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发表于 2013-3-26 23:06:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这几天主攻CR 已做完了OG13和prep,结合bible的分类,自己对于逻辑题目的分类解读有了一些思路,在这里和大家分享一下。


措施目的 事实推论 两者比较
must be true


措施目的,顾名思义,为了达到目的,采取某种措施。此类题目的weaken总结下来就是两个思路:1,措施对于对象无效,从而达不到目的 2,措施本身一方面有利,一方面有负面效应,也同样阻碍达到目的。




Downtown Villieu was once aflourishing business district, but most Villieu-area businesses are now locatedonly in the suburbs.  The officebuildings downtown lack the modern amenities most business operators demandtoday. 背景知识To lure more businesses downtown, 目的Villieu officials plan to have several modern office buildings constructed andto offer reduced local tax rates to any business that leases space in a newdowntown building.措施


Which of the following, if true,most threatens the plan's likelihood of success?
(A) Most of the businessescurrently located in downtown Villieu have long-term leases on the space theyoccupy there.无关
(B) The existing office buildingsin downtown Villieu have, on average, a much higher vacancy rate than do officebuildings in Villieu's suburbs.无关
(C) The local tax rates inVillieu's suburbs are significantly lower than downtown Villieu's proposed ratefor businesses that lease space in the new office buildings.正确
(D) Most of the businesses thatcurrently lease office space in downtown Villieu also lease office space inVillieu's suburbs.无关
(E) With the new office buildings,downtown Villieu would have a greater amount of modern office space than anyother downtown business district in the region.引入无关的比较对象

首先看提问的方式,likelihood of success,说明措施很可能是无效的,那么这道题weaken的思路就从措施对于对象的无效性入手(思路一)目的是将郊外的企业吸引回来,采用了建楼增设施,外加减税,设施缺少这个原因是文章提到的,所以这个举措一定是有效的,那么问题出在减税上。有了这个思路大家就可以找减税为什么对于business无效,肯定是现在本身的税率已经很低了。

To prevent harbor porpoises fromgetting tangled in its nets and suffocating, 目的a fishing company installedacoustic alarms on all its boats that fish in waters off Massachusetts. 措施 The sound emitted temporarily disorients theporpoises and frightens them away.  Sincethe installation of the alarms, the average number of porpoises caught in thecompany's nets has dropped from eight to one per month.  The alarms, therefore, are saving the livesof harbor porpoises in those waters.

措施:船上放铃铛 吓走鱼

Which of the following is anassumption on which the argument depends?
(A) The use of acoustic alarmsincreases the number of commercial fish caught by the fishing company's boats.无关瞎扯
(B) When disoriented, harborporpoises are not significantly more likely to be killed by other boats. 正确
(C) Environmentalists advocate theuse of acoustic alarms as a means of protecting the harbor porpoise population.引入无关新因素,重复事实
(D) The alarms were installed atthe time of year when harbor porpoises are most plentiful in the Massachusetts waters.无关
(E) The cost of installing acousticalarms on fishing boats is less than the cost of repairing nets damaged byharbor porpoises.无关

这道题虽然表面是assumption,但其实也是措施目的的weaken。在什么前提下此措施才能成功?说明措施有影响达到目的的负面效应,(从这里看出是思路2)。铃声吓跑鱼---没有进入 company's nets,那么铃声是以什么方式影响了 保护鱼的目的,带着这个问题看答案。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-26 23:07:33 | 只看该作者
Tiger sharks are common in thewaters surrounding Tenare Island.  Usually tiger sharks feed on smaller sharks, but sometimes they haveattacked tourists swimming and surfing at Tenare's beaches.  This has hurt Tenare's tourism industry, which is second only to itsfishing industry in annual revenues. In order to helpthe economy(注意目的是economy,不是保护旅游业), therefore,the mayor of the island has proposed an ongoing program to kill any tiger sharks within a mile of thebeaches.措施

目的:In order to help the economyEconomy
第二是旅游业,第一是渔业  挽救旅游业,不能影响捕渔业

Which of the following, if true,most strongly calls into question the likelihood that implementation of themayor's proposal will have the desired consequence?
(A) Even if not all the tigersharks that come close to the beaches are killed, the existence of the programwould reassure tourists. 废话
(B) Business owners who depend ontourism are willing to pay most of the cost of implementing the program. 无关
(C) Tourists come to Tenare Islandfor its beaches, even though the island features a number of other touristattractions. 无关并改变事实
(D) The small sharks on which tigersharks prey feed on fish that are commercially important to the island'sfisheries.影响了渔业
(E) Not all tourists who come toTenare Island enjoy swimming or surfing.无关


Scientists are discussing ways toremove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by increasing the amount thatis absorbed by plant life目的.  One plan toaccomplish this is to establish giant floating seaweed farms in theoceans措施.  When the seaweed plants die,they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.

