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Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.

Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?

正确答案: C









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[原始] 滑铁卢了。。。不过记得一些题

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发表于 2012-7-15 01:21:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
唉 昨天滑铁卢了 below personal avg... 再考咯~

awa: an investment firm wants to invest in a pizza store, a theater, a music store in town A, because 3 other businesses in respect areas (namely, pizza, theater, music) in town B are making big money. Also, the investment firm plans to give discounts to customers who spend in two of the stores to use in the 3rd store.

IR: 1. 1920s-1960s 年代的jazz music销量, 按genre, label, 年代,歌手分
    2. 好多个国家的cellphone subscribers数量。其中japan 100, russia 100+, us 200, china 400. 问这四个排median 用户会出现在哪里。 然后问总体全部人是mean大还是median大
    3. multi-resource: tab1:theory 说蚂蚁会放激素提醒其他蚂蚁哪条路有吃的哪条路没有。如果把他们爬过的纸路调换,蚂蚁会爬去没食物那边。tab2: 有个科学家又做了这个试验 还加了control group。 靠 直接就相当于一篇reading。。。
    4. company A manager says his company is better, because in customer survey, majority said company A is "excellent", while in another survey, competitor B majorly received "good" .
     So a skeptic says, maybe two different scales are used in the two surveys.
从两个column里面各选一个证明skeptic是对的,manager是错的。 我选了一个company A scale 是半数是excellent,但是同时另一半给了poor。 而scale for company B, 纵然半数以上是选good,但是另外slightly less than half的人选了“excellent". 所以整体来说还是B比较好。

1. 有个10^6-32的sum of all digits
2. 大正方形被分成一个小正方形和4个相等的直角三角形,大边长5,小边长1,问三角形周长
3. b是不是odd: 1)3a+4b是even, 2) 3a+5b是even。  (具体数字可能不一定。。。不过就是两个相邻的数)

1. 森林曾经是carbon source, 因为被烧坏等等死的比生长的快,腐烂时候释放很多。 不过1920s以后,工厂排的多了,树吸收了好多carbon给自己生长用,growth rate明显上升(有题),所以就变成carbon sink了
2. 在美国盖住宅怎么避免地震?有个seismic map, 可以根据历史纪录估计个大概。 然后第二段detail说了下那些地容易地震以及如何算地震强度。 有说到locked的地块容易释放不出力,如果震的话会很伤血。反而是松松搭着的地块安全些。
3. 公司innovation ability的。 传统理论一说大公司,more resource, better ability.传统理论二说,大公司too much bureaucracy, 没效率 反而是小公司好。 传统三说, 中公司好。。。取长补短嘛 (汗。。。。)。 第二段, 新理论说, dont emphasize too much on size, instead, focus on willingness. 如果人家公司愿意创新,就肯定会去投入。 不过willingness depends on whether or not companies want to cannibalize their current investment, because new technology will certainly make current goods obsolete. (有个考点这里。)(挺巧的,之前的作文我也mention了cannibalization, 所以这篇的思路就很清晰)
4. 说考古学里面,有人不同意说鸟的祖先是某某恐龙,因为化石时间上不吻合。不过,后来发现了新化石,时间就吻合了。 又有人异议说,那种恐龙没有鸟的hollow bone,不过后来又挖到新化石了,就又证明了。 再有人异议说,鸟的lung和恐龙的lung结构不同,(鸟的适合高空飞嘛),这个目前还cannot say whether true or false, 因为没有相关化石。 有道题,我就选了lung。 还有问文章说明了什么,选了theory不一定是错的,只是化石发现时间比较慢。

1. 某国人太胖了,因为长期在餐馆吃。专家呼吁大家回家吃home cook,还推介了几本菜谱。问为什么不会减低肥胖率? 我选了说人们都习惯餐馆的big portion, 回家虽然菜不那么垃圾了 但是因为已经适应大份量了 所以还是吃很多。
2. 某国要控制烟民,就加even higher levy。 并打算用多的tax revenue去fund education。 问下面那个会使两个目的都达不到? 选了说烟草公司会推出低价产品。

昨晚去party了 喝了点,好多题都不记得了, 慢慢回忆再说吧。

最后,有个小问题,如果是要过3,4年才要申请学校的,是现在考个gmat放着 还是到时考好? 也就是说,学校会怎么看candidate3,4年前的成绩? 多谢。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 01:23:34 | 只看该作者

喔 对 时间

就昨天 7/13考的
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 01:32:42 | 只看该作者


