101. Crowdingon Mooreville’s subway frequently leads to delays, because it is difficult forpassengers to exit from the trains. Overthe next ten years, the Mooreville Transit Authority projects that subwayridership will increase by 20 percent. The authority plans to increase the number of daily train trips by only5 percent over the same period. Officials predict that this increase is sufficient to ensure that theincidence of delays due to crowding does not increase. Whichof the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the officials’prediction? A.The population of Mooreville is not expected to increase significantly in thenext ten years. B.The Transit Authority also plans a 5 percent increase in the number of bustrips on routes that connect to subways. C.The Transit Authority projects that the number of Mooreville residents whocommute to work by automobile will increase in the next ten years. D.Most of the projected increase in ridership is expected to occur in off-peakhours when trains now are sparsely used. E.The 5 percent increase in the number of train trips can be achieved without anequal increase in Transit Authority operational costs.