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【入门级】Manhattan BF题结构题中文笔记及练习题—适合初学 V35后的小心得回馈

发表于 2013-7-5 18:07:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

对了,关于黑脸题有多重要..嗯,我Verbal考过28, 29, 35, 但一道黑脸也没遇到过...但,还是那句话,琢磨一下很有帮助。好像是一系列武林秘籍的总纲,你每进步一个阶段,回来再看有不同的体会。

  • 对于Role的定义:
黑脸可能承担的role有premise(前提),conclusion(结论),counterpremise(反前提),intermediate conclusion(过渡结论),background information(背景信息), or counter-conclusion(反结论)

  • 两种方法做黑脸题目。第一种方法可以有效定位正确答案,但可能有点浪费时间。第二种方法可以快速缩小范围,但可能需要从缩小的范围当中再猜出正确答案。

  • 将作者的前提和结论标为一边(用CP代替,组成了作者想表达的意图),其他功能标为另一边X(不是作者想表达的意图)
  • 如果我们发现第一句黑脸为X(即其他成分),第二句为C(即作者结论),即寻找一个XC模式的正确选项。可以开始纵观选项。
  • 例如一个选项说:The first [boldface] is evidence that has been used to weaken a claim made by the argument; the second [boldface] is that claim.
       根据选项前半句可以判断描述第一句黑脸削弱文章结论,因此为counterpremise反前提,属于X的一部分,正确;第二句说明是结论C,而且是第一句去削弱的“that claim”(注:这里可能会有陷阱,因为特别提到"that cliam"所以一定是第一句提到并且削弱的结论),可以判断答案正确。

  • 比如我们将第一句黑脸标为F(事实),而第二句标为O(其他意见,不是作者的结论),可以开始纵观选项。
  • 如选项说:The first [boldface] is evidence that has been used to weaken a claim made by the argument; the second [boldface] is that claim.

  • 可能会出现的陷阱
如:The first [boldface] provides evidence in support of the position that the argument seek to reject / establist

  • 例题一道附解释:
Mathematician: Recently, Zubin Ghosh made headlines when he was recognized to have solved the Hilbert Conjecture. Ghosh posted his work on the internet, rather than submitting it to established journals. In fact, he has no job, let alone a university position; he lives alone and has refused all acclaim. In reporting on Ghosh, the press unfortunately has reinforced the popular view that mathematicians are antisocial loners. But mathematicians clearly form a tightly knit community, frequently collaborating on important efforts; indeed, teams of researchers are working together to extend Ghosh's findings.
A) The first is an observation the author makes to illustrate a social pattern; the second is a generalization of that pattern.
B) The first is evidence in favor of the popular view expressed in the argument; the second is a brief restatement of that view.
C)The first is a specific example of a generalization that the author contradicts; the second is a reiteration of that view.
D) The first is a specific counterexample to a generalization that the author asserts; the second is that generalization.
E) The first is a judgment that counters the primary assertion expressed in the argument; the second is a circumstance on which that judgment is based.

Mathematician: Recently, Zubin Ghosh made headlines when he was recognized to have solved the Hilbert Conjecture(一个过去的事实,背景信息). Ghosh posted his work on the internet, rather than submitting it to established journals(背景信息). In fact, he has no job, let alone a university position; he lives alone and has refused all acclaim(根据后一句判断第一句黑脸为"popular view"的"evidence"). In reporting on Ghosh, the press unfortunately has reinforced the popular view that mathematicians are antisocial loners(一个流行的观点,注意文章使用了"unfortunately",一般代表作者有不同看法). But mathematicians clearly form a tightly knit community, frequently collaborating on important efforts; indeed, teams of researchers are working together to extend Ghosh's findings(作者的结论,反驳了前文的流行观点。所以整篇文章结构为XC结构,即其他成分+作者结论).


