Oh, Really? I am so surprised to hear that. My brain never works before 10am so normally I work between 10am-7pm rather than the normal 9am-6pm. Neither my previous boss nor my current boss has mentioned that during my performance assessment, so I never thought it is a problem. Maybe because both of them are Europeans. My previous employer Unilever even allows people to work one day from home every week since 2010 if they have to spend too much time on commute. Anyway, thanks for reminding, I will pay attention to that. We are lucky here in China as big bosses cannot treat senior managers too mean - they get coldcalls from headhunters almost every day.
不过投行好的年头的BONUS不是一般的多哦,每次和偶的那些在投行做TRADING做QUANT的同学说起在CORPORATE里拿的那点pay, 偶都不好意思开口,简直要找个地缝钻进去,哈哈 当然也不羡慕他们的生活,要是像偶在伦敦的好友那样在大投行里做N年的EQUITY RESEARCH, 每天7点整就做到DESK前面,LUNCH基本就是个三明治解决,偶估计早就投河自尽了, 也不可能像现在这样每天快10点才拿杯咖啡晃晃悠悠的进办公室,晚上下班还要去看个电影听个小曲跑个步,中午吃饭还要变着法子找点FANCY的地方然后以teambuilding的名义去大吃一顿。 咨询的生活也是很颠沛流离的,整天拖个箱子到处跑,做幻灯片做到快吐,而且他们还一边做一边骂怎么我们和搞投行的一样辛苦拿的那点钱根本没法和他们比啊,不过你别忘了,你的exit points比投行多。还是那句前辈们说的老话:everything has a price to pay.
投行就是这样,高收益也高风险。年景好的时候富得流油,年景不好的时候血流成河。要进此行业需要有心理准备。 不喜欢的人大可以选择更稳定的咨询和实业,财富的积累就会慢一些罢了。 -- by 会员 bigjoe (2013/1/25 23:09:11)
-- by 会员 juliewang417 (2013/1/26 0:26:08)
Where do u work? Basically, people come in at 10 am in our company will not have a career although we are very old fat industry. it is not about what you really did. it is a perception thing. I think u r gonan to lose that if you go to b school. -- by 会员 gina2012 (2013/1/26 1:06:30)