Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family than what is like before.
Whether families in the contemporary society can help to enlarge the potential for youngsters to become successful than it can do (删除)in the past is relatively a subject of discussion. As parents is spending a greater time and energy on the growth of their children, cosseting and spoiling also happened(时态) at the same time, which makes it hard for people to decide whether this change benefits or harms children more. However, if one considers the following reasons, he or she might recognize the essential help families have provided as I do.
To begin with, as the well-being and live standard has risen up in a considerably high velocity, with the increased average income, more money(more source单纯的money怎么体现前面的作用) is available for parents to allocate on the growing(growth) of their children. That is, children in present society are enjoying an unprecedented high-quality life judging from all the aspects such as education, physical health(fitness) and spiritual welfare. For instance, compared with the past generations in which children were even forced to share the family’s financial burden and worried about bread problem from an early age, modern teenagers can approach to (possess ,approach接近方法没有获得的意思)special-designed dinners, their personal laptops, and even chances to go abroad and have a further study. Hence, the material progress achieved by adults helps children to build a stronger body, to acquire a more advanced education, and thereby construct a better foundation for children’s future success. 全是长句子啊,读的让人喘不过气。。 Another widely realized fact is that parents are paying more attention to their children than before. To speak more exaggeratedly, the center of a family has shifted from making more money to(focusing on)children’s cultivation during the past several tens of years. The most persuasive evidence is from the education aspect. People in the last generation were satisfied with a degree of middle school. But now it is hardly to find a person who never entered university. The duration for children’s education not only extended, but also became earlier(持续时间变早了?有点怪). Even expectant mothers are busy with antenatal training(这个有点高级地说)in case their baby losses at the starting line. Not to mention the shocking large number of after-school activities that parents have arranged for their children.(我觉得这两句可以并起来说 No to mention the after-school activities, even expectant mother has prepared antenatal training for the cute nursery.) All the attention and stresses coming from families act as a catalyst for youngsters to success. 句子那个长啊。
Another equivalently significant part is that parents pay more attention to children than before. Specifically, the focus of a family has shifted from earning money to cultivating their children in the past decades. What the public understand profoundly is the collective (general) education. Compared to the generally (widely) accepted degree of middle school in the last generation, nowadays, a degree of college has been a basic revelation for an individual ability. Moreover, even expectant mother has prepared antenatal training for the coming nursery, not to mention burden after-school activities arranged to students. All these elements and conditions coming from families act as a catalyst for youngsters to success. Granted, family’s help is not the guarantee of children’s success. A bright future is based not on others’ urging but on one’s inner willing to make effort. For a lazy person who does not have the desire to advance, he would not success even if his parents can buy him an offer of Harvard. However, compared with the past, what parents are doing today undoubtedly provides a larger opportunity for children to be access to success.(what parents provide bestows their children more opportunity to get access to success)
Taking into account all the factors discussed above, I am fully convincing that, although it is not decisive, parents have done greatly more than the past and built a stronger foundation for children’s road to success. If anyone who still wonders the relationship between the increasing living condition with potential to success, who still doubts the attention paid by parents to children, and who still do not understand what has been brought by the great effort made by families, this passage is my answer.