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Only a reduction of 10 percent in the number of scheduled flights using Greentown's airport will allow the delays that are so common there to be avoided. Hevelia airstrip, 40 miles away, would, if upgraded and expanded, be an attractive alternative for fully 20 percent of the passengers using Greentown airport. Nevertheless, experts reject the claim that turning Hevelia into a full-service airport would end the chronic delays at Greentown.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify experts' position?

正确答案: E









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[Helr题库] OG13. cr16 cr22

发表于 2013-9-2 19:32:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-3 12:30:06 | 只看该作者
16. In Washington County, attendance at the movies is justlarge enough for the cinema operators to make
modest profits. The size of the county's population isstable and is not expected to increase much. Yetthere
are investors ready to double the number of moviescreens in the county within five years, and they are
predicting solid profits both for themselves and for theestablished cinema operators.

Which of the following, if true about WashingtonCounty, most helps to provide a justification for the
investors' prediction?

(A) Overthe next ten years, people in their teenageyears, the prime moviegoing age, will be a
rapidly growing proportion of the county'spopulation.
(B) As distinct from the existing cinemas, most ofthe cinemas being planned would be located in
downtown areas, in hopes of stimulating aneconomic revitalization of those areas.
(C) Spending on video purchases, as well asspending on video rentals, has been increasing
modestly each year for the past ten years.
(D) The average number of screens per cinema islower among existing cinemas than it is among
cinemas still in the planning stages.
(E) The sale of snacks and drinks in cinemas accounts for a steadily growing share of most
cinema operators' profits.'

22. Only: a reduction of 10 percent in the number ofscheduled flights using Greentown's airport will allow
the,delays that are so common there to be avoided.Hevelia airstrip, 40 miles away, would, if upgraded
and expanded, be an attractive alternative for fully 20percent of the passengers using Greentown airport.
Nevertheless, experts reject the claim that turning Hevelia into a full-service airport would end the
chronic delays at Greentown.

Which of the following; if true, most helps to justify the experts'position?

(A) Turning Hevelia into.a full-service airport would require not only substantial construction at the
airport itself, but also the construction of new access highways.
(B) A second largely undeveloped airstrip close to Greentown airport would be a more attractive
alternative than Hevelia for many passengers who now use Greentown.
(C) Hevelia airstrip lies in a relatively undeveloped area but would, if it became a full-service
airport, be a magnet for commercial and residential development.
(D) If an airplane has to wait to land, the extra jet fuel required adds significantly to the airline's
(E) Several airlines use Greentown as a regional hub, so that most flights landing at Greentown
havemany passengers whothen take different flights to reachtheir final destinations.
发表于 2013-9-3 13:10:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-10 11:04:58 | 只看该作者
j同学 C选项的意思是 购买和租赁 的支出增加,我们并不知道价格升高。 支出增加说明 更多人愿意在家看碟 而不是去电影院 所以weaken了。

cr 22 please focus on the conclusion - "experts reject the claim that turning Hevelia into a full-service airport would end the chronic delays at Greentown."  这个措施不能解决飞机的延迟问题
-可能从两个方向来回答 1.减弱 H扩建的对G的缓解
                                     2.加强 G不能 avoid delay的原因
此处: H扩建 可以减少20%的passengers,  E选项:航线将G设为中转站,大多数旅客到此进行中转。 然而,ONlY 减少10%的航班 才能avoid delay.
减少了20% passengers 不等于 减少了航班, 笔者 YY 可能一天有11个航班,10个是来中转的,1个是直达的,而这20%乘客都是直达G的,航班没有减少,或者即使减少了,可能也不到10%。 所以不能达到目的。


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