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我帮你改写了几个句子,仅供参考。我自己对句式的把握也很一般,而且词汇极度匮乏。 平时工作中用到的都是公式化的英语,所以写出来的东西大都挑不出大毛病但是让人读了索然无味。于是独立作文就可恶的杯具了。 改写部分加粗高亮 Some people may argue thatwhat is happening far away has no effect on our life that (and?) we still eat, work and sleep in our original (regular? ordinary?) rhythm. However, have you ever heard about thebutterfly effect that butterflies flutter their wings in the Amazon may launchan upheaval. And it is the same as to the events happeningaround the rest of the world,(.) in myperspective, the events do affect our emotion, behaviorand thought.(这句是不是把中间的逗号改成句号就可以变成两个句子了?我不确定 it is the same as A .有没有表达清楚它与蝴蝶效应相似?)(这句话你是准备写成一句话还是两句话呢?写复杂句式的时候一定注意是否加了合适的连接词,避免出现一句话里两个主谓宾的现象)However, if you have heard thebutterfly effect, that butterflies flutter their wings in the Amazon may launchan upheaval, you will have the feeling that the events happening around therest of the world have similar impacts on us. In my perspective, the events do affect our emotion, behaviorand thought profoundly.
To begin with, the events somewhat control ourfeelings. For example, when you watch the Olympic Games in the television, you willalso be nervous about the fierce matches. When you see your national team doingwell, you will also be excited and happy about their achievements. Moreover, itmay also stimulate the honorable national pride emotion. Actually all thesefeelings will not happen if you haven't know the events. Another example is thebig earthquake happened in Wenchuan China. Have you ever felt depressive andsad about the lost of lives? I think mostly(most) of the Chinese people(去掉people) were immersing in the low feeling these days. Althoughthe earthquake doesn't hit around, but it also (still) entirelyaffect their (our)(这是一个一直困扰的问题,前面我都用的You怎么怎么地的,这里我不知道什么情况把我包含在里面用our,什么时候用their。忽略和后面那个匹配的问题)我觉着就是尽量保持一致性就可以。这也是为什么我建议你第三个例子全部改成one of myfriends 之类的。当你知道自己具体指的是什么人的时候,自然就知道用our还是their了。过于宽泛的指代本来就容易犯错。daily life because we were all touched by the misfortuneof our fellowmen.(earthquake这个例子需要全部改成过去式)
What's more, the events happening around theworld make much sense about the behavior and decisions we made, especially inthe copper world (copper world?没看懂) . How can a company success in other countrieswithout knowing the events in here (这句话看着很怪( How can a company succeed in other countrieswithout knowing about their thoughts? 这样呢,还是有点怪 ?)我帮你改写了下,之前可能忘记标注出来了,你看看是不是可以How can a company be successful without knowing theevents in the target markets/countries. /How can a company succeed in global competitionwithout knowing the world events. Forexample, American people(Americans,去掉people)are more andmore aware of protecting the environment, and thus they'd like to buyenvironmental friendly products. If a foreign company want to have a marketshare in USA, it must concern about this subtle change of customers'perception. Instead of makinglow-price product to attract potential customers, advertising a product with ecoqualificationis a much more effective way to seize (grasp更加贴切) the market successfully. From the example, wecan see how big influential the events happening in the rest of the world canbe.(这段怎么感觉是某TPO综合写作啊)(哈哈,就是的,才写过可以用就直接搬了)
More importantly, some events even changes thethought and world value of somebody. Still taking the Wenchuan earthquake forexample(这里就不要总forexample了,直接单刀直入)(Stilltaking the Wenchuan earthquake 就可以了?)我的意思是直接讲故事。More importantly…..ofsomebody. My nephew grew up in a city2000km away from Wenchuan and his dream was to be an entrepreneur. However, afterthe earthquake, he switched his major to seismology, because he balabala继续展开 . 如果不加这个for example心里就不踏实的话,加了也无妨。这样改写的好处你可以看出来就是不需要纠结到底是用you,they还是we。给人的感觉还很具体真实。另外不要用businessman了,这个词太老土。用entrepreneur ,I know somehigh school students living outside to earthquake-affecting areas change theirmajors to seismology in the university. Maybe some of them want to be businessmenor politicians at the first sight, but an earthquake make them clear thatpredicting earthquake accurately to save more people's lives is exactly whatthey want. Thus, I can safely say their trace of life have obviously beenchanged by this events.(这个例子你改写一下,就说my friends changed majorbalabala的,他本来是什么major,梦想是business,但后来看了地震以后是怎样的。这样可以使得这个例子更加具体真实specific。你写起来也会比较容易)
From the reasons listed about (above), we can see the events happening around the worlddefinitely affect our life whether the change is conscious or unconsciou. We, human beings, interact with others.Therefore, we are inevitably affected by the events others made.