Researchers have noted that panda bears that have given birth to live young live longer in the wild. Therefore, these researchers have concluded that giving birth to live yong increases a panda's livespan.
The argument makes which of the following asssumptions?
A) Pandas that have given birth to live young will not be killed by predators.
B) Since male pandas cannot give birth, female pandas live longer than male pandas. C) Pandas that are already likely to live longer are also more likely to give birth to live young.
D) Female pandas are not likely to die while giving birth.
E) Pandas that have give birth to multiple live young are likely to live even longer than pandas that have given birth to only a single live offspring.
gap:to support the conclusion(需要找到的答案)
但是为什么前提+C可以得到文章中的结论啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,我觉得如果佐以C的话,得出的结论应该是weaken the conclusion才对啊:说明生养这个过程并不会增加熊猫的寿命啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。