In a certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars. When, as often happens, a collar slips off, it is put back on. Putting a collar on a rhinoceros involves immobilizing the animal by shooting it with a tranquilizer dart. Female rhinoceroses that have been frequently recollared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollared females. Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.
In evaluating the argument, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?
Ina certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of manyrhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars. When, as often happens, a collar slips off,it is put back on.  utting a collar on arhinoceros involves immobilizing the animal by shooting it with a tranquilizerdart. Female rhinoceroses that have beenfrequently recollared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollaredfemales.  robably, therefore, somesubstance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility. Inevaluating the argument, it would be most useful to determine which of thefollowing? A.Whether there are more collared female rhinoceroses than uncollared femalerhinoceroses in the park B.How the tranquilizer that is used for immobilizing rhinoceroses differs, if atall, from tranquilizers used in working with other large mammals C.How often park rangers need to use tranquilizer darts to immobilizerhinoceroses for reasons other than attaching radio collars D.Whether male rhinoceroses in the wildlife park lose their collars any moreoften than the park’s female rhinoceroses do E.Whether radio collars are the only practical means that park rangers have fortracking the movements of rhinoceroses in the park 看了半天虽然觉得ABDE确实都无关,但是C也只削弱无加强吧? 照着新东方的说法这类evaluation就看看对答案回答yes和no之后对原文argument是否有加强和削弱的效果。这题的C如果确实Tranquilizer被用在很多其他方面说明他和母犀牛受孕能力低下无关削弱了原文,但是反过来就算T只用在recollar上的话不是对原文既不加强也不削弱么?说不定是collar影响了繁殖能力而非T影响?是不是如果其他无关的情况下一个选项稍微有点关系就是正确呢? 求教各位NN解答,还有十多天就考了,心里没底啊。。