我听到的和你写的是一样的。。。应该是我写的问题。 阅读我以前以为是不用写的。。。在以后综合写作里面我加上阅读的内容
It is believed in the reading material that it is unfortunate for scientists and the general public to be inaccessible to fossils. The lecturer, however, holds the exactly opposite view for the following three reasons. To begin with, the public are more likely to be exposed to the fossils if they are sold to private collectors. During the trades, the public is able to see the fossils which schools and museums cannot afford. Furthermore, if some fossils are going to be sold, they will be fully examined to prove their value( values 应该是可数名词吧?) by scientists first. In the process of examinations, scientists must scrutiny them to make sure that no evidence is missed out. Additionally, much more fossils would be undiscovered if there were less private collectors. Although some data about locations may be ignored, it is much better to find the fossils rather than leave them undiscovered. In conclusion, the reading negates fossil trades while the lecturer thinks them useful for the public as well as research. 1. 有的点阅读内容没有提到。 2. 你的观点和我听到的有点不同啊 听力部分需要提取的观点是:
- Main point: 私人化石买卖利大于弊
- Sub point 1: 公众不会失去接触化石的机会,反而更多,因为一些科学机构可以购买化石来给公众参观
- Sub point 2: 科学家也不会失去接触化石的机会,因为珍贵的化石需要认证, 会第一时间到达科学家的手中,所以科学家不会错过得到化石信息的机会
- Sub point 3: 尽管化石的珍贵数据可能遭到破坏,但是要好过让大量化石长眠于地下-- by 会员 E月羽 (2012/9/9 21:17:46)