lawyer 在你提供的逻辑总结的地方说WEAKEN 的时候 有一种题型是 :条件结论型的那种!结论带条件,您(呵呵 说您真的怪怪的 但BOBO 真的找不出别的代词了)还说了几种WEAKEN 的方法!我以前做T 的时候可能没留意 一直没注意过这种类型
刚才在看FF 的时候,看到一个WEAKEN 88 T
88. Court records from medieval France show that in the years 1300 to 1400 the number of people arrested in the French realm for “violent interpersonal crimes” (not committed in wars) increased by 30 percent over the number of people arrested for such crimes in the years 1200 to 1300. If the increase was not the result of false arrests, therefore, medieval France had a higher level of documented interpersonal violence in the years 1300 to 1400 than in the years 1200 to 1300.
Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) In the years 1300 to 1400 the French government’s category of violent crimes included an increasing variety of interpersonal crimes that are actually nonviolent.
(B) Historical accounts by monastic chroniclers in the years 1300 to 1400 are filled with descriptions of violent attacks committed by people living in the French realm.
(C) The number of individual agreements between two people in which they swore oaths not to attack each other increased substantially after 1300.
(D) When English armies tried to conquer parts of France in the mid-to late 1300s, violence in the northern province of Normandy and the southwestern province of Gascony increased.
(E) The population of medieval France increased substantially during the first five decades of the 1300s, until the deadly bubonic plague decimated the population of France after 1348
这里题目的结论带IF 的是不是你说的那种情况呢 !虽然这T 的答案是A 是用他因削弱的!想确认一下这种题目是不是可以出成你说的那类T 的TYPE ,因为以前做T 从没仔细想过这些东西 所以根本没留意过!如果方便能给BOBO 举个例子说一下下你说的‘条件结论型’的WEAKEN 吗?
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