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Fact: Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.Fact: Over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.

If the information given as facts above is true, which of the following must also be true?

正确答案: E











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发表于 2012-10-21 23:44:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



第一篇是新的, bias escalation, 说有些人对某项投资亏得越多, 追加的投资也会越多. 后来被另一个人反驳了,说他没有考虑到未来的回报.

hurricane / inflation and unemployment / technology city

逻辑: 觉得做得很差.只记得起大概的题目.

1, 现在的voter只关注canaidates的personality rather than such other issuses as budget, economy. 反驳 personality can reflect other issues. 问反驳啥,我选的是issues

2,机经, 开车时打手机容易出事故和有手机能报告路况,.问support.

3,机经, 政府本来治理污水效果不好,但通过安排专家作咨询就解决了, 问解释.

4一个计算机行业产品不行了, 导致销售下降,但有一个比较大的计算机厂商没有下降,问解释

5 现在审批专利的都不知道专利有啥效果, 推出现在的专利没啥用.问假设

6 有一种fever会同市产产生另外一种b,有fever的产深b的超过95%, 而有b的中产深的fever不到95%,问假设.

7 医生用surname称呼病人, 有些觉得不礼貌, 说除非要得到病人的同意, 问原因

作文:     luxury model of motor can attract a lot of variety of people to showslot and enhance sales

IR: 大部分是机经, copy right./ 人口/ 温度/ 有一提好像是做游戏,说8个人一组,共2组. 一个人被eliminate要等5分钟重新开始,具体我没啥看懂.
收藏收藏 收藏收藏
发表于 2012-10-21 23:45:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-10-21 23:59:32 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-10-22 00:31:00 | 只看该作者
The recent upsurge in the number of major Atlantic hurricanes may be the rule and not the exception, a new report suggests. The findings of this and other studies call into question recent assertions that global warming is behind the burst in hurricane activity seen since the mid-90s.

Between 1995 and 2005, an average of 4.1 major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) were spawned over the Atlantic each year. But in the three decades before that, only 1.5 major hurricanes formed each year, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration records.

Some scientists have attributed the burst in hurricane activity over the past decade to rising sea surface temperatures caused by global warming, as warm waters can feed a growing storm.

Others have connected the rise to weaker wind shear, which lops off the top of a developing storm and prevents it from intensifying. (El Niño conditions over the Pacific Ocean are believed to have increased wind shear in 2006, preventing the development of storms and busting that season’s forecast.)

With both of these factors influencing a hurricane’s development, the big question becomes which one will win out in a warming world?

Corals and sediment cores

To answer that question, scientists like to look at hurricane activity in the past, which can tell them whether or not recent activity is an abnormal spike in the record. But reliable observations of hurricane activity over the Atlantic only go back to 1944, so scientists have to turn to other indicators.

One team of scientists examined Caribbean corals and the abundances of a particular plankton to see how hurricane activity, which affects both groups, changed over the past 270 years.

Some corals have the ability to bioluminesce, or produce and emit light on their own. As corals grow, they exhibit features called banding that can reflect changes in the intensity of this luminescence. The intensity is affected by the amount of precipitation in the area, which in turn is influenced by wind shear—the higher the wind shear, the less precipitation.

The abundance of the plankton species Globigerina bulloides is also affected by wind shear, as stronger winds enhance ocean upwelling, providing the critters with more nutrients.

The researchers compiled data of these coral proxies, or stand-ins, for direct hurricane data, and reconstructed wind shear and sea surface temperature records for the past 270 years, giving them an idea of what hurricane activity might have been like.

They found that the downward trend in the number of hurricanes from the 1940s to the 1970s was replicated by the reconstruction and is attributable to greater wind shear, which likely stifled hurricane development.

The scientists also used the reconstruction to compare the current upswing in hurricanes to past active phases and found that it was “unexceptional.”

In the future

So though sea surface temperatures have been rising with global warming over the past century, the authors of the new study, detailed in the June 7 issue of the journal Nature, say that higher wind shear won out over any fuel hurricanes would have received from the water during the lull from the 40s to the 70s.

But in the future, if wind shear decreases (which could happen if there were fewer El Niño events), and sea surface temperatures continue to rise, storms could have longer lifetimes, form more often or become more intense, the authors concluded in their paper.

