我觉得,对这道题目,ETS确实要求我们能够把文章中前后相关的内容联系在一起。如何确认这些联系?我觉得他可能是要求我们重视逻辑关系以确认各部分联系。他在答案解释中应该表现了这些逻辑关系了,看看此题答案的几句话: 1、 The best answer is E. 这句没什么,除了best/correct是否有区别尚需进一步确认。 2、 The first paragraph states that plant cells “differentiate and form structures”(line 3) when a “complex system of chemical messengers” (line 7) activates a “small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell” (lines 5-6). ETS在此说明一段前几句指出了chemical messengers的一般作用。其实,题目中问的是oligosaccharins的作用,但由于它属于chemical messengers,所以其一般作用自然适用。这里的逻辑关系应该是一种从属关系吧。另外,他简要总结了一段中的前4句,总结得不错,1句话代替了4句话,这是本段第一层次。第二层次是余下部分,提出了几种chemical messengers。在看完这段之后,如果我们也能这样总结段落层次就好了。本句解释是个铺垫,与下两句共同成为正确答案的论据。 3、 In lines 38-41, the author elaborates on the hormonal system in plants by indicating that the pleiotropic plant hormones activate enzymes, which in turn release oligosaccarins-the “more specific chemical messengers” (lines 40-41). 此句明确了文中最后一句(实际上是最后一段)的主要内容,即pleiotropic plant hormones、enzymes和oligosaccarins-the “more specific chemical messengers的因果关系。 4、 The second paragraph indicated these specific chemical messengers have specific effects on plant development. 此句提示了oligosaccharins作为specific chemical messengers对植物生长有specific effects。这里进一步说明oligosaccharins与specific effects on plant development的因果关系。 5、 Thus, the passage indicates that it is the oligosaccharins that directly influence the development of a plant cell by controlling the expression of a plant cell’s genes. 从第2句解释可知:oligosaccharins可以实现controlling the expression of a plant cell’s genes,这是对activates a “small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell”的改写。第3、4句解释共同具体说明oligosaccharins可以directly influence the development of a plant cell,这是对specific effects on plant development的改写。 6、 Choices C and D are incorrect because the oligosaccharins are themselves specific chemical messengers and are not said to produce any hormones. 与文章内容相反。 7、 The passage provides no information to support A or B. 文章中无。 我觉得,如果经常按ETS的思路进行考虑,我们的阅读水平应该会提高了。 |