A) The first is an observation the author makes to illustrate a social pattern; the second is a generalization of that pattern.(其他部分先不看,选项将XC列为同一边,即可排除)
B) The first is evidence in favor of the popular view expressed in the argument; the second is a brief restatement of that view.(第二句是反对popular view,错误)
C) The first is a specific example of a generalization that the author contradicts; the second is a reiteration of that generalization.(又将XC列为同一边,错误,排除)
D) The first is a specific counterexample to a generalization that the author asserts; the second is that generalization. (明确描述出XC的关系,正确)
E) The first is a judgment that counters the primary assertion expressed in the argument; the second is a circumstance on which that judgment is based.(再次将XC列为同一边,第二句并不是"that judgment"即第一句的基础,错误)

  • 结构题往往是提供两种相冲突的观点来考察我们,如:第二个人是如何回应第一个人的看法的?

  • 如果文章分为两个部分,一个人提供论述,而第二个人给出了回应,我们需要判断第一段论述的结构(即定位前提、结论等),再从第二个人的回应判断攻击的是第一段论述的哪一部分。如:Bill说我两个小时后的考试需要记住100个专有名词,我用5分钟已经记住了5个,所以我只需要再有95分钟就可以记住剩下的,因此我有足够的时间并且可以在考试中得到个好分数。Sally反驳:你确定吗?Perhaps the more you memorize, the harder it gets.(可以看到Sally没有直接攻击结论,而是攻击了Bill的假设—他可以一直保持同样的速度来学习,所以正确答案应该是:Sally calls into question an assumption Bill makes about the efficacy of his plan)

  • 如果第二个人不同意第一个人的观点,可能的答案为:
  • 提供另一个证据削弱第一个人的结论
  • 指出第一个人提供的证据无效或有漏洞(或只是质疑证据的准确性)
  • 提供一个第一个人没有考虑到的新信息

  • 可能的陷阱:
  • 同黑脸题一样,和正确答案只有最关键的一个词不一样
  • 另外,如上面Sally的例题,迷惑的答案还包括Sally rejects Bill's conclusion,Sally的确是削弱了Bill的结论,但并不是直接攻击

1. Media Critic: Network executives allege that television viewership is decreasing due to the availability of television programs on other platforms, such as the internet and mobile devices. These executives claim that declining viewership will cause advertising revenue to fall and networks will thus be unable to spend the large sums necessary to produce high-quality programming. That development, in turn, will lead to a dearth of programming for the very devices that cannibalized television's audience. However, research shows that users of alternative platforms are exposed to new programs and, as a result, actually increase the number of hours per week that they watch television. This demonstrates that alternative platforms will not prevent networks from increasing advertising revenue.

The portions in boldface play which of the following roles in the media critic's argument?

A) The first is an inevitable trend that weighs against the critic's cliam; the second is that claim.
B) The first is a prediction that is challenged by the argument; the second is a finding upon which the argument depends.
C) The first clarifies the reasoning behind the critic's claim; the second demonstrates why that claim is flawed.
D) The first acknowledges a position that the network executives accept as true; the second is a consequence of that position.
E) The first opposes the critic's claim through an analogy; the second outlines a scenario in which that cliam will not hold.



Media Critic: Network executives allege that television viewership is decreasing due to the availability of television programs on other platforms, such as the internet and mobile devices("allege"证明是个声明,而且是其他人—executives的声明,一般表示作者会反驳相关观点). These executives claim that declining viewership will cause advertising revenue to fall and networks will thus be unable to spend the large sums necessary to produce high-quality programming(更多关于executives的声明,由于作者反驳这个观点,可以标注为X). That development, in turn, will lead to a dearth of programming for the very devices that cannibalized television's audience(executives的结论,用户去其他平台看电视节目,会导致电视节目短缺). However, research shows that users of alternative platforms are exposed to new programs and, as a result, actually increase the number of hours per week that they watch television(转折词汇,新信息—其他平台反而带动看电视的时间,支持作者结论,为前提P). This demonstrates that alternative platforms will not prevent networks from increasing advertising revenue(作者结论).


