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[原始] 北美V34, 放一个阅读和一个IR狗

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发表于 2013-3-24 03:44:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
V34, 最后一篇阅读,感觉超级难,机经没有。就两题,文章意思明白,但是全是单词,选项也全是单词,且和原文单词不同,估计进高分库了。但是完全不懂,乱猜的。

主要就是 gothelic literature 的文学作品和法国大革命的关系。恐怖-哀伤-悲剧, 很短,很难。


RNA ,就4个碱基对。   现在有一个RNA,包含8个碱基对,由4个碱基对的任两种组成。现在要把这个RNA的最后两个碱基对给去掉。 问去掉的这两个碱基对,是相同碱基对的概率,是不相同的碱基对的概率。

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发表于 2013-3-24 04:59:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-24 22:26:20 | 只看该作者
V1: 还有一篇是讲的英国文学受法国大革命时期的影响的文章
V4:貌似说恐怖文学和法国大革命之类的关系,问“get widsom”(反正有widsom)是什么意思之类的,还是主旨题
V5:英国文学中的gothic 文学。第一段说了一些背景和人们认为是受法国大革命影响。第二段开头说其实研究学者很清楚那些写恐怖小说的人是想让自己的作品显得比较high class还是fancy什么之类的。 题目暂时不记得了
V7:p1 说了英国terror文学有反应了法国大革命(其他我一直混乱 不敢乱说)
p2 举例子一个A...作家。中间提到了这些作家写恐怖文学partly because 他们想要干嘛 partly because they want to reach the high end of the market。进入高端市场。那时候文学市场上的顶尖文学就是 悲剧tragedy和啥忘了。(有题)后面还提到了关于写作风格的romantically,以及一个不认识的词语。还有好多生词,字母比较多,没看懂也没记住。不好意思噢。
中间一大段讲人们对GOTHIC文学的喜好,当时GOTHIC文学的爆发可能和同时期的法国大革命有关,尤其是BLOOD PERIOD(就是法国大革命的某一段时期)。最后说1970晚期的REVIEWER评论GOTHIC文学,原话忘了,总之不是好话,不太喜欢GOTHIC文学的样子。
P2:主要讲GOTHIC WRITERS的想法。先是来了句LINKED WITH法国大革命,给了评论家(大概)切入点之类的东西(原话忘了估摸是这个意思)来STRIPPED DOWN GOTHIC LITERATURE。说这些WRITERS写哥特小说PARTLY是为了迎合当时社会对文学的FASHION TASTE;还有一个原因是企图通过哥特小说进入HIGH END的文学领域。因为哥特小说有和previous prestigious文学(这里有考题)有相同的元素:tragedy和epic。
最后说的还是REVIEWER的评论,是讽刺的话,记得后半句是,not because these writers are "dangerous", but because they are not.
1.有提到gothic writers的写作目的什么的(好像),我记得我选了有prestigious 文学相同点的那个。(也有可能是为了加入高端市场,反正是一个意思,在在第二段writers写作心理那里找答案)
V9:第一篇就是英国恐怖文学,在此确认文章最后一句话是The adjective “terrorist” smeared, but it also condescended by making “terror” writers the object of a risible pun. The smear worked, not because writers of “hobgoblin romance” were dangerous, but because they palpably were not.
文章第一段讲historian提出的关于Gothic的观点,然后在第二段进行反驳,说reviewers in 1970s自己心里清楚之所以出现Gothic就是那些文学家想要进入高端文学市场(是否是高端不是很确定,大概这个意思),感觉author的态度是支持reviewer的,是个典型的观点对比型文章。
V10:JJ哥特文学那篇我也碰到了。真心生词略多。大致可以理解:新老观点:老观点趋向于将英国Horror文学与French Revolution 相联系。但是有些人的新观点认为,刻意地将恐怖文学和法国大革命联系是为了迎合那些high-end的读者,因为XX 和XX两个元素也是epic 和tragedy的元素。抛去这层外衣,其实实际上horror文学也是比较低级(应该是负态度)(这一块儿生词密集)。
The gothic novel combines elements of terror and romance, and the supernatural. English novelist Fanny Burney wrote at the time of the French Revolution that, "There is nothing in old history that I shall any longer think fabulous; the destruction of the most wonderful empires on record has nothing more wonderful, nor of more sounding improbability, than the demolition of this great nation, which rises up against itself for its own ruin-perhaps annihilation." A year later in 1790, English statesman Edmund Burke wrote that the French Revolution was, "the most astonishing that has hitherto happened to the world." The gothic novel was therefore a way for English writers to come to terms with what they considered to be wonderful and astounding events, perceiving what happened to their neighbors in France and with the consequences upon their own society.[2] Creating elements of terror and fantasy gave expression to their anxieties of what was to come, and gave voice to their incredulousness at the events taking place in France. Because of the French Revolution and France's proximity to England, English writers during that period were concerned with the concept of violent and inclusive change in the human condition. The gothic novel contains modes of nightmarish terror, violence, and sexual rapacity. These modes coincided with the mood and modes of violence brought forth during the French Revolution.[3]
The upper echelon of English society mostly perceived the French Revolution as threatening to the status quo and stability of their accustomed lifestyle, and as a danger to their personal safety and social position within the hierarchy. It has been suggested that the gothic novel with its themes of terror and violence gave English writers a safe expression of their anxieties about disruption and chaos. They also worked to uphold the political normalcy and traditional morals of the time. Examples of this can be seen in Anne Radcliffe's female characters being submissive and incapable of making their own decisions, upholding traditional values of a patriarchal society.[4]

The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction[1].pdf  请有心的朋友上google搜索这个网址,一本PDF的书。
发表于 2013-3-28 23:39:57 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-29 21:06:41 | 只看该作者
谢谢楼主  请问阅读是不是这篇?