--insurance company and gov't sponsored health care 都不包销使用新医疗设备的账单,所以少有人用新设备,所以它的好处就难以展现。 以此可推测啥? 我说new tech, new development will be discouraged

--医院里要人工采集皮肤样本做skin cancer test, 比较费力费钱。 一家大hospital 买了个机器,可以机器采集,而且一样精确,还省了不少cost。所以一家小clinic也想搞一台这个机器。问clinic要先收集什么信息再做此决定? 我选了个  whether they will have enough patient visits to recoup the cost? (大概这个意思吧,我rephrase了一下)
发表于 2012-7-15 03:19:30 | 只看该作者

发表于 2012-7-15 09:14:17 | 只看该作者
--insurance company and gov't sponsored health care 都不包销使用新医疗设备的账单,所以少有人用新设备,所以它的好处就难以展现。 以此可推测啥? 我说new tech, new development will be discouraged

--医院里要人工采集皮肤样本做skin cancer test, 比较费力费钱。 一家大hospital 买了个机器,可以机器采集,而且一样精确,还省了不少cost。所以一家小clinic也想搞一台这个机器。问clinic要先收集什么信息再做此决定? 我选了个  whether they will have enough patient visits to recoup the cost? (大概这个意思吧,我rephrase了一下)
-- by 会员 chensixu23 (2012/7/15 1:32:42)

Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.
Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?

A.Whether the visits of patients who require diagnosis of skin discolorations tend to be shorter in duration at the clinic than at the hospital

B.Whether the principles on which the machine operates have been known to science for a long time
C.Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does
D.Whether in certain cases of skin discoloration, visual inspection is sufficient to make a diagnosis of skin cancer
E.Whether hospitals in other parts of the country have purchased such imaging machines
is this one?
发表于 2012-7-15 09:49:57 | 只看该作者

Although many lines of evidence indicate that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs, some scientists remain unconvinced. They argue that theropods appeared too late to have given rise to birds, noting that Archaeopteryx lithographica – the oldest known bird – appears in the fossil record about 150 million years ago, whereas the fossil remains of various nonavian maniraptor theropods – the closest known relatives of birds – date only to about 115 million years ago. But investigators have now uncovered bones that evidently belong to nonavian maniraptors dating to the time of Archaeopteryx. In any case, failure to find fossils of a predicted kind does not rule out their existence in an undiscovered deposit. Skeptics also argue that the fused clavicles (the “wishbone”) of birds differ from the unfused clavicles of theropods. This objection was reasonable when only early theropod clavicles had been discovered, but fossilized theropod clavicles that look just like the wishbone of Archaeopteryx have now been unearthed. Finally, some scientists argue that the complex lungs of birds could not have evolved from theropod lungs, an assertion that cannot be supported or falsified at the moment, because no fossil lungs are preserved in the paleontological record.
发表于 2012-7-15 10:32:58 | 只看该作者
--insurance company and gov't sponsored health care 都不包销使用新医疗设备的账单,所以少有人用新设备,所以它的好处就难以展现。 以此可推测啥? 我说new tech, new development will be discouraged

--医院里要人工采集皮肤样本做skin cancer test, 比较费力费钱。 一家大hospital 买了个机器,可以机器采集,而且一样精确,还省了不少cost。所以一家小clinic也想搞一台这个机器。问clinic要先收集什么信息再做此决定? 我选了个  whether they will have enough patient visits to recoup the cost? (大概这个意思吧,我rephrase了一下)
-- by 会员 chensixu23 (2012/7/15 1:32:42)

Because visual inspection cannot reliably distinguish certain skin discolorations from skin cancers, dermatologists at clinics have needed to perform tests of skin tissue taken from patients. At Westville Hospital, dermatological diagnostic costs were reduced by the purchase of a new imaging machine that diagnoses skin cancer in such cases as reliably as the tissue tests do. Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.
Which of the following would it be most useful for the clinic to establish in order to make its decision?

A.Whether the visits of patients who require diagnosis of skin discolorations tend to be shorter in duration at the clinic than at the hospital

B.Whether the principles on which the machine operates have been known to science for a long time
C.Whether the machine at the clinic would get significantly less heavy use than the machine at the hospital does
D.Whether in certain cases of skin discoloration, visual inspection is sufficient to make a diagnosis of skin cancer
E.Whether hospitals in other parts of the country have purchased such imaging machines
is this one?
-- by 会员 linshenzi (2012/7/15 9:14:17)

发表于 2012-7-15 10:58:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-15 11:00:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-15 11:03:50 | 只看该作者
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