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| Helios attract innovative technologies company | |
| TakeHeart add new recreational facilities to get competitive advantages | |
| Bookstore offer discount and discontinue food demonstration | |
| Reduce clothing department and enlarge furnishing department | |
| Change mining technology to renewable technology | |
| Open three new drug store near a local drug store | |
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| 高中使用计算机降低辍学率和提高毕业生achievements | |
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| Quality care at university hospital is lower | |
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| 软件公司将full-time worker换成part-time worker | |
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| S和P的commercial estate价格比较 | |
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| 东西Cambria volunteer ambulance service | |
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| 通过pricing regulation应对橘类水果价格上涨 | |
| OLYMPIC FOOD通过minimize cost来increase profit | |
| Carlo’s Clothing的advertisement | |
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