以下是引用lypwilliam在2004-11-10 21:22:00的发言:Q8: Which of the following most logically completes the passage? Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees. Garnet pays for both testing of its employees’ cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol. This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment. However, RenCo dose not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because ______. A. early treatment of high cholesterol dose not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life B. the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol C. RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has D. RenCo’s employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet’s employees E. the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet E说雇员工作的平均年限在rc比在gn的短,文章说如果那个病拖久了治起来就要花很多钱,可是E并没说平均年限短到什么程度呀,是不是短到了可以不花钱提前治疗的程度呢?比如gn平均年限20年rc19年,而那个病拖15年就很严重了,那么rc还是要支付治病费用的,因此它还是有理由(financial incentive )采取提前治疗的策略的。 大家看呢 个人认为这个思路是有问题的。在GMAT驳斥里,经常有的情况是,有COMPROMISE对方的意见就算驳斥,至于是否能完全比对方的意见作用大,能完全中和掉,就不必捉摸。好多题目都是这样,我一时难收集,望体会。 款且原文说的是, RenCo dose not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, 就是没有那么有动力,没有说到完全没有必要。是相对而言的。请体会。 |