Other studies, including another recent Nature study that examined sediment cores from a Puerto Rican lake, have put together these past hurricane records from proxy data and concluded that wind shear may be more important than the ocean’s temperature in influencing hurricane activity.

But these studies are limited to very local areas, said climatologist James Elsner in an editorial accompanying the new study, so their results are not necessarily applicable to the Atlantic at large.

Elsner says more records are needed to piece together the history of hurricane activity in the Atlantic and determine just which factors make hurricanes behave the way they do and which will matter most in the coming decades.
发表于 2012-10-22 08:22:55 | 只看该作者
顶上去 等楼主哈~~
发表于 2012-10-22 08:37:46 | 只看该作者

91.【personnality| 特殊】
评论:以前娱乐记者都报道政治任务关于budget之类问题的观点,现在却报道政治家的personality。他们的政治观点才是genuine politic issues
记者的反驳是indicates the disagreement on blah blah blah on theterms of?
A personalities
B issues(历史上大部人同学选了这个)
C interest
Dgenuine political
Etax revenue
(by lancia:2年前我貌似做过原题,忘记是在小蓝还是哪里了。我很清楚的记得答案是和issue相关。这个题目争论的焦点也就是说general issue 与 persoality的关系,是对issue范围的争论。应该是选issue的。
by XYXB:今天也有TX问我这道题,我个人是这样理解的:P 认为personality is not a genuine political issue(即personality和genuine political issue是2个独立的集合,不相容)J认为personality is also a genuine political issue(即personality是genuine political issue的子集)所以争论之处在于genuine political issue的范围究竟有多大,是否包含personality。只是我没有搞懂的是为何答案把genuine political和issue分开处理了,我一直把它们当一个概念。so, open to discuss
by 逃惘:希望有人能找到这个原题,如果是按以上两个同学的思路,应该是选issue,因为general political是issue的修饰)

93.【专利局| 假设】
现在审批专利的都不知道专利有啥效果, 推出现在的专利没啥用.问假设  


94.【哮喘| 假设】
有一种fever会同市产产生另外一种b,有fever的产深b的超过95%, 而有b的中产深的fever不到95%,问假设.
已知:1.over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.
     2. The percentage of people suffering from hay fever who also have asthma is lower than 95 percent

答案:Asthma is much less common ailment than hay fever

Fact: Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.

Fact: over 95 percent of people who have asthma also suffer from hay fever.

If the information given as facts above is true, which of the following must also be true?

A.    Hay fever is a prerequisite for the development of asthma
B.    Asthma is a prerequisite for the development of hay fever
C.    Those who have neither hay fever nor asthma comprise less than 5 percent of the total population
D.    The number of people who have both of these ailments is greater than the number of people who have only one of them
E.    The percentage of people suffering from hay fever who also have asthma is lower than 95 percent.
发表于 2012-10-22 20:20:04 | 只看该作者

  P1关于Staw 这个人的一个实验是“什么 bias”的基础,这个实验大致是证明投资者倾向于 更多的投资给programs they did not do well previously。实验是要一组人选择两种投资中的一种,一半的人被告知投资do well,另一半的人被告知投资did not do well。然后让这些人再投 资,而这次告诉他们可以将投资split投资于两个项目,结果是之前被告知投资did not do well的人比被告知投资do well的人more intend to invest into the previous program(有考题,注意逻辑关系. (这段一句都没有漏掉哦,厉害吧)
  P2另一个人Armstrong又做了实验,其他都和STAW的一样,只是选择多了点儿(貌似那个意思),多了advertise 和 (同学打个电话来一下又忘了,我错了。。。),结论不记得了。Armstrong 的实验貌似define的limitations of the ……can generalize,而staw 的不能generalize.还指出了staw的实验的不足,即没有告知实验者相关投资回报 的信息。
  其他题 main idea
  第一段讲一个普遍被接受的理论是基于一个人(暂用A代表)的关于investmentdecision making方面的研究,然后又说了什么什么(忘了),接着说说一半人投资失败,另一半投资成功,然后投资失败的那个人更愿意投更多的钱在他以前投资过的那个project上。
  第一段先讲一个widely known theory: escalation theory(大概是escalation,反正长得满像的)。这个theory是说人们会reinvest in the investment that they had done badly。
  然后说有个叫Staw的人,研究证实了这个理论。S的研究的context 是research anddevelopment investment。他先让研究对象对两个investment做决策,第一次决策只能选一个investment,选好决策后,一半的人觉得自己做的决策好,另一半人觉得自己做的决策不好。第二次决策,每个人可以投资于两个investment。结果发现那些觉得自己做的决策不好的人会更多的投资在自己原来的那个investment里面。
  第二段,但是另外一个人A又做了一个类似的研究,并没有得出S的结论。A的研究和S的不同之处在于,A的context不仅有research and development investment, 而是either advertising or creative design. 所以作者认为,S 的研究并不能作为这个theory 的基础,因为它并不能被generalized。
  1.细节题:说in contrast to A关于投资失败的那部分人的研究,投资成功的人最可能做什么:我选的是投资更多的钱在一个或两个项目上。这个题有点不明白,我可能做错了。
  2.主题题:primary purpose of the passage,我选的是证明普遍被接受的理论是由flaw的。
发表于 2012-10-22 20:22:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-10-22 20:43:25 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-22 21:32:03 | 只看该作者
The recent upsurge in the number of major Atlantic hurricanes may be the rule and not the exception, a new report suggests. The findings of this and other studies call into question recent assertions that global warming is behind the burst in hurricane activity seen since the mid-90s.

