Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles.
147. Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolved as a kind of snorkel.
(A) that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolved
(B) that has suggested the elephant descended from an aquatic animal, its trunk originally evolving
(C) suggesting that the elephant had descended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolving
(D) to suggest that the elephant has descended from an aquatic animal and its trunk originally evolved
(E) to suggest that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved
这道题是OG13 128 题,OG768页的答案解释中提到 “a clearer way of making this connection is to turn the verb suggests into a participle modifying evidence ” 答案解释要用分词是最好的为什么又用不定式E???evidence to suggest?
关于名词后置定语 三种形式经常考察: evidence to suggest 不定式 evidence that suggests 定语从句 evidence suggesting 分词后置定语
这道题解释分词最好却选择不定式,如果它承认不定式正确性那么 OG 133题如何解释呢?
Last week local shrimpers held a news conference to take some credit for the resurgence of the rare Kemp's ridley turtle, saying that their compliance with laws requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect adult sea turtles.
A. requiring that turtle-excluder devices be on shrimp nets protect
B. requiring turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting
C. that require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets protect
D. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets are protecting
E. to require turtle-excluder devices on shrimp nets is protecting
这道题在OG解释770页 说道: " to use an infinitives, to require , seems to indicate that requiring these devices is the objective of the laws , when in fact the objective is to protect the sea turtles." 这解释说 不定式做后置定语好像有歧义,误以为是这个法律的目的是require。。。 既然不定式有歧义,那么 上面那道题的不定式就没歧义了吗???evidence to suggest 就不会误以为 evidence的目的是 suggest 。。。。吗 为什么 OG 对于不定式作定语 变脸变得这么快呢??
我觉得如果做定语还是分词是最好的,这三种形式 不定式会有歧义,定语从句累赘,所以分词后置定语是最好的。但是为什么呢为什么 128用不定式呢 ??????
to use an infinitives, to require , seems to indicate that requiring these devices is the objective of the laws , when in fact the objective is to protect the sea turtles.
这里很清楚的说了,turtle-excluder devices是law的内容而不是目的,如果使用了to让整个句子的意思发生了不可兼容的变化。
但第一题里面,“我们找到了一个证据,证据表明了xxx” 与 “我们找到了一个证据以表面xxx” 两个句子中 xxx的成分都是一样的,即使产生的歧义也不影响到句子传达的主要信息,所以这个to是可以接受的。
“a clearer way of making this connection is to turn the verb suggests into a participle modifying evidence “ 这句话说”a clearer way“ 用的是比较级,也就是说,不是最优的,要看具体情况。
C 的话明显有其他错误。但是如果E 改成
evidence suggesting that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved