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Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island. Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches. This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues. In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor's proposal will have the desired consequence?

正确答案: D









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[梦之队日记] Lucy小可备考日记

发表于 2013-8-13 01:57:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

多运动, lateral thinking, enjoy learning 是我在前几天baby姐的日记上看到的
以及她分享的一个road map,对我的启发也很大。
1.back to academic schedule.
2.specify the goals to everyday study.
另外一个很impressive的一点是,Baby姐的 active study. 她把看到的材料当作“越障”来写分享。将这种拥抱新知识的心态用在每一处,很棒!

今天早上做了gmatclub 免费的math测试,30/37

How many intergers from 10!to 10!+20, inclusive, are divided by 3 without remains?
我当时看到这题,想它肯定不会去算10!到底是多少,所以就只要看n~n+20 的数就好了,所以就拿1~21来举例找答案,选了答案是6个

这个10!还是需要被考虑到的。玄机在于10!是3的倍数 (10!=1*2*3。。。。*9*10)
这样, 题目其实是化简为0~20,inclusive, 能被3整除的问题了。
以上列数字问题就可以解决了,但是答案还给出了一个快速的算法(18-0)/3 +1=7 (largest-smallest)/3+1

还有一道 DS 题,考虑不周的话比较容易错,也想分享一下
What is the possibility for one to handpick two green chips without replacement  from a basket which contains only red chips and green chips.
1. #of green chips :# of red chips=1:4
2. # of green chips is 20% of # of total chips

这题我选了D, each
然而,我再次考虑不周,如果basket中只有5个chips。green chips就只有1个。 both together are insufficient-E


sc 我看了一下baby的帖子,有了一下体会
目的或者说rule只有一个:express intended meaning correctly and concisely
所以从逆向来推,要达到这个goal的第一步就是知道它的intended meaning。
所有的语法都是为了这个intended meaning 服务的,包括它的结构,小词。 所以平常做题完要多琢磨体会这intended meaning是如何借着这种不同的结构,小词来奇妙地传达出来的。这一个过程就像读心术。读心这是作为心理医生而言的,但是作为病人,要有效的得到治疗必须最直接的交出自己的心事,而不是藏着噎着。这样就到了第二步,如何表达这个Intended meaning。 怎样,医生能听得懂我说什么,不会让他产生不应有的联想而误诊。怎样说最直接蹦入主题,不让人着急。简单来说就是怎样说最make sense。

Research during the past several decades on the nature of language and the processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity.
(A) that produce and make it understandable has revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity

(B) of producing and understanding it have revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity
(C) by which it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying simplicity but great complexity
(D) by which it is produced and understood have revealed great complexity rather than underlying simplicity
(E) by which one produces and understands it have revealed great complexity instead of underlying simplicity

第一件是就应该是知道原句的intended meaning是:关于language本质 和 产生语言及使语言可理解的process 的研究 透入出 大量的复杂性 而不是 潜在根本的简明
一定要确定自己是的确理解了原文的意思,特别是未划线与划线的关系了,才敢进入下一步,否则很容易像我一样选了C。 当我知道答案是A 的时候,我一下子就觉得C 啰嗦了 by which it is produce, 不就是that produce 的意思吗?为什么要有被动那么多字说这两个字就能表达的意思呢?但问题就这么简单吗?这不是事后诸葛吗?那为什么我当初会选错了呢?我回忆到,当我看到process的时候我直觉就觉得好像一般都是by process的吧,怎么用process produce总觉得有些怪,但不确定,就把A暂时保留,一看到C,D,E 出现的by which 一阵兴奋, 觉得正合我意,一定是正确答案出现的标志。看到C 最无have的毛病,就很肯定的。这就是陷阱,我一下把病人的intended meaning给扔了,就按自己的YY 开始给病人下药。 我要相信病人的话对于他要表达的意思的可靠性要胜过我YY出来的各种话。所以回过头来,当我读懂这句话的意思时,就要把思想保留在这个话所传递给我的层面,他说process produce language 就是会产生language,而不要再想说是不是应该是通过什么process才能产生东东的呀这种无意义的YY.

当用单复数谓语has排除了B,D,E之后,A 又不确定到底有没有错,就要仔细考量这个C 是否改变了原文的意思,或者添加了另一种意思,可能会不是这个intended meaning。的确, by process。可能是通过也可能就是process 来produce 的。 既然有两种意思,那么就不concise了。这个病人就无法把不让医生YY 了。 我倒好,原句明明表达的就一个意思,偏要yy 一下是不是是另一个意思。结果就掉到陷阱里了。
所以钥匙就是一个: 读懂他的intended meaning 才能判断他说的是否correctly和consiceely。


这题的一个主要原则就是不要根据病人的话,乱加YY,要hold 住。 另外一道题也是这个道理。
Before scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly in small amounts from the pituitary glands of human cadevers.

