t is crucially important to farmers that the herbicides they use to control weeds not damage their crops. One very effective herbicide is safe for corn, but soybeans are damaged even by the herbicide's residue, which remains in the soil more than a year after the herbicide is applied. Soybeans and corn are not sown together in the same riled; nevertheless, most farmers are reluctant to use the herbicide on their corn. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the farmers' eluctance? The residue of the herbicide in the soil a year after application is not enough to control most weeds effectively. To maintain the nutrients in the soil, corn and soybeans are often planted in A riled in alternate years. The demand for soybeans is growing faster than is the demand for corn. For maximum yield, soybean plants are grown closer together to each other than are corn plants. The application of herbicides is less critical for soybean than for corn crops. lz 农药除草是这个么 -- by 会员 ssun10 (2012/8/20 21:51:30)
是这个的变形 选项我选的是因为农药1残留在土里会影响crop
这么说吧 农药除草不影响crop 农药1不影响crop但影响另一个东西 和两个植物一年之内交互种植 但是啥来着忘了。。真不好意思。。 |