目的:利用植物吸收减少二氧化碳  措施:在海上建立plant floating

Which of the following, if true,would indicate the most serious weakness in the plan above?
(A) Some areas of ocean in theSouthern Hemisphere do not containsufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.无关
(B) When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases anamount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in itslifetime.正确
(C) Even if seaweed farms proveeffective, some people willbe reluctant to switch to this new fuel.无关
(D) Each year about seven billiontons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed byplant life.质疑前提条件
(E) Seaweed farms would make more money byfarming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed tosell as fuel.与money无关

提问中serious weakness直接点出了负面效应影响达到目的,所以不要以直接质疑植物吸收二氧化碳能力的思路去找答案,如果这样去找,那么很容易被选项D所迷惑。负面效应又是什么呢?还是文章的线索:burn to fuel。

Twelve years ago and again fiveyears ago, there were extended periods when the DarfirRepublic's currency, the pundra, was weak: its value was unusually low relative to the world's most stablecurrencies.  Both times a weak pundramade Darfir's manufactured products a bargain on world markets, and Darfir'sexports were up substantially.  Now somepoliticians are saying that, in order to cause another similarly sized increasein exports(这里一定要注意目的是什么), the government should allow the pundra to become weak again措施.

Which of the following, if true,provides the government with the strongest grounds to doubt that thepoliticians' recommendation, if followed, will achieve its aim?
(A) Several of the politicians nowrecommending that the pundra be allowed to become weak made that samerecommendation before each of the last two periods of currency weakness.无关
(B) After several decades ofoperating well below peak capacity, Darfir's manufacturing sector is nowoperating at near-peak levels.
(C) The economy of a countryexperiencing a rise in exports will become healthier only if the country'scurrency is strong or the rise in exports is significant.改变事实
(D) Those countries whosemanufactured products compete with Darfir's on the world market all currentlyhave stable currencies.无关
(E) A sharp improvement in the efficiency of Darfir's manufacturing plants would make Darfir's products abargain on world markets even without any weakening of the pundra relative toother currencies.无关

很多人肯定被这道题绊倒过,我第一次看的时候,就误以为目的是increase in exports,按照这个思路去衡量措施的有效性,让我淹没在了5个选项里,而看到正确答案才注意到还有个similarly sized,大家一定不要忽视任何一个词啊,谬之毫厘,差之千里。回归到similarly sized increase in exports,来衡量“故伎重演”,思路就不一样了,货币的贬值对于出口的刺激是毋庸置疑的,措施失败在于没有造成similarly sized increase,这是为什么吗呢?带着这个思路很快就认出正确答案。

A city plans to attract new citizens with new housing and new facilities such as parks目的, recreation centers, and libraries.  One component of the city's plan is to require that developers seeking permission to build this new housing provide these additional facilities at no cost to the city.措施
Which of the following, if true, would point to a possible flaw in the city's plan?
(A) Developers would pass along their costs to the buyer, thereby raising the cost of housing units beyond the ability of likely purchasers to afford them.正确
(B) Light, nonpolluting industries have located in the area, offering more jobs and better-paying jobs than do the more-established industries in the area.无关
(C) Other towns and cities nearby have yet to embark on any comparable plans to attract new citizens.无关
(D) Most developers see the extra expense of providing municipal facilities as simply one of the many costs of doing business.相反---加强
(E) Studies show that purchasers of new houses, especially first-time buyers, rank recreational resources as an important factor in deciding to buy a particular house. 废话


 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-26 23:08:01 | 只看该作者
A 挑一个无关的条件说(废话类)
B 将文章阐述的事实重复一遍,或者改变原文事实(废话类)
C 反倒加强了措施(明显错误类)


发表于 2013-4-3 20:47:22 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-6 14:11:42 | 只看该作者
wsywsywsy 发表于 2013-4-3 20:47

发表于 2013-4-6 14:23:03 | 只看该作者
shuhe 发表于 2013-4-6 14:11

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