提出现象)
Distress<--CTE<--Repeated blows to brain.(解释原理)
Medical confirmation of CTE. eg. W.(进一步证明原理)
Treatment+Protection, the latter is more effective.(解决方法)
2)The Social Life of Memory
Ability to predict the behavior of others accurately leads to healthier social life. But, how to predict is UNCLEAR.(提出问题)
S. suggest: use the memory part of brain to predict. (提出问题的解释)
S. explain: brain use memory to bring past experience to bear when thinking about future;  discovery: memory and imagination both rely on D.N.(进一步解释)
S. propose: brain use MEMORY to imagine others' future.
TEST the proposal:  subjects use D.N. when considering others, BUT also noticed activity in social processing. (实验证明解释)
Conclusion: memory and social cognition work together to predict others' future. (总结结论)

新词汇:whet :  to make (something, such as a person's appetite or curiosity) sharper or stronger
autopsy:an examination of a dead body to find out the cause of death
wreak:to cause (something very harmful or damaging)

2. Manhattan GMAT Reading Comprehension
法则1:融入文章 Engage with the Passage
法则2:寻找要义 Look for the Simple Story
法则3:抽象物化 Link to What You Already Know
法则4:化繁为简 Unpacking the Beginning
法则5: 构建关联 Link to What You Just Have Read
法则6:信号领路 Pay Attention to Signals
法则7:加速开进 Pick Up the Pace
第一个段落读完后,剩下的段落可以加快速度,不要被细节信息所迷失,而只关注:1)Beginning of Paragraph:每段的第一句(有时候要读第二句)要100%理解;2)Big Surprise:行文方向的改变,或态度的改变;3)Big Results:结论性句子。


计划:针对上面几种方法,通过课外阅读材料分类单独进行强化训练。最终到达曼哈顿书上说的:You need to practice them so that they become a natural part of your reading.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-11 14:19:26 | 只看该作者
1. Foundations of GMAT Verbal: Critical Reasoning
1)Flaws pattern:
Comparison Errors
Math Errors
Communication Errors
2) Take argument diagramming: 如果逻辑链在读完题目就很清晰,则不需要diagram;但在面对复杂的推理题时可以使用diagram来帮助自己快速理解逻辑。

2. 课外阅读
1)Drug legalization Of bongs and bureaucrats(from the Economists)
2)Genomic Engineering Hits Its Mark

3. Manhattan GMAT Reading Comprehension
训练阅读短文章过程中take Headline。

4. 按照manhattan分类总结OG:平行结构
总结1:not X but Y表示“不是X,而是Y”,not X but also Y表示“不是X,也不是Y”。要注意语义上的差别。
OG13-15的错误句子:Many experts regarded the large increase in credit card borrowing in March not as a sign that households were pressed for cash and forced to borrow, but also as a sign that households were confident in their ability safely to handle new debt.

OG13-18的错误句子:Warning that computers in the United States are not secure, the National Academy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security procedures, institute new emergency response teams, creating a special nongovernment organization to take charge of computer security planning.

OG13-28的正确句子:In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism’s attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant.
来自beathegamt.com的解释:Commas can mark off information that is parenthetical -- non-essential to the sentence. It is an elaboration on what came before, rather than a thing that is parallel to "metabolize."

 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-12 20:28:34 | 只看该作者
1. 记单词
2. 课外阅读
1)A New Method to Measure Consciousness Proposed
2)The Cheerleader Effect
3. 阅读训练
用active reading方式阅读,并训练taking notes。直到形成正确的阅读习惯以及笔记方式之后,再去训练做题的准确率。
4. 逻辑训练
5. 按Manhattan分类总结OG:平行结构
发表于 2014-1-13 09:23:13 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-15 15:58:56 | 只看该作者
“在大海航行的时候,遇到大风大浪时,全速航行是最安全的,停滞不前则是最危险的” ——阮次山

1. 课外阅读
1) Our Brains Have a Map for Numbers:this passage explained how brain judge quantity, and supported by researches.
2) A New Gospel Revealed
2. RC Prep07短文章的headline训练

3. 记单词

4. CR Prep07的diagram训练

5. 按Manhattan分类总结OG:平行结构
总结1not X butY表示“不是X,而是Y”,not X but also Y表示“不是X,也不是Y”。要注意语义上的差别。
OG13-15的错误句子:Many experts regarded the large increasein credit card borrowing in March not as a sign that households werepressed for cash and forced to borrow, but also as a sign that households were confident in their ability safely tohandle new debt.
OG13-18的错误句子:Warning that computers in the United States are not secure, the NationalAcademy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security procedures,institute new emergency response teams, creating a special nongovernment organization to take charge of computer security planning.
OG13-28的正确句子:In virtually all types of tissue inevery animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are theorganism’s attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant.
来自beathegamt.com的解释:Commas can mark off information that isparenthetical -- non-essential to the sentence. It is an elaboration on whatcame before, rather than a thing that is parallel to "metabolize."
OG13-66的错误句子:In a plan to stop the erosion of EastCoast beaches, the Army Corps of Engineers proposed building parallel to shorea breakwater of rocks that would rise six feet above the waterline and act as a buffer, so that it absorbs the energy of crashing waves and protecting thebeaches. 这里crashingprotecting在结构上平行,但是不符合逻辑意义,逻辑不平行!
Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are caused not by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but by a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of thestomach.
Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but by a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of thestomach.
我认为not caused caused not不是考点,考点是not...but...的对称平行。前者的区别不建议深究。(同意此观点)
我觉得are not caused by...but caused by...中的not...but...是修饰动词
而are caused not by...but by...中not...but...是修饰后面by的介宾结构
平行并列注意以下这种表达是正确的:thehuman mind is not a blank slate but instead comprises mental mechanisms. 虽然not...but...要形式结构一致,这里is not...butcomprises...看似不并列,但实际上这种表达式正确的,因为is和comprises都是一般过去时的谓语动词,只不过is这里是否定格式,而is的否定格式是把not放在其后面。特别小心了。
下面是OG13-87的错误句子:Accordingto scientists who monitored its path, an expandingcloud of energized particles ejected from the Sun was what recently triggered alarge storm in the magnetic field that surrounds Earth, and it brightened the Northern Lights and alsopossibly knocked out acommunications satellite. 这里and后的内容不知道是scientists表达的,还是作者自己表达的一个独立观点。
总结7:比较容易忽略的未划线部分的并列连接词语法点。下面是OG13-92的错误句子:TheloniousMonk, who was a jazz pianist and composer, produced a body of work both rooted in thestride-piano tradition of Willie (The Lion) Smith and Duke Ellington, yet inmany ways he stood apart from the mainstream jazz repertory. 这个句子比较容易发现的语法的是平行结构,容易忽略句子结构语法点yet的并列连接词用法!因此要特别注意!虽然在这个选项中不存在yet习惯的错误!
OG13-121的错误句子:New theories propose that catastrophicimpacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’smagnetic field, the onset of ice ages, continents that were split apart 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions. 从结构上划线部分是名词,结构上可以平行,但是逻辑上impacts caused continents不符合逻辑,impacts只能caused the apart of continents
OG13-137的错误句子:Joachim Raff and Giacomo Meyerbeer are examples of the kind of composerwho receives popular acclaim while living, often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularityagain. composer goes into decline不符合逻辑。
但是注意:如果逻辑是否平行不容易判断,一定不要花时间去纠结,果断放弃,去找其它splits,不要在纠正这个问题上浪费太多时间!因为有时候逻辑上的平行确实不好判断!比如下面这个例子OG13-127的句子:Joan of Arc, a young Frenchwoman whoclaimed to be divinely inspired, turned the tide of English victories in hercountry by liberating the city of Orleans and persuading thatthe throne be claimed by Charles VII of France. 这里persuade逻辑上到底应该跟turned平行,还是应该与liberating平行,似乎理解起来都可以说的通,因此果断放弃这样的splits!
OG13-138的句子:Most efforts to combat suchmosquito-borne diseases likemalaria and dengue have focused either on the vaccination of humans or onexterminating mosquitoes withpesticides. 这个句子中either…or…的大平行结构没有问题,两边都是介词短语,但是介词后的成分不平行,前面是行为名词the vaccination,后面是简单动名词exterminating ,但是OG没有把这里定义为incorrect,而是说这两个都采用行为名词是preferable
发表于 2014-1-15 23:29:09 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-16 10:24:15 | 只看该作者
zzloveyibo 发表于 2014-1-15 23:29

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