Commentator: The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed out of any of another country's markets should close some of their own markets to the other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets. If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade with any other.
The commentator's argument relies on which of the following assumptions?
2,有了700+的成绩就可以进名校吗? 不一定。The 700+ score meanssomething, but not everything (Lisa语)。如果你打开HBS或者是Wharton上一届生源的信息,你就会发现他们的GMAT成绩从590-790不等。因此,我要告诉你,如果你足够优秀,590就够了,那么辛苦的考GMAT干吗啊? 而且,学校之间是有差压的,700+的成绩真的一定要读名校,就像找bf不一定找最帅的一样,适合你就好。如果你都不具备比较的能力,那么GMAT很难考好,更不用说去读好MBA(MBA之外的情况从现在开始就不考虑了)了。
Timeis a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the presentinto the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervalsbetween them.
IR IR的题目很新,可用的材料不多,所以在做模拟题时要珍惜,最好时间压力模拟;如果你的模拟成绩很差,就要弄懂为什么有那样的结果,自己做题型的总结,如果你去联想一些其他的问题就更好了。在各个环节中,IR是将来商业环境的最接近模拟,所以虽然现在很多学校没有指出IR的最低分,但IR较低一定会影响GMAT总成绩。和作文比起来,同样的时间,有12道题,2.5分钟的压力还是很大的。 由于我的数学很好,工作中也接触过类似的信息处理,所以我对IR一直不太担心。看了别人的一些经验,我认为复习过程中先读题读数据图表就直接看选项是很好的方式,70%(因人而异)的情况不需要看原文知道大概意思了直接选选项了。如果实在不确定就用做阅读的方式快速去获取信息,基本上都能搞定。 还有,IR并不难,但相比较起来是最有时间压力的。所以,必须把IR的速度练上去。否则一旦IR太低其他700+也没意义。 考试时,IR能用计算器,不过我考的时候没用。
93.Commentator: The theory of trade retaliation states that countries closed outof any of another country’s markets should close some of their own markets tothe other country in order to pressure the other country to reopen its markets.If every country acted according to this theory, no country would trade withany other. Thecommentator’s argument relies on which of the following assumptions? (A)No country actually acts according to the theory of trade retaliation. (B)No country should block any of its markets to foreign trade. (C)Trade disputes should be settled by international tribunal. (D)For any two countries, at least one has some market closed to the other. (E)Countries close their markets to foreigners to protect domestic producers.
帮助别人,让自己更快乐——The Ben Franklin effectis a psychological finding: A person who has done someone a favor is morelikely to do that person another favor than they would be if they had receiveda favor from that person.