[V1] by cijiwangqi (ID: 853506)
[V2] by one9037476 (ID: 848277)
第一段,        大概是讲恐怖小说还什么的。他们正值当时法国革命。这个很盛行,
[V3] by lilacs(ID:63695)
主要就是 gothelic literature 的文学作品和法国大革命的关系。恐怖-哀伤-悲剧, 很短,很难。
V1: 还有一篇是讲的英国文学受法国大革命时期的影响的文章
V4:貌似说恐怖文学和法国大革命之类的关系,问“get widsom”(反正有widsom)是什么意思之类的,还是主旨题
V5:英国文学中的gothic 文学。第一段说了一些背景和人们认为是受法国大革命影响。第二段开头说其实研究学者很清楚那些写恐怖小说的人是想让自己的作品显得比较high class还是fancy什么之类的。 题目暂时不记得了
V7:p1 说了英国terror文学有反应了法国大革命(其他我一直混乱 不敢乱说)
p2 举例子一个A...作家。中间提到了这些作家写恐怖文学partly because 他们想要干嘛 partly because they want to reach the high end of the market。进入高端市场。那时候文学市场上的顶尖文学就是 悲剧tragedy和啥忘了。(有题)后面还提到了关于写作风格的romantically,以及一个不认识的词语。还有好多生词,字母比较多,没看懂也没记住。不好意思噢。
中间一大段讲人们对GOTHIC文学的喜好,当时GOTHIC文学的爆发可能和同时期的法国大革命有关,尤其是BLOOD PERIOD(就是法国大革命的某一段时期)。最后说1970晚期的REVIEWER评论GOTHIC文学,原话忘了,总之不是好话,不太喜欢GOTHIC文学的样子。
P2:主要讲GOTHIC WRITERS的想法。先是来了句LINKED WITH法国大革命,给了评论家(大概)切入点之类的东西(原话忘了估摸是这个意思)来STRIPPED DOWN GOTHIC LITERATURE。说这些WRITERS写哥特小说PARTLY是为了迎合当时社会对文学的FASHION TASTE;还有一个原因是企图通过哥特小说进入HIGH END的文学领域。因为哥特小说有和previous prestigious文学(这里有考题)有相同的元素:tragedy和epic。
最后说的还是REVIEWER的评论,是讽刺的话,记得后半句是,not because these writers are "dangerous", but because they are not.
1.有提到gothic writers的写作目的什么的(好像),我记得我选了有prestigious 文学相同点的那个。(也有可能是为了加入高端市场,反正是一个意思,在在第二段writers写作心理那里找答案)
V9:第一篇就是英国恐怖文学,在此确认文章最后一句话是The adjective “terrorist” smeared, but it also condescended by making “terror” writers the object of a risible pun. The smear worked, not because writers of “hobgoblin romance” were dangerous, but because they palpably were not.
文章第一段讲historian提出的关于Gothic的观点,然后在第二段进行反驳,说reviewers in 1970s自己心里清楚之所以出现Gothic就是那些文学家想要进入高端文学市场(是否是高端不是很确定,大概这个意思),感觉author的态度是支持reviewer的,是个典型的观点对比型文章。
V10:JJ哥特文学那篇我也碰到了。真心生词略多。大致可以理解:新老观点:老观点趋向于将英国Horror文学与French Revolution 相联系。但是有些人的新观点认为,刻意地将恐怖文学和法国大革命联系是为了迎合那些high-end的读者,因为XX 和XX两个元素也是epic 和tragedy的元素。抛去这层外衣,其实实际上horror文学也是比较低级(应该是负态度)(这一块儿生词密集)。
The gothic novel combines elements of terror and romance, and the supernatural. English novelist Fanny Burney wrote at the time of the French Revolution that, "There is nothing in old history that I shall any longer think fabulous; the destruction of the most wonderful empires on record has nothing more wonderful, nor of more sounding improbability, than the demolition of this great nation, which rises up against itself for its own ruin-perhaps annihilation." A year later in 1790, English statesman Edmund Burke wrote that the French Revolution was, "the most astonishing that has hitherto happened to the world." The gothic novel was therefore a way for English writers to come to terms with what they considered to be wonderful and astounding events, perceiving what happened to their neighbors in France and with the consequences upon their own society.[2] Creating elements of terror and fantasy gave expression to their anxieties of what was to come, and gave voice to their incredulousness at the events taking place in France. Because of the French Revolution and France's proximity to England, English writers during that period were concerned with the concept of violent and inclusive change in the human condition. The gothic novel contains modes of nightmarish terror, violence, and sexual rapacity. These modes coincided with the mood and modes of violence brought forth during the French Revolution.[3]
The upper echelon of English society mostly perceived the French Revolution as threatening to the status quo and stability of their accustomed lifestyle, and as a danger to their personal safety and social position within the hierarchy. It has been suggested that the gothic novel with its themes of terror and violence gave English writers a safe expression of their anxieties about disruption and chaos. They also worked to uphold the political normalcy and traditional morals of the time. Examples of this can be seen in Anne Radcliffe's female characters being submissive and incapable of making their own decisions, upholding traditional values of a patriarchal society.[4]

The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction[1].pdf  请有心的朋友上google搜索这个网址,一本PDF的书。
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