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一份可以深入了解企业家精神的实习 - 北京 - 英国心腹公司

发表于 2013-3-4 11:01:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
This page contains the following errors:error on line 1 at column 4881: Unescaped '<' not allowed in attributes values

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.Basic information
Position:          Intern
Company:        Xinfu Ltd. (
Time:               Between 3-5 days/week
Location:         Sanlitun, Chaoyang Beijing

Pay:                RMB 2000

Xinfu works with topCEOs from around the world to build a new generation of businesses that win theright way.  We work with a small number of ambitious global clients togenerate extraordinary returns for their owners and create exceptional environmentswhere talented people can fulfill themselves.   We are the CEO’s mosttrusted confidant on the whole CEO agenda including business and personalleadership, and a bridge between China and the West.

Job description
We are looking for one exceptional candidate whoexpresses genuine interest in understanding how the top CEOs in China andaround the world tick. They will commence their role by supporting XinfuDirectors in China with communication, administration and research tasks tolearn the
business and help it grow. Their dutiesmay include but are not limited to the following:
  • -      Coordinate calendar,make travel arrangements and prepare expense reports/invoices
  • -      Arrange meetings,teleconferences, general data filing and office supplies
  • -      Perform other dutiessuch as translation, research, data analysis, and prepare reports/proposals
  • -      Provide personalassistance to Xinfu Directors
  • -      Communicate withinternal and external contacts as needed

-      Provide dailyoperation support to the team

  • -      Excellent verbal& written communication skills in both English and Chinese
  • -      Ability to exerciseindependent thinking and decision making
  • -      Strong organizationaland time management skills
  • -      Ability to meetdeadlines and to prioritize and work under pressure
  • -      Proficiency incomputer applications such as Microsoft Office (Outlook, and/or Email, Word,Excel and PowerPoint)
  • -      Out-goingpersonality, team work spirit, confidence and a positive attitude!

-      Position open to bothcurrent students and graduates
-      Has potential to become apermanent full-time position

Please send coverletter and CV to Tin Lee (
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