A) The first is an inevitable trend that weighs against the critic's cliam; the second is that claim.(首先第二句不是claim,而是前提P;另外,第一句黑脸的趋势并不是"inevitable")
B) The first is a prediction that is challenged by the argument; the second is a finding upon which the argument depends.(准确描述XP的关系,正确)
C) The first clarifies the reasoning behind the critic's claim; the second demonstrates why that claim is flawed.(第一句没有明确作者claim,错误)
D) The first acknowledges a position that the network executives accept as true; the second is a consequence of that position.(XP不在同一边,错误)
E) The first opposes the critic's claim through an analogy; the second outlines a scenario in which that cliam will not hold.(第二句为作者的前提,方向相反,错误)


2. Many people praise High Renaissance painting for creating very realistic images from observation, but scholars have docomented that some High Renaissance painters used pinhole cameras to project the likeness of their subjects onto the canvas and painted from there. Thus, people who credit High Renaissance painters with superior artistic skills are misguided. Painting from a projected image requires only an insignificant amount of additional skill beyond that needed to copy a picture outright.

In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?

A) The first is a finding that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is a claim that supports that conclusion.
B) The first is a finding that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is that conclusion.
C) The first is a claim put forth to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is a consideration that is introduced to counter the force of that evidence.
D) The first is evidence that forms the basis for the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is a claim presented to solidify that position.
E) The first is evidence that forms the basis for the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position.


Many people praise High Renaissance painting for creating very realistic images from observation(many people...一般作者会进行反驳), but scholars have documented that some High Renaissance painters used pinhole cameras to project the likeness of their subjects onto the canvas and painted from there(学者证明,并不是画家观察完画的,而是把要画的东西投射到画布上). Thus, people who credit High Renaissance painters with superior artistic skills are misguided(thus,表示是作者结论,说画家厉害的人是被误导了). Painting from a projected image requires only an insignificant amount of additional skill beyond that needed to copy a picture outright(前提,画家不需要那么多技巧,支持上一句作者的结论).


A) The first is a finding that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is a claim that supports that conclusion.(第一句是finding,第二句是claim,但第一句没有和第二句为相反方向,错误)
B) The first is a finding that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is that conclusion.(第二句是其他意见Opinion,不是作者结论,错)
C) The first is a claim put forth to support a conclusion that the argument rejects; the second is a consideration that is introduced to counter the force of that evidence.(第一句是Fact不是Claim,错)
D) The first is evidence that forms the basis for the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is a claim presented to solidify that position.(第一句是evidence,也就是fact,正确;第二句是claim,正确,且两句方向相同)
E) The first is evidence that forms the basis for the position that the argument seeks to establish; the second is that position.(position=conclusion,第二句不是作者结论,错)

3. As the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is not enough for citizens simply to have rights; the successful functioning of a democracy requires that they also know how to exercise those rights. Access to formal education was one necessary component that helped the U.S.citizenry to learn how to exercise its rights. Therefore, in order for a democracy to function successfully, its citizens must have access to a formal education.

The author develops the argument by

A) using an analogy to establish a precedent for a planned future event
B) illustrating differences in the requirements for the functioning of a democracy depending upon the democracy in question
C) introducing an example that illustrates a common principle
D) forming a hypothesis that explains apparently contradictory pieces of evidence
E) supplying an alternate explanation for a known phenomenon



As the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is not enough for citizens simply to have rights; the successful functioning of a democracy requires that they also know how to exercise those rights(具体的例子,人民应该需要有权力并知道如何行使权力). Access to formal education was one necessary component that helped the U.S.citizenry to learn how to exercise its rights(更多细节,教育帮助知道如何行使权力). Therefore, in order for a democracy to function successfully, its citizens must have access to a formal education(作者结论,为了民主的成功,市民应该接受正规教育).


A) using an analogy to establish a precedent for a planned future event(文中没有提到future event,不应乱发挥。作者是做了一个general的陈述,并不是讨论具体事件
B) illustrating differences in the requirements for the functioning of a democracy depending upon the democracy in question(没有提到不同情况的不同需求)
C) introducing an example that illustrates a common principle(文章的确举了一个具体的例子—US,并总结了一个原则性结论,正确)
D) forming a hypothesis that explains apparently contradictory pieces of evidence(文中没有相反的证据出现,而是一个具体的事例证明了结论)
E) supplying an alternate explanation for a known phenomenon(没有提供"alternate"另一个解释,作者没有反驳任何人)


4. In an attempt to explain the cause of malaria, a deadly infectious disease, early European settlers in Hong Kong attributed the malady to poisonous gases supposedly emanating from low-lying swampland. In the 1880s, however, doctors determined that Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for transmitting the disease to humans after observing that the female of the species can carry a parasitic protozoan that is passed on to unsuspecting humans when a mosquito feasts on a person's blood.