B) scientists had learned about makinga synthetic growth hormone, they had to remove it painstakingly
C) scientists learned how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed
D) learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had to remove it painstakingly
E) learning how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed by scientists
谁remove了it, 它没说,我就开始YY了,是scientist自己么?如果前面scientist是主句的主语,那倒自然。可是这里,明明不是,我就多心的想,一定他也这么跟我认为的。 我的错就是错在第一步intended meaning他的心我没读出。就选了D。 还觉得D 和我琴瑟和鸣,深得我心。作为医生,是要去细心体会病人的心, 不用心尊重怎么能期待病人想的都和自己YY出来的一样呢?  

做题时要努力体会这把钥匙,从intended meaning第一开始。:)

to be adj vs adj
to be sighted vs sighted
to be knighted vs knighted

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发表于 2013-8-14 19:01:23 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-14 23:19:34 | 只看该作者
yyjfantasy 发表于 2013-8-14 19:01

发表于 2013-8-15 00:02:41 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-15 01:12:48 | 只看该作者
SC 这里是RON 讲如何review SC
* insert the correct answer choice into the sentence (thereby creating a totally correct sentence).
* take a look at EVERY modifier in the sentence. make sure that you can explain what EVERY modifier modifies.
* take a look at EVERY verb in the sentence. justify to yourself (a) the tense in which the verb appears, and (b) the subject of the verb.
* if there is any parallelism anywhere in the sentence, point it out.
you should do these things both inside and outside the underline. since under half of the sentence is usually underlined, these kinds of exercises should essentially more than double your learning.
1 In her later poems, Phyllis Wheatley's blending of solar imagery, Judeo Christian  thought  and  figures,  and  images  borrowed  from  ancient  classicism  suggests her range and depth of  influences,  not the least of which is her African heritage.
22 Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from his own.
33 While they remove carbon dioxide from the air, conserve soil and water, and house thousands of species, forests also supply potentially valuable pharmaceuticals and, as sources of building material and firewood, provide
employment for millions worldwide.

比如说第一个句子,中间的那一大串都是并列关系modify 主语的,真正的主语是PW's b. 并列,主谓结构的完整性,主谓的单复数一致问题都有可能是出题的对象。
SC .
这是一道我错的CR 题,分享一下
Tiger sharks are common in the waters surrounding Tenare Island. Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they have attacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare’s beaches. This has hurt Tenare’s tourism industry, which is second only to its fishing industry in annual revenues. In order to help the economy, therefore, the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of the beaches.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of the mayor’s proposal will have the desired consequences?

(A) Even if not all the tiger sharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the program would reassure tourists.
(B) Business owners who depend on tourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program.
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Island for its beaches, even though the island features a number of other tourist attractions.
(D) The small sharks on which tiger sharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island’s fisheries.
(E) Not all tourists who come to Tenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.
我错选了E, 我看完题目时,我的脑里先rephrase了一下可能的答案。我想既然题目中结论是,杀了这些吃游客的鲨鱼就有助于经济发展。中间的link是海滩旅游是经济发展的重要一份。我既然要削弱,那就要么是杀鲨鱼不可行,要么不会助于经济反而有害.>>游客不增多,反而减少,于是我 就猜想,会不会游客就喜欢看鲨鱼,杀了反而不来了。于是我在找选项时,很失望的发现,我没有我想象中的选项,觉得都不像是答案。只有C和E 提到了游客。但我没有看出C 有什么关系。 E 倒和我的YY 有点撞上,游客来不是为了swimming and surfing莫非就是来看鲨鱼的?或者他们不swiming and surfing那也不会被鲨鱼吃。嗯。。越想越有道理,结果就选了E。

正确答案是D。 当我看到时吃了一惊,好像都对这个答案没什么印象,没有想到吃小鲨鱼这个细节也能做文章。让我们再回顾一下题目, which is  feed on fish that are commercially important to the island’s fisheries.its fishing industry in annual revenues 其实不是一句废话。 这句话和D 答案的 feed on fish that are commercially important to the island’s fisheries.简直是遥相呼应。 我看到了结论是要促进经济发展,但是在我心里却实际上把这个economy 给narrow down to beach tourism industry, 完全忽视了这个fishing indusrty- #1 。  另一个原因 我对second only to 这句话就没有很好的理解清意思,当看不懂一个句子时,很容易就想当然认为不重要,以至于当D答案中fisheries出现时,我也没有看出它殷切的暗示来。 事实上E 选项也是一个无关选项,in hindsight, Not all tourists ....只能说明是部分人怎么样,这部分人是多少也不知道,无法影响大局,况且就算只有一个人游泳,也有责任确保游客的安全。既然没有effect,对于strengthen, weaken题就是无关。

