经过一段时间的复习和总结;偶发现cr大部分的题目就事论事比较好,从理解角度出发,力求准确、贴切把握题干原意,也包括作者意图、涉及讨论范围等;然后加上commen sense就ok了;当然必要的正常普遍逻辑思维和推理能力还是必须的,但这些能力,对gmat cracker而言,应该在commen sense内吧。 极少数题目除外,确实要用逻辑定式,否则会绕进去的。如og137等。
下以og 91及og解释为例--呵呵~~偶一直觉得og没提示我们很多高深的逻辑原理啊。
When a polygraph test is judged inconclusive, this is no reflection on the examinee. Rather, such a judgment means that the test has failed to show whether the examinee was truthful or untruthful. Nevertheless, employers will sometimes refuse to hire a job applicant because of an inconclusive polygraph test result.
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
(A)Most examinees with inconclusive polygraph test results are in fact untruthful.
(B)Polygraph tests should not be used by employers in the consideration of job applicants.
(C)An inconclusive polygraph test result is sometimes unfairly held against the examinee.
(D)A polygraph test indicating that an examinee is untruthful can sometimes be mistaken.
(E)Some employers have refused to consider the results of polygraph tests when evaluating job applicants.
这里没这么多逻辑原理,关键是把握作者意图,即:which conclusion是作者希望你可以得出。
偶觉得这道题,在于准确把握作者的态度,因为这是一个根据原文推导main point的典型题目;
作者先说了这个test的基本情况是result is inconclusive,然后解释了原因是:can't judge...truthful..or not truthful;然后又举了一个招聘的事实,显然作者的态度是对例子中employer的做法表示了不满,即认为:以不确定的结果来判断whether employe examinee--这是作者真正的态度=正确答案C!!
og的解释: Neither B nor D is supported, since the information given includes nothing either implicit or explicit about polygraph tests that yield conclusive result--既然result是不确定的,以result of test 做依据判断是否雇用别人就更不对啦,就更更谈不上什么mistaken;但是呢也不能完全不考虑result of test。
OG解释:Since the passage is consistent with both E and its denial, E is not supported.--这正是作者要反驳的观点;而E的说法无论取非与否和passage都是一致的。some refused,也就是some accepted了呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-26 15:27:09编辑过] |