What function does the statement in boldface fulfill with respect to the argument presented above?

A) It provides support for the explanation of a particular phenomenon.
B) It presents evidence that contradicts an established fact.
C) It offers confirmation of a contested assumption.
D) It identifies the cause of an erroneour conclusion.
E) It proposes a new conclusion in place of an earlier conjecture.


In an attempt to explain the cause of malaria, a deadly infectious disease, early European settlers in Hong Kong attributed the malady to poisonous gases supposedly emanating from low-lying swampland(一个Fact,可能是背景或前提). In the 1880s, however, doctors determined that Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for transmitting the disease to humans after observing that the female of the species can carry a parasitic protozoan that is passed on to unsuspecting humans when a mosquito feasts on a person's blood(先是结论,不是刚开始认为的那个原因导致的疾病,而是因为蚊子。黑脸部分为作者前提P,是证据证明的确是蚊子传播.

A) It provides support for the explanation of a particular phenomenon.(前提支持了结论,正确)
B) It presents evidence that contradicts an established fact.(反驳的不是"established fact",是早期定居者的一些想法,错误)
C) It offers confirmation of a contested assumption.(文中没有提到有疑惑的假设,前提所支持的结论—医生们确定的发病原因,更加不是有疑惑的假设)
D) It identifies the cause of an erroneour conclusion.(前提所支持的结论—医生们确定的发病原因,不是错误的结论)
E) It proposes a new conclusion in place of an earlier conjecture.(黑脸部分不是结论,句子的前半部分是结论,不要混淆)



5. Sania: The newest wrokers in the workforce are the most effective digital marketing employees because they are more likely to use social networking websites and tools themselves.
    Carlos: But effective digital marketing also requires very technical expertise, such as search engine optimization, that is best learned on the job via prolonged exposure and instruction.

Carlos respnds to Sania by

A) demonstrating that Sania's conclusion is based upon evidence that is not relevant to the given situation
B) questioning the accuracy of the evidence presented by Sania in support of her conclusion
C) reinforcing Sania's argument by contributing an additional piece of evidence in support of her conclusion
D) pointing out differences in the qualifications desired by different employers seeking digital marketing employees
E) providing an additinal piece of evidence that undermines a portion of Sania's claim


Sania: The newest wrokers in the workforce are the most effective digital marketing employees because they are more likely to use social networking websites and tools themselves.
Carlos: But effective digital marketing also requires very technical expertise, such as search engine optimization, that is best learned on the job via prolonged exposure and instruction.

A) demonstrating that Sania's conclusion is based upon evidence that is not relevant to the given situation(C没有就S的证据提出任何负面的评价,而是提供新证据攻击S的假设)
B) questioning the accuracy of the evidence presented by Sania in support of her conclusion(C没有攻击S的证据,而是提供新证据攻击S假设)
C) reinforcing Sania's argument by contributing an additional piece of evidence in support of her conclusion(C的确有带入新证据,但没有肯定S的结论而是削弱)
D) pointing out differences in the qualifications desired by different employers seeking digital marketing employees(C的确有指出一种不同方式来评价员工有效性,但没有提到是不同的员工应该有不同的准则)
E) providing an additinal piece of evidence that undermines a portion of Sania's claim(正确,新证据削弱S的结论)


6. Products with innovative and appealing designs relative to competing products can often command substantially higher prices in the marketplace. Because design innovations are quickly copied by other manufacturers, many consumer technology companies charge as much as possible for their new designs to extract as much value as possible from them. But large profits generated by the innovative designs give competitors stronger incentives to copy the designs. Therefore, the best strategy to maximize overall profit from an innovative new design is to charge less than the greatest possible price.

In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

A) The first is an assumption that supports a described course of action; the second provides a consideration to support a preferred course of action.
B) The first is a consideration that helps explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second presents an alternative strategy endorsed by the argument.
C) The first is a phenomenon that justifies a specific strategy; the second is that strategy.
D) The first is a consideration that demonstrates why a particular approach is flawed; the second describes a way to amend that approach.
E) The first is a factor used to rationalize a particular strategy; the second is a factor against that strategy.