总结:1. 在扫描答案选项时,如果没有看到心仪的答案,一定要虚心回原文,审查一遍,我是不是漏掉什么,有时这一步效果做不到是因为自己心里已经有个先入为主的设想,当发现没有答案时,要学会先放下心里的那个固有想法,虚心地再听一听原文先生是怎么说的
            2. 理智的判断无关选项,不可以用自己的逻辑去挠补,填充LINK。 忠实原文,说什么就是什么,不可以擅自扩大缩小其说的范围。
try to make your own analogies for the problems. in other words, try to create novel situations that use similar logic, but have completely different topic material.
for instance, consider critical reasoning problem 101 in the 12th edition official guide (i'm not allowed to reproduce the problem here). here's an analogy for that problem:
my sister says that she wants to date a guy who has a good job and lots of free time to spend with her. however, very few men with good jobs have much free time.
you can put these statements together to reach the conclusion that “very few men will be able to satisfy my sister's requirements” or “my sister will have a hard time finding a man”. this conclusion works in the same way as the correct answer to #101.
if you can make such analogies, then your brain is working in the right way. if you are fundamentally dependent on being handed passages by someone else, and can't create any of your own, then you have the wrong mentality
这个很好玩,大家也可以尝试一下, 我在这里也来analogy 一下:)
"My brother and his friends are very naughty. They like to make fun of guard of the school door when the guard naps. Sometimes he and his friends bully younger students in school, causing a threat which is second largest only to the threat from outside strangers' crimes to student security. In order to guarantee the security of students, school announce to not allow my brother and his friends go to school. "
A. Even if not all naughty boys will be fired, school's strong attitude will decrease the frequency of the school bully.--strenghen
B. Local law grants schools right to fire students who disobey the rules and threat the security of other students.--strengthen
C. My brother and his friends keep bulling yonger students, although teachers have warn them several times.--make con justified
D. The outside strangers always take chances to come into school when the guard of the school door naps.--weaken
E. Not all yonger students in school are bullied by my brother and his friends. ---no influence
You can weaken this conclusion---fire my brother> security of students, by " it's not justified to fire my brother" or " Firing my brother will worsen the security of students"

GMAT is all application of concepts and not a bunch of tricks: Most of us know this but I had not realized the meaning of application as late as December. However, once you realize this, it changes the way you study things. Things look different to you like you are wearing another set of glasses. For example, after understanding the various ways in which Verb tenses can be tested, I started to recognize and reason the usage while reading articles in Similarly, I could reason out arguments in wsj or even tech blogs like engadget.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-15 01:14:10 | 只看该作者
bloomtoto 发表于 2013-8-15 00:02

 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-17 00:53:45 | 只看该作者
今天在manhattan的odds and ends 一章里看到了: ; ——,这几个符号的用法,尤其是 —— 以前一直弄不太清,来分享一下:)
: 前面是完整句, 描述物尽量靠近:   之后也可以是完整句,但是是解释前句话
; 若用 in addition, nevertheless, therefore, however, 这些连接副词 (注意不是连接词 FANBOY)要; 将两个独立句子隔开。只用逗号的话就是run-on sentence
__ 这个符号好flexible可以做: 也可以做, 使用,而且更灵活,有强调某一部分的作用 如: Many important participants——including mayors in three cities——realized the improtance of environmental protection. 就相当于, 的用法,却多了强调的作用。 当相当于: 的用法时,可以解释前句话的部分内容。

上面讲到的 run-on sentence 让我想到了一道我今天错的改错题:
Mauritius was a British colony for almost 200 years, (excepting for ) the domains of administration and teaching , the English language was never really spoken on the island.
B. except in
C but except in
D but excepting for
E with the exeption of

这道题让我理解这个run-on sentence到底是什么。 在第一个逗号之前和之后都是完整句子,必须要有连接词(FANBOY)来连接。句子的intended meaning 就是体现了一种反差,BUT 最合适啦。 否则就是run-on啦。 那么为什么 C 比D 好呢? except 是conj. 而excepting 却是prep, 没有excepting for 这样的用法哦!不要和except for 混起来啦!   

但我觉得我好像还是从语法角度在想B,C, D的区别,有点别扭,不知大家是怎么理解的,欢迎指教哦!

另外我发现在做到自己熟悉的idiom 时就会做的很快,但是往往会忽略语义,而选错时态和连接词。 这个也是要注意的。 看来intended meaning真的很重要。 所以在用idiom排除掉错误选项后一定要注意比较剩下的选项和原句的intended meaning才是。
发表于 2013-8-25 11:55:07 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-26 23:35:45 | 只看该作者
yyjfantasy 发表于 2013-8-25 11:55

发表于 2013-8-27 08:53:22 | 只看该作者
LUCY小可 发表于 2013-8-26 23:35
谢谢YY的监督鼓励呢!!这两天考了托福又回家了一趟,就没有更新,是要开始了!嘿嘿,感谢! ...

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