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[梦之队日记] 【GMAT考试暑期FIGHT CLUB——BETTER ME!】已解散

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发表于 2012-7-31 21:46:25 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-7-31 21:54:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-1 03:33:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-1 05:40:41 | 只看该作者

OG12 105
Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.
(A)Beatrix potter, in her book illustration, carefully coordinating them with her narratives,
(B)In her book illustrations,carefully coordinating them with her narratives,Beatrix Potter
(c)In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives , Beatrix Potter
(D)Carefully coordinated with her narratives, beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations
(E)Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her narratives and

-- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/7/31 11:13:56)

(S1) BP carefully coordinated her book illustrations with her narratives.
(S2) In her book illustration, BP capitalized on her keen observation and love of natual world.
 BP共用,都做主语;book illustrations也共用,但一个做宾语,一个在状语中。我们要把两句合成一句,不丢失信息且无歧义,最后才是追求简洁。

A - 分词修饰本应比定语从句简洁,可惜本题已经有了一个修饰语,而且两个句子你中有我我中有你,用分词反而导致修饰关系和指代关系不清,产生歧义。首先我觉得them的问题最明显,它既可以指代illustrations,也可以指代her keen observation and love of natual world。其次就是OG指出的coordinating的修饰关系不清晰。我对OG中这段话的理解是,OG认为修饰语优先修饰在它前面且离得最近的那个名词,所以原句中coordinating的位置给人一种修饰illustrations的错觉(大家也是这么理解么?)。最后关于OG中时态问题的分析,其实我不太认同,因为假如要用分词,就只能用这个时态(不然的话,难道要用having coordinated或者coordinated?)。

B - 只是把BP提到最前面了而已,与A没有本质区别。

C - 其实我是读到这个选项以后才知道原句究竟想说什么的(就像baby姐说的,let the choices guide u),所以看完它的时候已经基本确定其为正确答案了~虽然用了一堆代词,又是her又是she,但是指代对象很清晰也很一致;which从句很好的解决的book illustrations共用的问题,结构清晰,一目了然。看来当两个句子的关系太纠缠的时候,还是从句比较好用。

D - 分词语态很明显的错误。

E - them依旧有问题。写成两个平行的动作以后,in her book illustrations明明只是后面这个动作的状语,却放在主语和两个动作之间,位置太诡异了,修饰范围错误。

发表于 2012-8-1 07:20:46 | 只看该作者

SC 50
CR 22


63. When hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then asked whether they can hear the hypnotist, they reply, “No.” Some theorists try to explain this result by arguing that the selves of hypnotized subjects are dissociated into separate parts, and that the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies.
Which of the following challenges indicates the most serious weakness in the attempted explanation described above?
(A) Why does the part that replies not answer, “Yes”?
(B) Why are the observed facts in need of any special explanation?
(C) Why do the subjects appear to accept the hypnotist’s suggestion that they are deaf?
(D) Why do hypnotized subjects all respond the same way in the situation described?
(E) Why are the separate parts of the self the same for all subjects?

62. In response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface. Mice infected with a herpes-virus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative disease affecting part of the eye. Since proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye closely resemble those on the herpes-virus surface, scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are caused by antibodies to herpes-virus.
Which of the following , if true, gives the greatest additional support to the scientists' hypothesis?
(A) Other types of virus have surface proteins that closely resemble proteins found in various organs of mice.
(8) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice contract herpes at roughly the same rate as other mice.
(C) Mice that are infected with a herpes-virus but do not develop keratitis produce as many antibodies as infected mice that do develop keratitis.
(D) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice survive these infections without ever developing keratitis.
(E) Mice that have never been infected with a Herpes-virus can sometimes develop keratitis.
发表于 2012-8-1 19:59:18 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2012-8-1 21:59:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-1 23:28:22 | 只看该作者




发表于 2012-8-2 07:21:34 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-2 15:36:30 | 只看该作者

SC 50
CR 22


63. When hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then asked whether they can hear the hypnotist, they reply, “No.” Some theorists try to explain this result by arguing that the selves of hypnotized subjects are dissociated into separate parts, and that the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies.
Which of the following challenges indicates the most serious weakness in the attempted explanation described above?
(A) Why does the part that replies not answer, “Yes”?
(B) Why are the observed facts in need of any special explanation?
(C) Why do the subjects appear to accept the hypnotist’s suggestion that they are deaf?
(D) Why do hypnotized subjects all respond the same way in the situation described?
(E) Why are the separate parts of the self the same for all subjects?

62. In response to viral infection, the immune systems of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by binding to proteins on its surface. Mice infected with a herpes-virus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative disease affecting part of the eye. Since proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye closely resemble those on the herpes-virus surface, scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are caused by antibodies to herpes-virus.
Which of the following , if true, gives the greatest additional support to the scientists' hypothesis?
(A) Other types of virus have surface proteins that closely resemble proteins found in various organs of mice.
(8) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice contract herpes at roughly the same rate as other mice.
(C) Mice that are infected with a herpes-virus but do not develop keratitis produce as many antibodies as infected mice that do develop keratitis.
(D) There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice survive these infections without ever developing keratitis.
(E) Mice that have never been infected with a Herpes-virus can sometimes develop keratitis.
-- by 会员 mtryshy (2012/8/1 7:20:46)

  这个argument应该理解成:被催眠者的听力分成了A与B两个部分,part A被成功催眠成了deaf(听不到,因此不能回答),而part B仍然能听到(能听到问题,因此能回答),并且这两个part是互不影响的。假设这一解释正确,当被催眠者回答can you hear的问题时,显然他用的是part B;而part B不受part A影响,即不会认为自己是deaf,应该回答Yes。题干实验中被催眠者的回答是No,与之矛盾。选项A正好指出了这一解释与实验结果之间的矛盾,起到削弱作用。

Verbal Rev 2nd-CR-62
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