Products with innovative and appealing designs relative to competing products can often command substantially higher prices in the marketplace. Because design innovations are quickly copied by other manufacturers(一个事实), many consumer technology companies charge as much as possible for their new designs to extract as much value as possible from them(一个战略). But large profits generated by the innovative designs give competitors stronger incentives to copy the designs(but转折词汇出现,否定前面). Therefore, the best strategy to maximize overall profit from an innovative new design is to charge less than the greatest possible price(结论,引出正确的战略).

A) The first is an assumption that supports a described course of action; the second provides a consideration to support a preferred course of action.(将第一个黑脸定义为假设,不算致命伤,但没有将第二个定位为结论,错误)
B) The first is a consideration that helps explain the appeal of a certain strategy; the second presents an alternative strategy endorsed by the argument.(第二句黑脸没有和第一句黑脸有冲突,不是另一个战略)
C) The first is a phenomenon that justifies a specific strategy; the second is that strategy.(第一个是phenomenon,正确;第二个是它所支持的战略,正确)
D) The first is a consideration that demonstrates why a particular approach is flawed; the second describes a way to amend that approach.(第一个黑脸没有证明谁是错的)
E) The first is a factor used to rationalize a particular strategy; the second is a factor against that strategy.(第二句本身是那个战略,或者叫结论,并没有否定自己)


7. Government representative: Between 1996 and 2005, the gray wolf population in Minnesota grew nearly 50 percent; the gray wolf population in Montana increased by only 13 percent during the same period. Clearly, the Minnesota gray wolf population is more likey to survive and thrive long term.
    Environmentalist: But the gray wolf population in Montana is nearly 8 times the population in Minnesota; above a certain critical breeding number, the population is stable and does not require growth in order to survive.

The environmentalist challenges the government representative's argument by doing which of the following?

A) introducing additional evidence that undermines an assumption made by the representative
B) challenging the representative's defintion of a critical breeding number
C) demonstrating that the critical breeding number of the two wolf populations differs significantly
D) implying that the two populations of wolves could be combined in order to preserve the species
E) suggesting that the Montana wolf population grew at a faster rate than stated in the representative's argument


Government representative: Between 1996 and 2005, the gray wolf population in Minnesota grew nearly 50 percent; the gray wolf population in Montana increased by only 13 percent during the same period(事实,MI狼群数量增长的比MO狼群数量快). Clearly, the Minnesota gray wolf population is more likey to survive and thrive long term(结论,MI狼群发展得更好).
Environmentalist: But the gray wolf population in Montana is nearly 8 times the population in Minnesota; above a certain critical breeding number, the population is stable and does not require growth in order to survive.(新数字,削弱上文结论)

A) introducing additional evidence that undermines an assumption made by the representative(正确,新证据削弱老结论)
B) challenging the representative's defintion of a critical breeding number(representative根本没有提到critical breeding number的概念,从何削弱)
C) demonstrating that the critical breeding number of the two wolf populations differs significantly(只列出两个狼群数字的不同,没有给出具体的数字是多少)
D) implying that the two populations of wolves could be combined in order to preserve the species(文中完全没提到)
E) suggesting that the Montana wolf population grew at a faster rate than stated in the representative's argument(新数字之和狼群数量相关,和增长率没有关系,没有争论representative提供的增长率数字)

  • 做黑脸题也可以像SC部分一样竖着看,如先判断第一句是支持结论,那么所有第一句不支持结论的选项都可以先排除,然而再看第二部分的作用,可以节省一些时间。

  • 竖着看时可以帮助排除选项的词汇:
  • 表达是opinion的词汇:assumption, consideration, explantion, claim, prediction, generalization, approach, view, assertion, judgment
  • 表达是fact的词汇:phenomenon, factor, evidence, confirmation, scenario, consequence, circumstance, observation
  • 表达相同方向的词汇:support, base on, reinforce, clarify the reason, reiteration, in favor of, establish
  • 表达相反方向的词汇:undermine, against, amend, erroneour, in place of, questioning, point out differences, flaw, not hold, counterexample, contradict, counter, reject




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