这里的PSU是Portland State U,昨天11点收到的Email。虽然不一定会去但是希望在这里和大家share一下。学校是位于Portland的市中心,如果最近喜欢看Grimm的朋友一定对Portland不陌生。两年的项目,68个学分,学费在5W+。上课时间主要在下午4点半以后。有GA奖,每学期免9学分(TBC)。
值得一提的是小蜜及其他staff的服务态度和效率无可挑剔。此外还要赞下Portland的气候和物价,city of rose
现在再想想,我觉得楼主既然来美国,应该读一个好学校。那么多好学校都在发offer,您干嘛不试一试呢? 如果藤校不行,可以试一下NYU, University of Washington, Univ of San Diego, University of Florida, Clemson, University of Miami等,比UNCC/PSU都好。 我不是说不好的学校不行,但是美国现在职场竞争那么厉害,一个好学校的毕业证书对于国际学生来说都不是什么很好的敲门砖,更别说一般的学校。 说到小秘态度好,这是很正常的。你去竞争激烈的学校去录取,去竞争激烈的公司去面试,态度都会冷一点。因为别人有power,你没有什么power。 但是如果一生一味都是退缩,高考志愿保守一些,出国申请中介一下,真正进入社会工作的那一刻,就要傻眼了。哇。。别人都那么牛啊。。我好想白过了。。 希望对楼主有帮助。
多谢回复,我准备申请2014年入学的UW Master of Science in Real Estate,个人看UW的网站,Real Estate的课程安排还是很全面的,但是比较理论。感觉USC与Cornell比较实用一些。希望楼主去到Seattle之后能分享一下学习体会。我去过UW的Seattle campus, 樱花非常美丽,学校旁边就是购物广场,也很方便,非常好的学校
An important advantage is our location in the heart of the Portland metropolitan area with most of the region's brokerage houses, developers, banks, architecture firms, construction firms, etc. located within walking distance of campus. Many of the chief executives of those businesses serve on our Center's Advisory Board and are committed to hiring our graduates:
The Advisory Board members also participate in our workshop course and mentorship programs.
Finally, about 50% of our courses are taught by local industry professionals, which means that our instructional programs and workshops are highly practical and our students are fully immersed in the local industry.