Between 1995 and 2005, an average of 4.1 major hurricanes (Category 3 or higher) were spawned over the Atlantic each year. But in the three decades before that, only 1.5 major hurricanes formed each year, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration records.

Some scientists have attributed the burst in hurricane activity over the past decade to rising sea surface temperatures caused by global warming, as warm waters can feed a growing storm.

Others have connected the rise to weaker wind shear, which lops off the top of a developing storm and prevents it from intensifying. (El Niño conditions over the Pacific Ocean are believed to have increased wind shear in 2006, preventing the development of storms and busting that season’s forecast.)

With both of these factors influencing a hurricane’s development, the big question becomes which one will win out in a warming world?

Corals and sediment cores

To answer that question, scientists like to look at hurricane activity in the past, which can tell them whether or not recent activity is an abnormal spike in the record. But reliable observations of hurricane activity over the Atlantic only go back to 1944, so scientists have to turn to other indicators.

One team of scientists examined Caribbean corals and the abundances of a particular plankton to see how hurricane activity, which affects both groups, changed over the past 270 years.

Some corals have the ability to bioluminesce, or produce and emit light on their own. As corals grow, they exhibit features called banding that can reflect changes in the intensity of this luminescence. The intensity is affected by the amount of precipitation in the area, which in turn is influenced by wind shear—the higher the wind shear, the less precipitation.

The abundance of the plankton species Globigerina bulloides is also affected by wind shear, as stronger winds enhance ocean upwelling, providing the critters with more nutrients.

The researchers compiled data of these coral proxies, or stand-ins, for direct hurricane data, and reconstructed wind shear and sea surface temperature records for the past 270 years, giving them an idea of what hurricane activity might have been like.

They found that the downward trend in the number of hurricanes from the 1940s to the 1970s was replicated by the reconstruction and is attributable to greater wind shear, which likely stifled hurricane development.

The scientists also used the reconstruction to compare the current upswing in hurricanes to past active phases and found that it was “unexceptional.”

In the future

So though sea surface temperatures have been rising with global warming over the past century, the authors of the new study, detailed in the June 7 issue of the journal Nature, say that higher wind shear won out over any fuel hurricanes would have received from the water during the lull from the 40s to the 70s.

But in the future, if wind shear decreases (which could happen if there were fewer El Niño events), and sea surface temperatures continue to rise, storms could have longer lifetimes, form more often or become more intense, the authors concluded in their paper.

Other studies, including another recent Nature study that examined sediment cores from a Puerto Rican lake, have put together these past hurricane records from proxy data and concluded that wind shear may be more important than the ocean’s temperature in influencing hurricane activity.

But these studies are limited to very local areas, said climatologist James Elsner in an editorial accompanying the new study, so their results are not necessarily applicable to the Atlantic at large.

Elsner says more records are needed to piece together the history of hurricane activity in the Atlantic and determine just which factors make hurricanes behave the way they do and which will matter most in the coming decades.
-- by 会员 zxfjacob (2012/10/22 0:31:00)

大概意思差不多,只不过那个EL nino 是在最后一段, 与前面的观点相悖./ coral and sea temperature 是在中间的细节段.
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